Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bastards Of America - Dumb Ass Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis Steps Down

Good! He should have been forced to resign over the Merrill Lynch deal months ago. And to hell with him personally, he's not hurting financially. Bastards of America - shanking their customers for years and years.


Lamar Odom Must Have Really Needed To Get Married To A White Woman....Really Badly...I Mean Really, Really Badly

This is modern love? Last minute pre-nup agreement, you let some gossip news/reality show network pay for the wedding, and your children don't attend the wedding? Wow! That's a major expression of love and family coming together.

It's stuff like this where black women get annoyed with black men. If Lamar Odom had met Khloe Kardashian as an ordinary woman on Miami beach with her ass hanging out, he would have called her a gold digger, but because she's famous for being on television with her ass hanging out, she's marriage material. Wow! Really?

And any black woman he would have met doing the same crap as Ms. Kardashian would have had his boys crying FOUL if he had dared to marry her after one month. I hope this works out for Lamar because if it doesn't this dude better suffer in complete SILENCE.

I really don't give a damn who folks marry, but I can't stand black men acting like they made a catch with white women pimping their own bodies and engaging in outlandish, brainless behavior on television to be famous. Between Lamar Odom, Reggie Bush, that grinning fool that married Hugh Hefer's leftovers, it's like damn dude, do you really think you got something there? It's like looking at Kobe Bryant's wife, I always wonder, what in the hell is she doing in her life? Once you stop being a baby making machine, what's left? Spending dude's money? That's progress.

All that money, travel, and opportunity and these dudes still end up with women with such little value and such minor contributions to the world, but I guess that's it anyway. There is only room to feed only one giant ego, so you pick someone with no dreams, no life of their own to follow you around. Damn...........

And something to make you think...........

Where are all the Armenian men that the Kardashian girls are running away from? I wonder if they ever introduce any of their men to their black women friends or do they even have any black women for friends? Funny that.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Professor Tracey Really Enjoyed The First Season Of "In Plain Sight"

I miss most television shows while they are currently airing, but my savior Netflix helps me catch up. In Plain Sight is quite good. It's funny, well-written, diverse characters, and ramps up my desire to visit New Mexico. The lead character is awesome, complex and totally messed up.

I sorry I missed most of the second season. I will be looking for the DVD release.


From The When Men Really Don't Think Before They Speak Files - John "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Maternity Care" Kyl

What gets me is that several folks supported this stupid amendment.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Enjoy It For As Long As It Lasts - The Oakland Raiders Won a Damn Game!

We can all be happy until next Sunday at least.


The Most Horrible Couple In Hip Hop!

Kanye "Baby Boy" West and Amber "Thang From Another Planet" Rose.


Yay or Nay - The Obama Dress?

I say nay, hell nay!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Not Only Is Rush Limbaugh Racist, He's Stupid As Well - Segregated Buses Were Not Really Segregated, Folks Still Rode On The Same Damn Bus Together

Does Rush Limbaugh really think segregating kids on buses is going to stop bullying and drama at schools in the 21st century? Jim Crow segregation worked because black folks were beatdown and afraid, it's not like that anymore.

And to use Rush's thinking, white kids don't need their own buses, they just need to opt out of riding the FEDERALLY FUNDED, STATE BUDGETED, SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, OBAMA PUBLIC SCHOOL BUS to school.

Problem solved.


Why In The Hell Do White Folks Continue To Believe That Black Folks Don't Work, Don't Like Working, Or Refuse To Work?

I don't get this one. I live in a predominantly white state, I mean WHITE. I see plenty of white people not working, getting public assistance, homeless, and PLENTY of hard-working white folks losing their jobs due to plants closing, businesses folding and moving. Yet, it never crosses my mind to say those people are lazy, they want a hand-out, or they just won't work.

