Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Film To Watch Out For - Black Dynamite

For more info - check here.


L.A. Lakers Slam The Denver Nuggets In Game Six - Return To The NBA Finals

YES! Bring on the Orlando Magic!


Sometimes Mimicry Is NOT The Greatest Form Of Flattery - God Awful Young Neo-Con Rappers

First, I absolutely dare you to listen to more than thirty seconds of this tripe. Second, it absolutely slays me that a political group that so strongly goes out of its way to express total contempt for people of color, but want to co-op their long-term historical art form to use to communicate their non-exclusive messages. Ain't that a bitch!


Since LeBron Didn't Make it To The NBA Finals - Enjoy Their MVP Puppet Duels Instead


Denver Nuggets Go Fishing And The Cleveland Cavaliers Have All Summer To Take Fake Group Picutres

Maybe both teams can get together and do both!


Friday, May 29, 2009

Crunk Ain't Dead...But Bling Bling In Hip Hop Clearly Is

I'm sorry, but I don't care if you have the money to buy this ugly ass thing in the first place, it's just a stupid ass waste of good money. Completely brainless.


Former Rep. Tom Tancredo Goes Completely Bonkers On CNN - Calls Latino Civil Rights Group "The Latino KKK"

If the GOP's plan was to attack Justice Sotomayor on her judicial record and philosophy, that plan has gone completely off the rails. Not only has the last few days been one of the nastiest assaults on a public official of Hispanic descent, it has also been one of the most disturbing attacks on people of color, particularly Latino folks.

To compare La Raza, the oldest civil rights group for Latinos to the KKK is absolutely disgusting, cowardly, and immoral. This same despicable charge has been leveled at the NAACP. This situation has quickly become a major blight on the state of race relations in America. You can't roll back stuff like this, it's a part of the American fabric. Shame on the folks that don't stand up and condemn these comments.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alert All Black Women Who Like And Love Black Men - Phantom Black Men Being Accused Of Kidnapping White Women And Their Children Again!

Post-racial world my ass, the old stand-by of blame it on a black man still works in the 21st century. The charges this crazy ass woman faces does not reflect the true damage of her false accusations.


L.A. Lakers Win Hard Fought Game Five Over The Denver Nuggets

Lamar Odom finally showed up and Andrew Bynum played decent for one half. Shannon Brown keeps paying dividends and that monster dunk over the Birdman was lovely. Derek Fisher found his jumpshot for most of the game, but damn near busted the backboard with a couple of mega-bricks. "The Machine" is still shooting like a busted ass toaster, but did hit one big three and Luke Walton contributed some good minutes when he wasn't fouling Melo. Pau Gasol was good, but still needs to turn it up a notch. Kobe only had to be mortal tonight, so let's hope he saved enough energy to be the "Black Mamba" for game six in Denver.


Pat Buchanan Spills The Beans On Affirmative Action - White Men Must Always Come First Or The System Is Rigged

See it doesn't matter who it is, if a white man doesn't come in first, something is terribly wrong. There is no such thing as an unqualified white male in the United States. And there is no such thing as affirmative action for white men....they have tradition. Poor white men, all us colored and women folks really need to stop picking on them.


The GOP Goes Competely Coo-Coo For Cocoa Puffs Over Justice Sonia Sotomayor

According to the wing nutty world of the GOP, Justice Sonia Sotomayor is practically sitting at the right hand of the Devil himself. They have just lost their damn minds. It would be scary, if it wasn't so damn crazy and funny. If this is what white folks are saying about this sista in public, what in the hell are they saying about her when it's just them?

She apparently eats the wrong things and that will affect her judgement.

She also apparently doesn't save enough money and that will affect her judgement.

And apparently it's too much work to pronounce her name correctly and that will affect her judgement.

It is clearly not a post-racial world because these racist and sexist idiots still have jobs, speaking platforms, and absolutely no shame whatsoever.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Senator Roland Burris Better Resign Before Someone Chisels Embarrasment, Liar, And Crook On His Self-Aggrandizing Future Gravesite

Senator Roland Burris has not had a good couple of weeks. He is truly putting the "D" in delusional and dimwitted.He should just shut the hell up and resign.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fuck Jonathan Turley!

