Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tucker Carlson Reminds Everyone That He Is A Complete Idiot - Stupidly Claims That Doctors Perform Abortions To "Get Rich"

Yeah know, he gets paid a lot of money to a complete ignorant jackass on television and in print.


Better Late Than Never - Crazy-Ass Racist Psycho Glenn Beck Is Starting To Scare His Fellow White Folks....A Lot!!!

Batty, completely loony tunes, no logic required open racism scares the shit out of most white folks in the 21st century. And Glenn Beck is falling off the cliff crazy with an overdose of lunatic fringe hatred of minorities, particularly black folks.

He has no boundaries and will say anything. And it is truly starting to scare white folks. Every human being possesses some amount of self-preservation and Glenn Beck's type of insanity makes clear to other white folks that he would easily turn on them with the same craziness. Just like he did recently on a caller to his radio show.

White folks are beginning to sense that Glenn Beck is inches away from saying something beyond the realm of humanity, something they can't imagine or explain away. See here, here, here, here, here, here and here.


Let's Hope Nobody Asks President Obama About The Boston Cop That Was Just Put On Suspension For Calling Dr. Gates A "Jungle Monkey" In Mass E-Mailing

Meet soon-to-be-ex Boston Officer Justin Barrett. He is going to get fired with major quickness. This is another cop with "extensive" anti-racial profiling training. I would love to sit through this course because apparently cops taking this course are missing something.

This is scary and stupid all at the same time. It's stupid to send e-mails with racial slurs if you are a police officer and it's damn scary that this dude has a badge and a gun and thinks it's okay to mace public citizens if you raise your voice with them.

Sounds like abuse of power to me, but I have dealt with so many apologists over the last few days, I imagine some folks will be okay with our police having these kind of ideas, particularly in minority neighborhoods.

And somewhere in my hometown of Los Angeles is a very, very, dangerous police officer. A Mark "Mr. Nigger" Fuhrman/Rodney King Beating type officer waiting to explode. And speaking of Mark "I Retired Before I Got Fired" Fuhrman, he went AWOL from whatever KKK compound he is residing in Idaho to share his great knowledge on the subject of the "myth of racial profiling" to Faux News.

Houston, we still have a problem here.


Senator David Vitter Should Never Use The Word "Values" EVER Again

David Vitter should never let the word "values" fall from his lips. Ever. Anytime he uses that word, somebody, anybody, EVERYBODY should remind him quickly that he was a regular JOHN for a hooker and that he should be in jail instead of in the senate.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Hate AT&T.....But That Mary J. Blige Commercial Is Red Hot!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Somebody Is Lying - "Keep The Cars Coming" - How Many Cambridge Police Are Needed To Deal With One "Belligerent" Black Man?

The more that comes to light with this bogus Skip Gates arrest, the worst it gets. Sgt. Crowley needed multiple police cars to respond to the scene of a non-robbery, a non-burglary, a non-break-in? What exactly were the extra officers for - too intimidate Dr. Gates perhaps?

The 911 caller sounded unsure about what she saw and clearly was reporting information from a third party. And good old stand-up guy Sgt. Crowley has now been contradicted by his own witness about who mentioned "race" first. Somebody is lying.

The 911 caller mentions luggage - "suitcases" - Crowley said "backpacks" in his official report - what taxi driver wears a backpack when driving? Somebody is lying. And what did Crowley think happened to the other man since he only encountered one man on the scene when he arrived? The disappearing accomplice - a taxi driver that performs magic robberies on the side? Somebody is lying.

And this quote from Crowley troubles me greatly -

"I'm up with a gentleman, says he resides here, but was uncooperative, but keep the cars coming." Keep the cars coming for what? A seasoned trained officer like Crowley needed help with an angry and upset citizen? Sounds like to me Sgt. Crowley was intending to arrest Dr. Gates and wanted witnesses.

I'm with Andrew Sullivan, John Ridley, and Maureen Dowd on this one.


