Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chicago Bulls Win Triple Overtime Thriller!

This series is truly awesome!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Go See American Violet - Help This Film Get A Wider Release Across The Country

Here is some background on this film and an interview with the real victim from the true story. The lead actress seems to be quite good. I am of course royally screwed because this film is currently not playing in the state of Indiana.


Sojourner Truth Honored By First Lady Michelle Obama



Pat Buchanan States The Competely Obvious About The GOP

"It is a heavily white party, quite frankly." Did this dude just figure this crap out? LMAO!


It's Official! - Michelle Bachmann Is The Dumbest Woman Alive In The Entire Universe


Professor Tracey Is Digging That New Maxwell

What do ya'll think?


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lakers Finish Off Jazz - Win Series 4-1

Bring on the Houston Rockets!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Young Chicago Bulls Win A Double Overtime Thriller Over The Boston Celtics

The Bulls may not win this series, but they have truly entertained folks!


Hate To Say I Told You So - Obsessed Makes $28 Million And Takes Number One Slot At The Box Office


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why The Washington Post Sucks - Blaming Obama For The Woes In South Carolina Instead Of Where It Belongs - At The Feet Of S.C. Governor Mark Sanford

The mainstream media is absolutely corrupt. How can a real journalist write an article on the financial woes of South Carolina and NOT ONCE mention the name of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford? How can the same article NOT ONCE ask or mention that Governor Sanford talked big time about rejecting stimulus funds coming from the federal government, i.e. President Barack Obama?

Does anyone believe that if the majority of the unemployed in South Carolina were white, that Sanford would have so quickly talked about rejecting funds specifically for the extension of unemployment benefits? Does anyone believe that if the South Carolina schools falling to pieces as I write this post were not primarily attended by black children, that Sanford would have so quickly talked about rejecting funds to repair these schools?

Does anyone believe if Governor Mark Sanford was governor anywhere but in the good ole boy deep South that he would even be considering running for President of the United States in 2012? Everyone knows that anywhere outside of the South with the exception of Alaska, Governor Mark Sanford would be facing constituents that were warming up the tar and plucking the feathers for his ass.

Sanford is a throwback to old school Southern politicians that only survive because they can afford to ignore the voices and concerns of black voters. And that only makes him a good old fashioned racist politician, not a qualified politician for the presidency. No matter how much The Washington Post tries to help him out.


L.A. Lakers Go Up 3-1 On The Utah Jazz

Kobe drops 38 on 'em. Gotta love it.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Are Black Women Doomed To Forever Having To Justify How They Choose To Wear Their Hair?

Oprah recently had to tell folks that she didn't wear weaves. I am sick and tired of folks worrying about black women's hair. It's the 21st century. I'm sick of arguing about bad hair, natural hair, fake hair, permed hair, good hair, wavy hair, nappy hair, and ya' mama's hair, etc.... Enough is a damn 'nough. It's time to shut the fuck up about black women's hair. It's not anyone's damn business how a sista chooses to wear her hair and that includes other black women!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Larry Summers Sleeping On The Job

Guess we ain't gonna get that roll-back of credit card interest rates anytime soon. Thanks Larry.


Interesting Film That I Will Have To Drive 50 MilesTo Find A Theater To See It


Thursday, April 23, 2009

We'll See It When It Gets To Theater If Ever News - Angelina Jolie Reportedly In Talks To Play Dr. Kay Scarpetta

I'm a big fan of these books, but I have always had shaky feeling about the author Patricia Cornwell. And for me, these books fall into the category of "don't make movies because you'll screw it up." Cornwell seems determined to have films made from these books. Years ago, she made a big deal about Jodi Foster possibly signing on and then Demi Moore actually bought rights to the first book, but nothing came from that. Jolie can get these books made into movies, but I'm not sure she's right for the part. Some books are best left alone.


Do Folks Like Phil Musser Ever Realize How Racist And Scary They Sound?