Not only is he spewing this racist garbage on TV, he's questioning her "temperament" on his blog. This dude is seriously twisted. He is going to be on the news on every channel because of his remarks and he knows it. Let's not be fooled, Turley's agenda is completely clear, he's going to attempt to dismantle the many years of success and achievement of Justice Sotomayor's life with the ultimate white man's trick - discredit the woman of color by blandly stating she is not smart enough, has a funky attitude, and was only picked because she was a woman of color.

I have encountered academics like him throughout my career as a student and professor. They are the absolute worse, they pretend to be civil, but they are the nastiest folks you will ever encounter. I watch very carefully and run very quickly from any academic that is always talking about folks "intellectual" capacity. These are dangerous folks. They are always measuring intellectual ability by some weird scale that always includes themselves at the top or in the mix. Yet, not matter what, folks of color always end up at the bottom of their intellectual scales, not matter what they have achieved.

Watch and learn from Mr. Turley - his words are historically textbook in the rationalized racist and sexist smearing of people of color that dare to reach the heights of great white men. Tell me you don't have a sense of deja vu!


Despite The Early Racist Smear Campaign Of The GOP - Obama Makes The Right Choice For The Supreme Court - Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Learn more about Justice Sonia Sotomayor here, here, and here. I'm getting teary-eyed listening to her pay tribute to her mother for the sacrifices she made to raise and educate her. This is a truly gracious and brilliant woman, who does not deserve the racial vilification and sexism she is going to face over the next few months from the right. She has worked hard all her life and she deserves better. She has earned it.

Let's see how the Latino community reacts to the mud that is going to get flung at her. If they allow the GOP to smear this woman then they are really going against all that Sotomayor has overcome and achieved in her life. The Black community needs to get behind this nomination immediately. This woman will be an amazing Supreme Court Justice.

Update: I didn't even get this post finished before something completely racist got stated. Law professor and TV pundit Jonathan Turley just questioned Justice Sotomayor and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall's intellectual capacity - all in the same sentence. Damn!

No matter what a person of color achieves, you are never smart enough for white folks! Double "Florida Evans" Damn!

Update II:
Jackass Mike Huckabee reveals his true colors by smearing Sotomayor by getting her first name completely wrong. What did he call her? "Maria!" How racist is that?


The DVD Blues - Professor Tracey Is Completely Hooked On Supernatural

In addition to catching up on my reading this summer, I will be catching up on series television. Battlestar Gallactica, Burn Notice, Heroes, and Lost are all on the agenda. I am currently working my way through the third season of Supernatural. It's very enjoyable and imaginative. And I wouldn't mind hurting Jensen Ackles a little the dark...just us two...


Why Some Folks Need To Make Sure That They Get Eight Hours Sleep - Woman Discovers Jesus In A Cheeto - "Cheesus"

Lord help us!


Oldest Black City Hobson City, Alabama Struggling To Survive

Black folks need to pay more attention to their own history.


For The Record - I Hate Clowns!

Not Bozo, not Ronald McDonald, not nobody wearing make-up with a red nose and oversized shoes. I saw a clown this weekend handing out balloons to kids and I wanted to call 911 - "Creepy clown alert! Somebody help me!"


Monday, May 25, 2009

Pardon My Dust - Aunt Jemima's Revenge Gets A Long Overdue Upgrade And Update

I'll be working on the blog all week. I got sick of the old look. Let me know what you think. I'll still be posting in the meantime.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

The 2009 NBA Playoffs Are Truly Awesome!

I don't care who you are cheering for, the Western and Eastern conference finals are awesome. That last second shot by LeBron James in game #2 was jaw-dropping. I hated it, but I loved it. Further, I just love the way Carmelo Anthony is playing, I just hate the way it's killing my Lakers. And speaking of killers, didn't Kobe just murder the Nuggets last night? Ha! Ha! Cool! I need my boys to take the upper hand on Monday.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

First African American Picked For Top Post At NASA

Learn more about Charles Bolton here.