No Wonder Michigan Is Falling Apart - Rep. Thaddeus McCotter Is A Damn Idiot Wasting Time In D.C. With Pointless Resolutions

Thaddeus "Dr. Cranium-Head" McCotter is wasting time offering a resolution to make President Obama apologize to the Cambridge Police in MASSACHUSETTS. Did this numbskull forget he represents the state of MICHIGAN that currently enjoys 15% unemployment? This dude is the poster child for what is wrong with American politics. Instead of working on real issues, he's getting involved in pointless crap like this.


Sarah Palin - Incoherent, Idiotic, And Irrational Until The Very Incomplete End

She just couldn't help herself. It is a remarkable skill to be able to criticize people, all the while forgetting that you have quit your job at the half-way mark, leaving your state swirling the bowl in debt and chaos.


Professor Tracey Is Looking Forward To Seeing The Collector This Weekend

I am swamped this upcoming weekend, but I am determined at some point to blow off some steam with dinner and a movie. Not sure where dinner will be, but the movie is The Collector. There will be a little tiny drink or two tossed in as well.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Harper's Island - Awesome Idea, Horrible Execution And Dumb Ass Conclusion

Harper's Island started off with such a great idea and it was all downhill from there. Horrible acting, stupid writing, predictable, cliched ending. You can watch it for free download on your Netflix membership and that's too much of a price to pay. Awful, pure boo-boo.


Friday, July 24, 2009

No Wonder Michigan Is Falling Apart - Rep. Bart Stupak Is A Damn Liar - Claims He Doesn't Know Anything About "C" Street Even Though He Lives There

No wonder Michigan is in trouble, it's politicians are just delusional. Tell bald-faced lies with a straight face, it doesn't matter that your lie will come back to smack you in the face like a boomerang.


If Tennessee State Senator Paul Stanley Ain't Living On "C" Street...He Should Be! Another Freaky Ass Senator Gets Caught With His Pants Down

First of all, this dude has to be packing below the belt because he is ugly as homemade sin. Second of all, this dude is beyond a hypocrite, he's a complete damn phony of the first order. Third of all, he should resign and disappear forever, but of course he's too much of an asshole to do that.


You're Following These People? - The "Legal" Minds Of The Birther Movement Have Very Shaky Connections With The Law

This is funny as hell. Turns out the folks doing all the "legal" work behind the birther movement have some very shady credentials when it comes to the law. One guy has been disbarred in three different states, another dude has been forced to pay fines for legal malpractice and the head kook in charge, Orly Taitz (pictured above) has a law degree from an ONLINE correspondence school.

This woman immigrated to America in 1987 and has a law degree from a diploma mill and she's questioning the citizenship of an American citizen, a man that has a law degree from Harvard? I can't begin to fathom how many ways this is wrong as hell.

You really have to hate the fact that a black man is President of the United States to follow such completely phony folks as these people.


Best-Selling Writer E. Lynn Harris Dead At Age 54

This is really sad news. He was a great writer. He created characters that other people would not and he gave them voices that reached across numerous cultural lines. He will be missed.


The Republican Party And The Conservative Movement Is In Bigger Trouble Than Everyone Believes If Convicted Felon G. Gordon Liddy Is Representing Them

You have to see this segment to believe it. It's proof that if President Obama went door to door of every nutcase in the birther movement with his "long-form birth certificate" IT WOULD NOT MATTER ONE LICK! The birther movement is a racist movement that HATES the fact that a black man is President. Thank you G. Gordo for the clarity.


Heard It All Before...I Sent The Racist E-Mail...But I'm Not Racist....I Did Something With Black Folks....Once

After the mainstream media semi-latched on to his racist stupidity and folks started calling the two hospitals that he works at - Dr. David "Obama As Witch Doctor Is Funny Stuff" McKalip is apologizing and trying to prove he's not a racist. Too late, MF! And saying you worked with little black kids one time only makes it worst.