I amazed that dudes like Phil Musser get the chance to spew their stupidity on national television. Every single American individual that also happens to be a person of color should be horrified that this cat actually believes that he can "look" at people and know they are guilty and worthy of being tortured. What exactly clued him in? The fact that they were non-white and Muslim? Mr. Musser would have had folks getting bruised on a slave cruise back in the day.

Thank God, Lawrence O'Donnell was there to rip him to shreds. I loved when he told him that he had made a mistake, but he thinks he won't do it again in the future.


Shepard Smith Tells The Truth About Torture - Did Smith Forget He Worked At Fake News?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Scary White Folks Alert - Some Dude In The Ohio Milita Wants To Have A "Million Armed Militia March" In Washington, D.C. On July 4th

You have to see this to believe it!


L.A. Lakers Go Up 2-0 On The Utah Jazz

This was not a great game for the Lakers. They won, but they need to smash the daylights out of the Jazz to make a point to everyone else in the league.


Is It Me But Shouldn't Newt Gingrich And Rudy Giuliani Be The Last Folks Lecturing Anyone About Marriage?

I think both old Newt and Rudy need to treated immediately for hypocritical memory loss.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do You Know Who Wallace Terry Is? If You Don't You Should!

I'm currently teaching my students about Vietnam using Mr. Wallace Terry's work. I thought I would spread the knowledge and remind folks about Mr. Terry. Learn more about him here.


A Documentary Film To Watch - More Than A Game

Check out the trailer here.


Aunt Jemima's Revenge Receives The Splash Award

My blogging sista Miriam at the blog, Black Fire, White Fire, graced my blog with the Splash award! And it's truly appreciated! Following her lead, I switched up the award logo to reflect my own style. Here below is the actual award.

The Splash award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.

When you receive this award, you must:

  • Put the logo on your blog/post.
  • Award up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
  • Be sure to link to your awardees within your post.
  • Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
  • Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash award.

Using my personal favorite number of three, I pick three blogs I completely enjoy to be the next recipients of the Splash award -

Invisible Woman: Black Cinema At Large - I love this blog. This sista really loves movies and she is funny as hell.

DJ Black Adam's Blog - One of my favorite brotha blogs. What's not to love? He loves comics and has his own blog theme music.

Siddity - Angry & Black Since 1976 - I love this sista! I love the word siddity and 1976 is one of my favorite years in my life.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Why Am I Completely Hooked On The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack?


Hot Talk - Check Out The Latest What Tami Said Podcast On Black Feminism

This was a great podcast. Check it out!


Reason #455 Why Sarah Palin Should Never Become President Of The United States

Because she's too damn stupid or just plain pig-headed to understand her contradictory stance on abortion. You can't advocate taking away every woman's right to chose, but then turn around and admit that you, yourself had considered having an abortion. It doesn't work that way baby. You can't want to take away my rights, but enjoy the luxury of those options for yourself.

I also hate her making these kind of bullshit revelations because it's completely unbelievable. Palin is a zealot. She never considered having an abortion. She just pandering and that makes her even more scary. Abortion isn't a game, it's a serious issue and we need public officials who view the debate as such. Not as issue to score political points with.


Were There Any People Of Color At The Teabag Protests? And If There Were What In The Hell Were They Doing There?

Does the GOP actually think this kind of crap is a "movement"? I don't get it. Protesting against higher taxes when you actually received a tax cut. That makes no damn sense. And are we back in 1950s Alabama? I can understand protesting changes in the U.S. economy or economic policies of the President that you don't like, but what is it with the racist signs and the comparisons to slavery and the Holocaust? What in the hell does that racist garbage have to do with your protest? I'm not even going to get started on the portrayals of President Obama as Adolf Hitler. Is it that serious?
Do white folks ever play fair? I mean this is some ridiculous stuff going on here. White folks are not in danger of being enslaved or exterminated. Any comparison to the current economic issues of America to the horrors of African American enslavement and the Holocaust is damn insulting and completely idiotic. And it scared the hell out me looking at folks dressed up as Betsy Ross and other Revolutionary era characters. As a black person, I have absolutely no excitement about that era. My people were catching hell and sure in the hell were not free. Do these folks ever consider that reality when they are running around playing 1776? Somehow, I don't think so.And you know some people of color actually participated in this brainless mess. I wondered what they thought when they saw the signs and t-shirts depicting President Obama in the most racist and vile manner possible. Did they really feel they were "protesting" with like-minded people?


