"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" - Audre Lorde
These days Madonna's looking like Cruella DeVille on steroids with just a touch of the South Beach diet. This photo screams, "I'm a praying mantis." I just don't get it.
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I never understood the facination/ infactuation with Madonna. After she developed her fake British accent and has been accepted as doing so...I always thought WTF?
She really isn't that attractive. Now that she has children I thought she would attempt to clean up her act, but I'm still waiting...
he's after more than her body and can he conversate!?
he does not look real to me--spooky--
now for as you said praying mantis--lololo
guurrll, i never cared for her!
all the clubs would pump her music back in the day--when i was still clubbing--whew!!
she stole everything she showed in public--her music and moves...
TPT! and a reject barbie doll.
how old is that little boy?
i hope she does not get arrested! lolo--
i laugh--but its very sad to me that all this pretense to worshipping bodies!
always a sucker!
opps--made a funny--aahLOL
Madonna is still fabulous! Some of you may think of her as a cougar but the lady is bad!
Am I the only one that wants to know what happened to her and A-Rod?? And yes, as a Yankee's diehard although he's a dummy, I still like me some A-Rod.
She's women's answer to Salmon Rushdie.
Oh that's easy, Miss Tracey, FAME! And probably some money too. No one knew who this dude was until he did that shoot with Madonna and now that she's 'dating' him-we know who he is.
What happened with A-Rod? Guess the thrill wore off once they were both free.
I totally GET it. Madonna has proven to be the quickest way to fame for cats who are out there tryna be famous. Maybe dude knows her history. She's done it before.
Examples: I never heard of Leon (before the Just Like a Prayer video he did w/ her), Carlos DeLeon, (before he knocked her up), or Antonio Banderas (before she was crushing on him in her documentary).
Not saying they ALL laid her, but her connection made other people pay attention.
I think steroids are the only thing she and A-Rod had in common.
Tracey, thanks once again for making me laugh out loud. Praying mantis - I love it!
I'll return the favor if you want by sending you a blow-by-blow description of our latest office party. Take care ...
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