Friday, May 22, 2009

RNC Chair Michael Steele Is Completely Bankrupt As An Individual - There Is Nothing This Jackass Won't Say To Pander Favor Within The GOP

Michael Steele is officially a complete lying ass sellout. No wonder black people struggle in this world. Who needs to worry about racism and discrimination when you have your own people lining up to slit your throat for seven pieces of silver?


GOP Jackass - Conservative Radio Jock Tries To Prove Waterbroading Isn't Torture - He Lasts Only 6 to 7 Seconds

Can you say laughing my fricking ass off? LOL!!!!!!!This is why Sean Hannity and Joe Scarbrough keep running their mouths about waterboarding not being torture because that's safe. They don't have the balls to actually undergo what this numbskull did.

And didn't this fool learn from Christopher Hitchens. He did it all the way.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

If This Is Truly The New Hip Look For Black Folks - I'll Stay A Complete Square - Thanks

I can't believe that folks went out in public looking like this. How is it hip to be walking around like your entire closet vomited on you? And yeah, that's Kanye West looking like a refugee from a thrift shop that just knocked over a designer briefcase store.

And ladies, if your life absolutely depended on it - which one of these cats would you go on a date with and while they were wearing the outfit they are currently rocking? I dare anyone to pick the dude in the green jacket - I double-dog dare you.


LeBron "King" James Is Fricking Amazing!

Forty-nine points, six rebounds, and eight assists. That monster dunk in the first half. Those blocked shots. The fact he left every single bit of everything he had on the floor. You just shouldn't lose games after a man performs like that.


Whoopie Goldberg Tells The Truth About Glenn Beck - To His Face!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hold The Coronation - The Magic Break The Shot Clock And The Heart Of The Cavs By Winning Game One

This was a great game. Dwight Howard breaking shit up, Lebron James EVERYWHERE, and Rashard Lewis dropping three's. It was lovely.


L.A. Lakers Win Game One Of The Western Conference Finals - One Hell Of A Dogfight

Denver should have won this game, but woulda, coulda, shoulda, doesn't cut it in the NBA. Melo was awesome, but Kobe was clutch. Pau Gasol got off his ass in the last few minutes and made some huge defensive plays. Ariza was effective and Odom was weak, but overall the Lakers gutted out a very tough win.

One last thing - it's way past time for folks to realize that Carmelo Anthony is the real deal. He played his ass off tonight!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Professor Tracey Is Crafting A Summer 2009 Reading List - Any Suggestions?

For the first time in many, many, many summers, I will be able to get back to doing something I truly love - READING!!! I have an extremely ambitious goal of reading 100 books between June 1 and August 15th. Anything and everything is on the table - children's books, graphic novels, history, self-help, mysteries, cookbooks, westerns, plays, financial, hip hop, poetry, education, sports, religious, film, black folks, etc.........

I will post my list on June 1st and I will be sharing my progress and my opinions throughout the summer. Your suggestions are welcome and I will happily have a discussion with anyone that wants to join me in reading any of the books on my final posted list.

P.S. -

To Chris "Uncle Nat" Chambers - one of your damn books is already on my list, so don't say nothin' - ya' heard! Unless you're gonna send the shit to me for free! LOL!


Coming Soon On DVD - "Sleepy Eyes Of Death"

This dude is awesome! If you like Hanzo, Zatoichi, or Lone Wolf and Cub, you must check this cat out as well.


Dummy LaMont Award Winner - James Harrison Of The Pittsburgh Steelers

Mr. Harrison continues to fuel the stereotype that black athletes have no brains at all.


There Is Nothing To Debate Here - Maureen Dowd Plagiarized Her Ass Off And She's Going To Get Away With It!

When you lift complete passages from someone else and publish it as your own work - whether on purpose or by "accident" - it's still plagiarism just the same. I would fail the hell out of any student that submitted some work they "lifted" from someone else.