Professor Tracey Goes 3 For 4 On Day Two Of The NBA Playoffs

My L.A. Lakers smashed the Utah Jazz. The Philadelphia 76ers surprised the hell out of the Orlando Magic. The Atlanta Hawks beat the hell out of the Miami Heat and the Denver Nuggets beat the daylights out of the New Orleans Hornets. I will be looking forward to all of the second games for these series, even though the Hornets really disappointed me with their play.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Professor Tracey Goes 2 For 4 On Day One Of The NBA Playoffs

The Bulls-Celtics game was awesome. Let's hope the young bulls can keep the pressure on. I would love to see the Celtics get bounced in the first round. The Pistons looked absolutely terrible, let's hope King James and company sweep them quickly to put them out of their misery. I will not be watching any more of that series. The Pistons have no chance.

The Mavericks finally won a road game. I can't stand Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs and I really can't stand them when the only Spur I like ain't playing. I love Manu Ginobili's game and in my opinion the Spurs suck without him. The Mavericks looked very inconsistent, so this series is still a toss up. I won't be killing myself to watch any more of this series either.

As I write this, the Portland Trailblazers are getting their asses royally kicked by the Houston Rockets. Brandon Roy is the man, but the Trailblazers are looking out of their league. Jeff Van Gundy predicted a blow-out and he was right. I love the Trailblazers even though they have opened more than one can of whoop ass on my beloved L.A. Lakers this season, so I will tune in for another game in this series.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Da' Bulls Upset The Celtics In Game #1!

Derrick "Remember I'm A Rookie" Rose was simply amazing! A double-double, 36 points and 11 assists.


NBA Playoffs All Day Today And All Day Tomorrow - Absolutely Lovely!

Today, Professor Tracey is pulling for the following teams:

The Bulls
The Pistons (they have no chance, but I can dream)
The Trailblazers
The Mavericks

Tomorrow, Professor Tracey is pulling for the following teams:

The Lakers (I really didn't have to tell you that did I?)
The Hawks
The 76ers (they have no chance, but I can have two dreams)
The Hornets


Friday, April 17, 2009

NFL Legend John Madden Retires From Broadcasting

Football announcing won't be the same without him. Let's hope nobody gets the dumb ass idea to call Dennis Miller or Rush Limbaugh to fill his shoes. We've already been down that rocky road.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Professor Tracey's Pick For NBA Rookie Of The Year - The Chicago Bull's Derrick Rose

I love this dude's game!


Burger King Commericals - Where Washed Up Rappers Go To Retire

This has to be the creepiest mascot for a business. The king creeps me out completely.


I Love Lego, But Lego Jesus?

Interesting, but this strikes as the wrong thing to have in a church.


Now Isiah Thomas Gets A Chance To Screw Up A College Team - Poor Florida International University

I wish the man luck, but I pray for his future players. I have not really seen any attempt at self-reflection with Mr. Thomas. If you can't face mistakes you've made, how can you improve?


Oscar De La Hoya - The Golden Boy Retires

He might have fought one fight too many, but he had a brilliant and extremely successful career. Congratulations! Happy retirement.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From The What Will They Think Of Next Files - Slipper Genie

I'm sorry, but LMAO!


Professor Tracey Thought The Season Finale Of Saving Grace Was Awesome!

I'm sorry, but I have really gotten hooked on this series. It was really good last night! I can't wait for it's return in June.