I say keep the pressure on. Saying sorry doesn't fix it. He insulted in the most vicious manner the first black President of the United States and two entire ethnic groups in one nasty racist swoop. This fool is supposed to be a doctor - he took an oath to show care and compassion for people. He should resign his medical positions if he is more interested in supporting the Tea Party Movement and being against health care reform.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

The One True Failure Of The Dr. Skip Gates Saga - The Cop Who Arrested Him Failed To Exhibit What We Count On All Policemen To Possess - Good Judgment

Sgt. Crowley, the officer that arrested Gates is now speaking out. I'm not going to call the man a racist, but his explanations don't hold water. He's a veteran in law enforcement. I find it hard to believe that in his long career that he has not been cussed and cursed from top to bottom by every kind of individual God ever created. He surely has not arrested everyone that ever cussed him out or raised their voice. I hope.

Where were his community policing skills? Where was his many years of racial profiling training? If he was so well-trained he should have known in an instant that he was not looking at a burglar or robber. If he was so well-trained, why didn't he recognize that he was dealing with a frustrated and irate old man who was angry about his difficulties of getting into his own home and being falsely accused of a crime at the same time. Where was Sgt. Crowley's compassion? His sound judgment?

Sgt. Crowley's job is hard, he must deal with difficult people everyday, but you don't arrest people for being difficult. Instead of running around telling folks you're not a racist because you once tried to save the life of a famous basketball player (which is part of your damn job in the first place whether the victim is black or white) - admit the truth, Dr. Gates was loud and challenging, got on your damn nerves, you didn't like his behavior and you arrested him. Admit you're human, apologize, and move on.


Can Any Republican Disagee With President Obama Without Resorting To Racist Tactics? The Latest Racist Smear - Obama As African Witch Doctor

The latest in the stupid and racist e-mail "parodies or jokes" (as white folks love to call their open displays of racism) is beyond the pale in terms of racial stereotypes, racial insensitivity, and complete disrespect of the President and his office.

It is quite clear that white Americans within the Conservative party cannot engage in political discourse without equally engaging in racism against their opponents of color. It is also equally clear that white Americans within the Conservative party do not believe in Democracy. Instead of clearly stating that they disagree with President Obama's policies, over the last six months the American public has been bombarded with racist e-mails, racist statements, attacks on Obama's American birth right, heritage, and culture.

The First Lady has been openly and repeatedly attacked with racial epithets as well and for all the GOP's whining about Sarah Palin and her family being attacked, a recent vicious attack was leveled on Malia Obama for wearing a t-shirt that apparently conservative white folks didn't like, was completely overlooked. We may have a black president, but we clearly still have a racist nation.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When In The Hell Exactly Is South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Going Back To Work?

I'm simply amazed at the state of politics in this country. Clearly the state of South Carolina currently has no working Governor. Mark Sanford has not been back to work on a consistent basis since he got caught creeping on his wife back in mid-June. He's been doing nothing but traveling with his family since. What in the hell is that?

I thought when you had personal or family problems on the job, you either took a leave of absence or you resigned. You don't keep collecting a check and not working. South Carolina is another state that is swirling the bowl financially and their Governor is AWOL.....again. Wow!


Professor Tracey Will Be Skipping CNN's Black In America - Part II - Sorry Soledad

Ya'll can watch if you want to. I got a seriously strong feeling that if I watch, I will be compelled to write a post entitled - "Fuck Soledad O'Brien - Part II." Been there, done that already.


No Wonder Sarah Palin Needed To Attend Multiple Colleges To Get One Degree - The Woman Can't Write Worth A Damn

Vanity Fair corrects Sarah Palin's resignation speech. This is funny, but sad as hell as well. Only in America do we reward and celebrate a shocking lack of basic intelligence and basic educational skills such as reading and writing.


