Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cassandra Q. Butts Named As President-Elect Obama's Deputy White House Counsel

The day after white women's groups were whining about Obama not picking enough women for his cabinet, another woman was appointed to a position. Meet Cassandra Q. Butts. Looks like another high-powered "single" sista is going to be helping make President Obama look good in Washington, DC.

Please spare me any comments about the "single" part, I'm just stating the facts. I love that she likes fast, expensive cars and Obama needs to return that Miles Davis/John Coltrane album with quickness.


Anonymous,  December 23, 2008 at 5:36 PM  

Now PT, I know you know this appointment doesn't count for those women's groups. LOL. Just like they were silent when the sister sued NASCAR

Anonymous,  December 23, 2008 at 10:36 PM  

Right! They mean there aren't enough WHITE women in the appointments. WW- you have Hilary, now shudup!

tusk91 December 24, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

What ever will be finally said about Obama after his run as president one thing is for sure.

The Brotha obviously has a great deal of faith, respect and confidence in Black woman, because he is filling his cabinet with them.

I have lost count how many this makes now?

This has to mean something significant for the positive image of black woman in the generation to come.

I will say this, my own wife would be like "You seem to have an awful lot of cute single sista's in your cabinet?"(lol)

Anonymous,  December 24, 2008 at 9:40 AM  

Never heard of her - but she sounds like a bad ass woman!

Her quote from 2007:

“Barack has an incredible ability to synthesize seemingly contradictory realities and make them coherent. It comes from going from a home where white people are nurturing you, and then you go out into the world and you’re seen as a black person. He had to figure out whether he was going to accept this contradiction and be just one of those things, or find a way to realize that these pieces make up the whole.” — New Yorker magazine, May 2007.

...explains how Obama can pick a Rick Warren and a Joseph Lowery to be in his inaguration. More and more it looks less like pandering and more like the way he sees the differing opinions and complexities of our nation.

She rocks!

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog December 26, 2008 at 3:08 AM  

You know Susan Rice got married so you can strike her off the single list. I'm glad she's a brown-skinned sister because Obama was picking Black women who are light and bright - and that could not be a coincidence either.

Dr. Tracey Salisbury December 26, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

@Asts Of Faith -

I never included Susan Rice in the original single sistas list, I knew she was married, everyone else is not. I don't know about the light and bright part, folks don't have any control over that, plus Michelle Obama is not light, so I don't think Barack is colorstruck. My point is that high powered black women don't ever seem to have spouses, it bothers me.

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