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times just got caught doing this very thing and she's gonna get away with it. Her excuse is complete bullshit that you have to be a complete and utter idiot to ever believe. I'm with this writer who doesn't believe her either. Dowd gets paid a lot of money and it bugs the hell out of me that she is so smug about bloggers while she's creeping on their writings.

She didn't even bother to make a decent attempt at an apology. Some folks never have to follow the rules.


Texas Governor Rick Perry Is A Big Fat Texas Sized Cow Patty Liar!

"I have never advocated for secession and never will." - Governor Rick Perry

Except when he did it here, here, and here.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Great Story Update On Ground-Breaking Black Racer - Willy T. Ribbs

Still blazing new trails.


Cartoons I Love - Chowder Cracks Me Up

The episode with Chowder's hand blown up to giant-size from the cream-puff machine cracked me the hell up! "Burple Nurples" LOL!


Laker Fans Get An Extra Gift - Boston Celtics Bounced From The NBA Playoffs



Sunday, May 17, 2009

L.A. Lakers Finally Dispose Of The Rockets - Up Next The Denver Nuggets

I'm glad they played hard because the Nuggets are looking awesome.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Horror Movie Themes I Love - "The Wretched Curse" - Coming Soon In The Film "Drag Me To Hell"

If you only could put a curse on folks.....some folks would be in damn trouble with me...but clear proof that curses work......sigh......


One Of My Readers Is In Big Ass Trouble - One Of Them Is Responsible For Getting Me Hooked On The New Battlestar Galactica

It's soapy and corny, but it's also suspenseful and crafty. The female twist on Starbuck is a tomboy's dream and the completely spineless and double-dealing Dr. Gaius Baltar is truly fun to watch. And that child that plays Number 6 is working it. She dominates the series like that actress that plays Joan Holloway on Madmen does. And that dude that plays "Helo" could get "it" if he showed up my doorstep.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Since The L.A. Lakers Played Like Uninterested Stiffs Tonight - Enjoy Something More Interesting - More Kobe And Lebron Funny Stuff


Why Women Will Never Gain Equality - We Always Have Plenty Of Women Willing To Sell Themselves For Little Of Nothing

The Lingerie Football League. Really? WTF? Where in the hell do these dumb-ass women live? You can't possibly make enough money to degrade yourself in this way. This is why women will never be equal. We have to many in our gender who are always ready, willing, and able to sell out every other woman in the world to make a quick exploitative buck.
As a woman who loves sports and makes part of my living teaching folks about sport, I take this kind of stupid crap very personally. It's shallow, sexist, and stupid. Adding insult to injury, there are women in this world that absolutely have no choice but to degrade themselves in exploitative work, i.e., stripping, prostitution, etc...because they have no other options. These dumb ass women are lining up to volunteer to make fools out of themselves. It's a damn shame!

It is virtually impossible to fight 90% of the men of the world and 50% of women over sexism and succeed!


Somebody Should Have Gotten Another Idea Before This One Got Lonely - Business Cards On Dried Meat

That's just nasty, baby!


"Push" Changed To "Precious" And It's Release Date Pushed To November


No Wonder This Dude Has Time For Dumb Ass Tea Party Protests!

Only the GOP would have a dude like this leading their "grassroots" movement. LMAO!


Told Ya'll David "Fozzy Bear' Gregory Would Destroy Meet The Press - Ratings Tanking Like The Titanic

I can't stand this cat. I won't hold my breath waiting on him to get the hook anytime soon.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Double XX Vs. Jezebel - White Feminists Beefing Online With One Token Woman Of Color Voice Tossed In To Act Like We're Actually Included In The Debate

I love it when white women fight over feminism. It doesn't really matter what subject they arguing about, the end result is nearly always the same. Feminism and feminist issues ALWAYS revolve about what white women think and do, to hell with the perspectives and realities of any other women in the world.