And shocks me further that in the states that have some of the largest numbers of unemployed white folks, Ohio, Indiana, South Carolina, Kentucky, etc...... These are the main places where the most vicious racist statements against the President and black folks are coming from. That doesn't make sense. If a white person doesn't have a job or is having difficulty getting one, why would they think it's any easier for a black person?


Something I'm Not Sure I Want To See......Allen Iverson Playing Pro Hoops In A Memphis Grizzles Uniform

He's been my favorite player for years and I just don't want to see him on a losing squad getting ripped for his play and losing his cool. I would rather see him retired, waiting on his phone call for the NBA Hall of Fame.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hofstra Rape Victim Rants Story - Now We Celebrate Young Men Of Color Engaging In Group Sex Instead - What A Victory!

If the victim lied, she should be prosecuted, she just made it harder for the next woman. No one wants to see anyone go down for a crime they didn't commit, but I don't see much to smile about in this situation. Rape or no rape, this is still stupid, idiotic, and reckless behavior.

Why do we continue to celebrate behaviors in our communities that lead folks down the garden path to the legal system? If these guys hadn't been so willing to be number three or four in line to get some cheap sex, they would not have been in the position to get arrested for rape in the first damn place. It's still a question of character.

And for those of you jumping up down calling the victim a liar, lots of rape victims recant their stories. They blame themselves and take the fall. I wouldn't be surprised if she changes her story once again at some later date.

I remain completely unsympathetic to young men of color that engage in behaviors that end getting them on the wrong side of the law. If you treat a young lady like a lady, even when she is not acting like one herself, you will never find yourself on the ass end of a rape charge.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This Is What Naked Open Racism Looks Like In The 21st Century

I only have three questions. Why in the hell is this woman smiling? Is this woman so comfortable in her all-white setting, that she was unconcerned of offending anyone that was African or African American just randomly walking around in Washington, DC during her dumb ass protest march?

And why doesn't somebody find out this woman's name, where she lives, and make up giant posters of her grinning like an idiot over her blatant racism and plaster them all over her neighborhood, at her job, her house, her church, and the local chapter of the NAACP?

Just asking.


Gang Rape At Hofstra University - A Question Of Character And Compassion

This case is beyond disturbing. Reading the reports it sounds like these dudes were victim shopping. And did these meatheads really think they were going to get away with this idiotic, heartless, and brutal crime? I think the police need to be looking to check if these cats have done this before.

I know that many young men of color of struggling to find their place in the world, but it's stuff like this where they lose my sympathy. If you want to throw your life away being a stupid, uneducated criminal jackass, keep your stupid ass away from people trying to do something with their lives. Stay off college campuses raping folks.

I can't believe that young men in this day and age are so damn callous and cold-blooded. How can anyone be so willing to throw their lives away on something so ugly.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Megan Fox May Be "Dumb As A Rock" But I'm Going To See Jennifer's Body Anyway

This is why I don't read celebrity interviews, actors aren't the sharpest folks as a group. Megan Fox has a GED, what do they expect? She's gonna say dumb stuff because that's all that's percolating through that pea-sized brain of hers.

Don't get mad fellas, just look at her boobs like you usually do. And she's probably telling the damn truth about Michael "Ghetto Transformers Rocking A Gold Tooth and Spitting Ebonics" Bay's racist ass. Bay's not too hurt, he didn't fire her ass from the next sequel to Transformers.


Kanye West Goes Crazy At An Awards Show....Again....Beyonce Shows Real Class And Cleans Up Kanye's Mess

Maybe it's all those different designs in that boy's head that caused this latest breakdown. How much you wanna bet that Jay-Z is going to have a chat with this fool in the near future? LOL!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Professor Tracey Is Looking Forward To The Horror Flick - Zombieland


Just A Simple Thought - Why Isn't Congressman Joe Wilson Down In His Home State Of South Carolina Screaming "You Lie" At His Governor Mark Sanford?

It's truly amazing to me about what gets our elected officials all hot and bothered. Joe Wilson is shouting at the President over a complete and total lie (Wilson's own lie) - but he's quiet as church on clear violations by his own home state Governor. Funny that.