A Special Dedication For Phil Spector For All Those Future Long And Lonely Nights In Prison

It's too bad nobody ever stepped up to snitch about Phil Spector's long history of threatening women with guns before he actually got around to finally killing someone. Maybe that woman would still be alive.


Neil Cavuto Shows Everyone How To Be A Racist Liar And Futher The Biased Agenda Of Faux News All At The Same Time

And I really don't get the point of him repeatedly referring to the fact that the Million Man March didn't have a million men in attendance. It was an extremely successful event, hate or love the overall message of the event. Attendance was estimated from 400,000 to 1.5 million people in attendance, no matter which figure you accept, that's a lot of damn people.

And I really don't get the absolute lie he is telling about Fox News covering the Million Man March when the news organization didn't exist at the time. What really kills me about these folks is that they are so clearly biased, but still they want to lie and act like they are not. What's the point? They are not fooling anyone.


Monday, April 13, 2009

The Devil Is In The Details - Arizona State University Struggling To Cover It's Ass In Obama Commencement Speech Flap

Earl Ofari Hutchinson makes clear the size and scope of ASU's hypocrisy.


Glenn Beck Will Take Break From His Comedy Show On Fox To Go On A Comedy Tour - Will Crying Be Part Of The Show?

I really have no problem with Glenn Beck. I don't watch his show. I just wish his fans understood that he doesn't have a news show, but a conservative comedy reality show, that's just not as good as The Colbert Report.


Not Getting All The Fuss About The April 15th Tea Parties - Wasn't The Entire Bush Presidency One Long Mad Tea Party?

I knew it would not take long to get around to burning books. Folks need to be very careful what kind of ideas they throw around without thinking, we have way too many unhinged folks in the world to start irresponsible protests without any real political focus or leadership.

And just an observation, how many people of color do you see?


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meet Bo Obama - The First Dog

It's a cute dog! Now will everyone shut-up about the damn dog and let them enjoy it!


Happy Easter Everyone!


It's Hard To Claim Being Christian And Wanting To Preach To Others When At The Same Time You Proclaim That The Nation Is "Absolutely Awash In Evil"

I will never understand these so-called conservative evangelicals. The hypocrisy and intolerance is mind-boggling with these guys. If you love human beings and if you love America, you don't say things like the entire nation is "absolutely awash in evil." No it isn't. That's just a ridiculous, unloving, unforgiving, nonsensical, pessimistic, and absolutely ugly thing to say. And Jesus Christ would have NEVER agreed with such a statement.


Friday, April 10, 2009

President Obama Needs To Tell ASU And Notre Dame To Go Jump And Speak At The Bennett College Graduation Instead

Notre Dame students and priests are whining about President Obama speaking at their commencement and Arizona State University doesn't think that President Obama is "experienced" enough to be granted a honorary degree to speak at their commencement.
And what truly kills me is if President Obama had only agreed to speak at commencements for historically black colleges and universities; say like Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina, folks would have been howling as loud as they could about how our President is disregarding the major universities.
No HBCU would be whining about the President of the United States speaking at a graduation and sure in the hell would not insult him by not granting him an honorary degree!


Life Is Truly Unfair And Cruel Sometimes - Nick Adenhart 1986-2009 (R.I.P.)

I'm glad his father got to see him pitch his major league debut. I can't stand folks who insist on drinking and driving, this dude might as well had a gun in his hand, he was that damn dangerous. Condolences and prayers to his family, friends, teammates, and fans.


Professor Tracey Loves Beer And Really Likes This Heineken Beer TV Ad


Dad Smashes Up Daughter's Cellphone Over $4,756.25 Bill For Text Messages

Why in the hell does a thirteen-year-old have a cellphone in the first damn place?


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wow! How In The Hell Did Texas Representative Betty Brown Get Elected?

I am completely amazed at how many elected officials don't think before they speak. This woman can't be that clueless about how racist she sounds. And I wish people would stop making racially-based cracks about people of color and then act all surprised when they get accused of being racist.


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