It's for this reason that I quit reading the majority of feminist blogs, for as much as they raised great issues and wonderful discussion, I was ALWAYS getting pissed off at the lack of openness and the continuing tone-deafness in regards to race. Not to mention, the absolute flat-out refusal of white women to ever accept that sometimes in the discussion of feminist issues, their behinds would sometimes be regulated to the margins of a debate, not the center.

Linda Hirshman was wrong as hell with her generational bashing and finger-pointing, but the ladies over at Jezebel didn't do much better with their snarky one-note replies. They all missed the damn point - that women, no matter their age, race, or sexual orientation, still have major issues when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of sexual assault.

And the other point, that at least white women get to discuss, debate, and argue, about how they deal with this issue, the majority of women of color are still grappling with the right to be called a victim of sexual assault in the first damn place. Desiree Washington, anyone? Her convicted rapist, Mike Tyson is still denying raping her and enjoying SYMPATHY from a new documentary on his life. Where in the hell is Linda Hirshman and the ladies of Jezebel on that issue?

And that brings me to sista-journalist, Latoya Peterson's lone woman of color voice in this discussion. I'm not knocking her opinion, but I don't get jumping to the defense of the ladies at Jezebel. They put their stories out there, I'm quite sure they would be fine defending their own words. White women have plenty of defenders even when their behavior should dictate otherwise. Could you imagine the same support for Miss California, if she was Black or Latino? Somebody else would have being rocking that crown....last week!

I don't think you should be telling any woman how to deal with sexual assault, it's a really personal issue, but when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of sexual assault paired with getting justice, finding acceptance and gaining support, women of color are still getting the short end of the stick. I would love to know if Ms. Peterson believes that two black women could actually get away with appearing on a public talk show, intoxicated and playfully recounting how they were sexually assaulted in their youth like the two young women from Jezebel did. I don't think so and that bothers the hell out of me.

That's why all women need to included in such discussions instead of having a pointless online beef that doesn't resolve anything or help anyone.


The Bubble-Headed Ethics And Morals Of Miss California Carrie Prejean And Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Governor Sarah Palin is jumping to the defense of Miss California Carrie Prejean. It's not surprising, they are both not particularly bright women and both don't might flaunting their sexuality to get ahead. And they are both welcome to their bigoted views about same sex marriage. What cracks me up is that they both think they are standing on the high moral and ethical ground here.

One poses semi-nude in topless photos, then repeatedly lies about when she took the photos and how many she took, but that doesn't stop Ms. Prejean from lecturing others about how they should live. And we are already way too familiar with how much Sarah Palin loves to bend the truth. For example, today she announced she's writing a memoir, but by the end of day, the truth is somebody will be writing the book for her. That's our girl, Sarah.

Governor Palin and Miss California - two pea-brains in a pod!


Cool Moments In Sports - MLB Player Steals Three Bases In One Inning

I love it!


First Lady Michelle Obama Was Working It At The White House Poetry Slam The Other Night

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! LOL!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Los Angeles Lakers Do What They Should Have Been Damn Doing Already - Whip The Houston Rockets By 40 Points

I was completely disgusted with the L.A. Lakers in game #4. And they ain't getting any props from me for kicking the Rockets' ass in game #5. This is how it should have been from the get go. The Lakers are messing around with Houston, when the Denver Nuggets are gearing up to give them one hell of a fight in the Western finals.


Awesome Nike Commercial - "Chalk"


Reason #465 - Why Harold Ford Jr. Should Never Be Elected To Public Office Again

Harold Ford Jr. truly pisses me off. Not only is he one of the worst pundits for the Democrats, he is one of the worst talking political heads on television. He is a wishy-washy class "A" phony. Nobody in their right mind is agreeing with Dick Cheney about torture except his damn family, but here comes the good ole standby sellout, Harold "I Go Where The Wind Blows" Ford Jr. Damn!


Reason #1 - Why Professor Tracey Never Ever Uses An Office Fridge!

If somebody's ain't stealing somebody's food or drink, they are leaving their food in there like they are working on a private science experiment. And who in the hell is that person on the job that keeps volunteering to clear out and clean-up the office fridge in the first damn place?


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