Serena Williams Has Breakdown At The U.S. Open - Loses Her Cool, The Match And Her Reputation As A Top Sports Professional

Serena blew it, plain and simple. The call against her was completely awful, but Serena's reaction was unacceptable. She's a role model and cussing out folks because you're losing a match is just out of line.

I am a huge fan of the Williams Sisters, but Serena just gave out what all the folks who hate them have been looking for. She needs to apologize QUICKLY and start making amends. Serena should damn well know by now that only the John McEnroes of professional tennis get away with this kind of behavior. She is going to be slammed hard and often. And I can't say she doesn't deserve it. The rules are always different for us, it's unfair, but it's the way it is.


Famous Photographer Annie Leibovitz Needs To Spend More Time Paying Her Bills Instead Of Snapping Photos Of Folks

Damn, Ms. Annie was clearly paying her bills when she felt like it and she clearly didn't feel like it often.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

From The Drunk As Hell Files - Another Strict Conservative Bites The Dust

When you're struggling to recite the ABC's, you're drunk as hell. LMAO! She still doesn't top that dude that was so drunk that he ran over himself.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

South Carolina GOP Congressman Joe Wilson Is A Classless, Ignorant, Rude, And Stupid Clown Who Owes President Obama A Public Apology Immediately

This guy is an elected official and can't conduct himself any better than this in public, during an official session of Congress, in front of the President, while the President is speaking. WTF? This fool should be wildly condemned by his colleagues and censured as well. What an asshat, shouting at the President like a three-year-old on the playground.


Another Fake-Ass Family Values GOPer Caught Out There - Michael "Spanky" Duvall And His Heidi-Ho Lobbyist Mistresses - UPDATE

Another lying-ass, creepy, cheating on his wife and kids, no ethics-having, so-called family values, right wing nut has been exposed for the hypocrite he really is. And this disgusting pig got caught bragging. Watch it! LMAO!!!!

Of course, instead of resigning immediately, this asshole is talking about "mistakes" and "privacy." That's not a surprise is it?!


Tyler Perry Really Needs To Stay Far, Far Away From Adapting "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf"

This is horrifying news. I have no problem with Tyler Perry directing an adaptation of this play, he's probably the only dude in Hollywood that can get this film made. I am completely horrified that he intends to adapt and write the screenplay.

One thing Tyler Perry has made clear in his successful career - that he has absolutely no idea how to present a black woman on screen that is not a blatant and old fashioned stereotype of either the loud-mouthed mammy, the slutty jezebel, the crack whore, or the long-suffering good Christian woman.

Not only is Ntozake Shange's most famous work extremely emotionally charged and culturally complex, much has changed for black women since the 1970s when the play was originally presented. Perry needs to understand Shange's original intentions, but modernize her views for a 21st century audience. I've seen nothing in his work that proves he has the capability to write a screenplay that will successfully achieve such a delicate balance.

There are all kinds of qualified sista filmmakers and writers that could be tapped to write this screenplay and capture the essence of Shange's work and the current state of black women in America. I would hate to see the legacy of Shange's signature work be crushed by the Hollywood machine.

Read Latoya Peterson's piece on this news and Alyssa Rosenberg's take as well.

Make sure to catch the early casting "news" - Halle Berry, Angela Bassett, and Jill Scott. All three of those names give me pause for different reasons, but I'm not going to snap on anyone until the final cast is named, but let me know what you think. I will say my first thought was, who's next, Sanaa Lathan, Jada Pinkett, and Gabrielle Union? LOL!

Only one thing is clear, it still sucks to be black and female in Hollywood.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Professor Tracey Says It Again - The Green Hornet Remake Is Going To Be Completely Horrible!

Ugly-ass Seth Rogan is not The Green Hornet and Cameron Diaz makes me want to hurl. What role is she going to play? And Bruce Lee just can't be replaced and the yahoo they have in his part looks like a clown.