The Racist Insane GOP Birther Movement Goes Mainstream With Lying Ass Liz Cheney, Looney Lou Dobbs, And A Few Worthless Ass Right Wing Politicians

We all know that Liz Cheney is a world-class liar and opportunist, so her actions are not surprising. Joan Walsh takes Lying Lizzie to the woodshed on this issue. Check out her bitch-ass walk back of her crazy-ass comments now that the sun is up on her night time rantings on Larry King.
And this House Representative should resign after getting completely crushed on Chris Matthews. He looks and sounds like a complete idiot. California is swirling the bowl and this meathead is spending his time on this worthless crap.

CNN's Rick Sanchez tried to balance out the racist and crazy stupidity of his network colleague Lou Dobbs by re-presenting the already proven evidence that President Obama in fact was born in the United States.

As much as I applaud sane, intelligent people trying to help with this non-issue - they only succeeded in proving that crazy, racist, and stupid people can't be convinced of anything that does not suit their personal agenda to believe.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rachel Maddow Corrects The Record On Pat Buchanan's Racist And Sexist Rants But She Fails To Understand The Real Problem

I have to give Rachel Maddow a lot of credit for correcting the outrageous lies and exposing the racism, sexism, and hypocrisy of Pat Buchanan. Clearly enough dust was kicked up by her viewers and she responded. That has to be commended and acknowledged.

With that said, Maddow clearly missed the point about much of the anger and disappointment that her viewers were feeling after Buchanan's sideshow performance. You didn't need a college degree to know that Pat Buchanan was telling some wild-ass whoppers and making some XXL-sized, KKK-endorsed, racist ravings. Once that crap has been tossed out into the air, it's out there forever, correcting the lies doesn't change that fact.

The real problem is that a dude like Pat Buchanan is getting paid six figures plus to spew his white supremacist ideology on national television. The real problem is that Rachel Maddow felt that she needed this dude on her show in the first damn place. And I really didn't get the impression from Maddow's segment this evening that she will not avoid having Buchanan on her show in the future and that's a real damn problem for me.


Read A Book - "The Family" - Exposing The Bible-Thumping, Bull-Shitting, Bogus, Boot-Knocking, GOP Bad Boys Of "C" Street

Only in America! These "elected officials connected to "C" Street are nothing but a secret white supremacist organization with strange cult-like views of religion and privileged political power. The Christian Mafia? Could you imagine a group of folks of color calling themselves that name and getting away with it? White politicians are still freaking out over folks of color being members of NAACP or La Raza. Talk about putting the "H" in hypocrisy.

Folks of color don't need affirmative action, we need a wrecking ball to knock down that house on "C" Street.
We can't compete with the white version of affirmative action - cheat on your wife, lie about everything, pay off people, forget about doing the job you were elected to do, and don't resign when you get caught, just start talking about Jesus and everything is cool. Wow!

The funny part is despite all their privileged opportunities, the money, the political power, anything and everything, all these men are still too damn stupid, too damn incompetent, and too damn arrogant to stop from embarrassing themselves publicly over the oldest thing in the world, a piece of ass. Damn, how weak is that?


Monday, July 20, 2009

Why A Ph.D. Don't Mean A Damn Thing When You Are Black - Harvard Professor Skip Gates Arrested For Breaking And Entering.....Into His Own Damn House!

Ain't this a bitch? Post-Racial America my ass!

I bet Dr. Gates wants to know which one of his "good neighbors" failed to recognize him and called the po-po on his ass instead.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Since He Was Supposely Talking To Us, What Do Ya'll Black Folks Think About President Obama's Speech To The NAACP?


Thursday, July 16, 2009

If MSNBC Can't Quit Racist And Sexist Asshole Pat Buchanan, Maybe It's Time Viewers Quit MSNBC - Starting With The Rachel Maddow Show

I completely understand that Pat Buchanan's role on MSNBC was to be the right wing nutzo conservative voice, but he has moved completely beyond that role long ago. He's just plain nasty and disrespectful. He's nothing but a white supremacist with a mainstream news platform. It's disgraceful and disgusting.

