Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Join Professor Tracey On Twitter For Tonight's Presidential Debate

Tonight's debate should be extremely interesting. Will McCain look at Obama? I really hope that the folks in that town hall actually ask some real questions. Will someone ask McCain about his racist campaign tactics? Will Obama get mad and fight back? Who knows. As Governor Sarah "The Porch Light May Be On But It's Flickering" Palin said it all, "the heels are on and the gloves are off." Let's get ready to rumble! Go Obama!


Faith at Acts of Faith Blog October 7, 2008 at 4:01 AM  

Hmmm I want to know if any of these people are plants like during the primaries. I want proof that these are locals and not McCain staffers or paid hacks. We know how much he cheats and Brokaw is a friend.

Anonymous,  October 7, 2008 at 8:24 PM  

Apparently, there were over 1,000 questions submitted for tonight's debate. Out of those 1,000, Brokaw picked 15...hopefully, he chose some good ones.

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