And the ultimate kiss of death for this film? Nicholas Cage!!!!! Dr. Cranium himself! I haven't seen one of this dude's flicks in the movie theater in nearly a decade. All forehead and droopy-ass lips. Butt-ugly and can't act worth a damn. Remember The Wicker Man!!!!!!!!!

Next some Hollywood asshole will be screwing up my boy, The Green Lantern. They already screwed over Aquaman.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones Goes Down In Flames - Resigns Position With Obama Administration

Van Jones didn't understand basic politics, the higher your profile, the more people dig into your past and he had some basically harmless, but politically dynamite skeletons in his closet. The hard part is that the Glenn Beck assholes of this world will be crowing big time about their part in Jones' demise. Van Jones will be just fine, he doesn't need a government job to be effective. I'm hoping that he will now ramp up the heat even further on Glenn Beck and his minions.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Hip Hop Legend Roxanne Shante Turns Out To Be Nothing But A Good Old Fashioned Lying Ass Buster

I had a lot of respect for Roxanne Shante....keyword.....had. She's a damn liar. I have this woman on tape telling the big ass whopper of a lie that her record company paid for her college education and that she earned a Ph.D from Cornell. I had no reason at the time to question her truthfulness, I respected her and I took her word for it. It a damn shame that she took so many folks for suckers.

Adding insult to injury, she doesn't get why her lies are a problem. I'm quite sure she has collected a nice piece of change for speaking engagements at schools and colleges over the years, billing herself as "Dr. Rox" and relating her fake ass story, knowing damn well that she was lying her ass off.

I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. Roxanne Shante didn't write her own rhymes, but acted like she did, so it isn't surprising that she's claiming an education that she never earned. What an old school buster! Damn!


Clark Atlanta University Officials - Stop Making Excuses And Start Making Changes! We Can't Afford To Lose Any More Students Like Jasmine Lynn!

It's damn shame that students are not safe on their own college campus. The murder of Jasmine Lynn is just awful. I was disturbed to read the excuses and justifications being laid out by officials at Morehouse, Spelman, and Clark Atlanta. I'm sorry, but that is just lazy ass black folk bullshit. These three colleges should be calling a state of emergency and getting together to help improve safety on their campuses.

I just don't get it. HBCU's don't see to get moving on anything until after the damage is done and even then they move slower than molasses going uphill. They had a top quality student get murdered just because she had the bad luck of walking across campus when some fool decided to handle a disagreement with a firearm.

I've been on plenty of HBCU's over the years and I have witnessed folks sitting out in front of dorms openly smoking weed and strange folks driving and walking around campus who clearly are not students. I always found myself wondering, where in the hell is the campus security? Often times, you only had to check the campus cafeteria, there they were laughing, joking, and eating, instead of doing their damn jobs.

It's the 21st century, black folks need to do better and they need to work harder and faster. I'm sick of our people dying over preventable issues. Lock down that damn campus and protect your most precious commodity, your students!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Somebody Needs To Show And Tell Kansas GOP Rep. Lynn Jenkins What Happened To The Last Great White Hope(s) That Messed With A Black Man

And by the way Miss Lynn, saying you didn't read the resolution isn't a good excuse for your racism and stupidity.


Glenn Beck Is Still Crazy As Hell And Can't Spell Worth A Damn

You know this fool spent hours thinking this mess up! LMAO! Poor thing!


8 Kids And I Got No Job...Reality TV Welfare King Jon Gosselin Shows Us How To Make It When Times It Hard

Ah...the good life for lazy-asses and folks wonder why nearly everyone wants to be on reality television.


Sorry Bob McDonnell - If Michelle Obama Can Get Smeared By The GOP About Her Undergrad Thesis - You Have To Own Your Horrible Masters Thesis As Well

Sorry playa, I don't believe you...and I'm not the only one. Every politician lies their ass off and you're lying big time because you want to be Governor.


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