It's time for MSNBC to cut him loose or it's time for a boycott of MSNBC news shows that continue to give this racist and sexist man a platform to spew his bile.

Buchanan's insanely racist and sexist rantings on the Rachel Maddow Show last night was stunning not only in it's viciousness and ignorance, not just with the completely dishonest and baseless attacks on Judge Sonia Sotomayor, but in it's complete naked hatred and contempt of any Americans who are not white.

Flat-out ugly, free-form, racial hatred on open display on national television, we might has well been watching a KKK convention speech live. All that was missing was the use of plain old fashioned racial slurs like "nigga" or "wetback" because it was clearly obvious that Buchanan would have no trouble making that switch on a dime.

I was not impressed with Rachel Maddow's feeble response when she actually managed to get a word in. Does Maddow have a damn clue who in the hell her audience actually is? As a woman of color, I don't want to tune into the "progressive" Rachel Maddow Show and get exposed to disgusting racialized vomit of a Nazi lunatic like Pat Buchanan. This is not the first time, Maddow has had this experience with Buchanan. I don't get why she would insist on having him on her show.

The bottom line is just this - It's time for MSNBC to cut him loose or it's time for a boycott of MSNBC news shows that continue to give this racist and sexist man a platform to spew his bile.


Chip Pickering - Another Member Of The White Males Only Christian Conservative Wife-Cheating Ass "C" Street Crew

This dude has five kids and he was still creeping. Damn! These political wives really need to re-think this Stepford wife business, they are getting played big time by these ugly-ass men. And this dude is giving up his career and his family to get with his mistress.

And somebody needs to start blowing up this "C" Street secret group of white conservative senators. Apparently if you are a member of this house, cheating on your wife and family is perfectly acceptable. Ensign, Sanford, now Pickering. Not to mention Senator Colburn telling folks to pay off the family of Ensign's mistress. Dinner must be very interesting at that house.


The Devil Came Down To Georgia And Stayed....Former Senator Zell Miller, Gorilla Glue And President Obama

Gorilla Glue? WTF? Between Zell Miller and Senator Sessions you would think the year is 1959, not 2009. And who in the hell is this dude to the the President to stop traveling? We had eight years of President Bush, who spent more time on VACATION than he did WORKING as the President, but this nutzo is criticizing the current President for working and traveling? Lawd, Jesus take the wheel!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is Lamar Odom's Tailor And Agent The Same Dumb Ass? Is Lamar Odom Trying To Copy Trevor Ariza's Stupidity Or Is It Just Too Much Candy On The Brain?

If Lamar Odom wants to stay with the Lakers, he's sure not acting like it. He gets a damn good offer from the Lakers and he doesn't respond at all. What the hell? And he's taking the calls of the Miami Heat and the Dallas Mavericks. Is he serious?

Lamar Odom has already made a lot of damn money in the NBA, his final years should be about his NBA legacy. Right now he is not a hall of fame candidate. Hell, Lamar Odom ain't even an all-star. If he wins two or three more titles, he writes his own historic ticket. Greed ain't good you dummy.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Academia Sucks - Alberto "I Can't Recall" Gonzales To Be Paid $100,000 To Teach One Class By Texas Tech

This man does not possess a Ph.D. He is not a college professor and resigned in disgrace from his last job, but Texas Tech is going to pay him the one year salary of a full professor ($100,000) to teach one class with no more than 15 students. WTF!!!!!!!!!

Real academics with doctoral degrees, years of teaching and scholarship under their belts are losing their jobs and Texas Tech is paying this lying creep $100,000 to teach some bullshit Poly-Sci seminar.

This is a major slap in the face for people who have gone through the hell of the dissertation process and to the people that teach have some failed government stooge get a soft payday because he can't find work anywhere else is disgusting. Damn! Florida Evans Double Damn!

And I was already pissed at this asshole for remarking that Judge Sonia Sotomayor had to "explain herself" to the GOP. Really? Does he mean like he explained himself to Congress? Mr. Memory Loss, himself? Who are these people?


HBO's True Blood Is Like A Day Old Pastry - A Combination Of A White Trash Delight And Black Ghettolicious Treat You Can't Resist

I just started watching the first season of True Blood. I can't say I'm buying into all the hype around this show. At this point I am finding it mildly amusing. I think the lead couple is the most unattractive and unsexy vampire/mortal hook-up in Hollywood history.

The show is a collection of every white trash, redneck, hillbilly stereotype and every black ghetto, signifying, Ebonics speaking stereotype ever created in nature. And I am definitely not feeling the smart-mouthed black girl pining after the brainless dirty white boy storyline.

With that said, there is something about the show that makes you want to least the first season. I cut my HBO a loose when The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency finished it's run and if it's not renewed, I ain't renewing my HBO. So, True Blood will always be a DVD series for me.


What's Scarier Than Sarah Palin? The Thought Of Lying Ass Liz "My Daddy Doesn't Torture" Cheney Running For Office

Not only is Liz Cheney a better liar than Sarah Palin, she's a chip off the old block. She will say anything to make her nearly always untruthful point.

And she is absolutely frightening because she has the hooks to get elected. The only government jobs she has held have come because her daddy arranged it and it won't be much of problem to get her elected with his money and contacts.

And it's truly a double nightmare because Liz Cheney loves being on television. Can you imagine years of looking at her with that stupid hair pushed behind her ear, that grating voice, and those over-priced designer duds that look more like the neon flaming flamingo line at Target.

Folks need to keep one eye on Sarah Palin and another on Liz Cheney.


Maybe It's Just Time To Kick Somebody's Ass - More Youthful GOP Racism

What kills me about this stuff is these folks would never say this mess in the company of people of color, but when they think it's just them.....boy, does diarrhea of the mouth set in.

And it's too damn funny that these folks are too damn stupid to realize that Facebook and Twitter ain't private.

I really hate to say it but these over privileged folks are forgetting it's 2009 not 1959. One of these chicken-shit yahoos is going to say the wrong thing in the wrong company and end up on their back looking at the ceiling and wondering how they got there.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Meet Dr. Regina Benjamin - President Obama's Pick For Surgeon General

Here's one bio on her. The trolls are already spewing racist and sexist comments on the Huff Post announcement. It doesn't matter she seems truly awesome.

I'm sure the GOP will find some way to turn a dedicated public servant into some kind of uneducated, racist monster, but don't fall for the Jedi Mind Tricks folks.

Dr. Benjamin has seen tough times just like Judge Sonia Sotomayor and she's not afraid of the challenge ahead. Let's support her on her journey.


Stand With Judge Sonia Sotomayor This Week - She Needs Your Support

I will watch as much of her confirmation hearings as I can stomach, but I am already thinking bad thoughts about Senator Kyl and Senator Sessions. And did Senator Graham just say "the Hispanic element"? What a bunch of pompous asses!

Judge Sotomayor is a tough cookie and she will be fine, but I hate the fact she has to endure this mess.
The benefit to the GOP smearing Sotomayor this week is that there will be plenty of lovely racist and sexist comments to use against the GOP during the 2010 election.

And I hope when they roll out Frank Ricci as some kind of bullshit witness to absolutely nothing, that someone will ask him why he wasn't crying and whining about affirmative action when it benefited him.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Love Lamar Odom But He Needs To Take The Pay Cut And Stick With The Lakers

Folks in La La land are clearly beginning to get worried about the re-signing of Lamar Odom. I don't begrudge Lamar looking for the best deal, but I hope folks ain't gonna beg some dude to stay. And I'm not quite sure that Odom is worth what he looking for - 10 million a season. I don't know about that.

Yes, he is a huge part of the Lakers, but now that he won a title, I wonder how many more times he will disappear during the regular season as he did during the championship run? And if he gets paid what he wants by the Lakers is he going to accept coming off the bench behind Artest or Gasol, or Bynum? I don't know that either.

I do know Odom is worth more than the 7 million a season the Lakers are reportedly offering, so everyone needs to get off their collective butts and find a happy medium.


Sorry Ladies - Jenny Sanford Ain't Nothing But Another Political Stepford Wife

You can never embarrass or humiliate a political Stepford Wife enough. There is no such thing. Jenny Sanford is no different. She helped this fool keep his job. And she's gonna stay married to him. There could be a XXX-rated sex tape of her husband and this woman playing on You Tube everyday, all day, and she would still stay. She used the bible, the media, and his political foes and allies, just to put the brakes on this latest "sparking" affair by her husband, she was NEVER going anywhere. Jenny Sanford sold herself out as an individual and as a woman a long time ago, she doesn't care if she sells out the citizens of South Carolina as well, leaving them stuck with a Governor that is an embarrassment and ineffective for the next 18 months.


From The Peggy Noonan Is A Hack Files - Now She Wants To Tell The Truth About Sarah Palin After It Is Completely Pointless To Do So

You had it right in September 2008, Peggy, too bad you didn't have the guts to do your job when the American people needed you to do it then. Raking Palin's dead political body over the coals now after she has quit her job in the latest loopy fashion requires no courage. Too little, too late.


Another Excellent Reason To Cancel Jon And Kate Plus Eight Forever

As any of my regular readers know I don't care for reality television. One of my reasons for disliking this kind of programming is that these very strange people who are so willing to give up their privacy get rewarded for engaging in behaviors we would condemn in everyday, average folks we see daily.

Clearly it's time this Jon dude from Jon And Kate Plus Eight to get back to the real world and a real job. If you have a eight children and a failing marriage, but you still have time to be swirling around France with your 22-year-old mistress/girlfriend, you clearly have too much available free time. I wonder if this cat called his children everyday he was out of the country.

This is not reality, it's fantasy. Fantasy funded by television dollars and supported by the folks that continue to watch this crap.


Racial Slurs On Your Facebook Page? No Problem! You Can Still Become National Chairman Of The Young Republicans

No surprise really here. The Young Republicans elected a racist as their national chairman. I do wonder how many young Republicans of color voted for Ms. Audra Shay knowing that she thinks it's okay to ask about hanging a black man in effigy (which was done during the campaign) or agreeing with racist statements posted on her Facebook page?

And it's really no surprise that some Young Republicans think that being a racist or supporting racism is "just politics." It's all good because at least everyone knows what kind of individual Audra Shay is and what to expect from the Young Republicans as long as she is at the helm. That's really too bad for the organization.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Senator Ensign Is Da' Man - You Are One Hell Of A Pimp When You Can Get Your Daddy To Pay Off Your Chick On The Side

This is some kind of special family values - have an affair with the wife of a close friend, get your parents to pay hush money when you get caught. Wow! Can somebody tell me why this dude still has a job?


Sarah Palin Is Not A Crook But She's A Damn Bad Liar

Why does this woman insist on lying about things that can so quickly be disproved?

And I think the baby daddy of Palin's grand baby deserves more credit than most folks will give him.


William "Dolla' Dolla' Bill Ya'll" Jefferson's Freezer Safe Exposed

My dog Pancho comes up with a better hiding places than this dude.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Post Racial America My Ass - Black Kids Kicked Out Of Club Pool Due To Fears They Would "Change The Complexion" Of The Pool


Marion Berry Is Definitely Too Damn Old For This Kind Of Shit!

Lawd! Jesus take the wheel for this man....please!


Iowa Congressman Steve King Is Still A Flaming Racist!

You have to really hate black folks to refuse to acknowledge their place in history.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Down, One More To Go - L.A. Lakers Re-Sign Shannon Brown And Other NBA Rambling News

Shannon Brown got a nice raise. I hope the Lakers get to work on re-signing Lamar Odom with quickness. Delays mean gone to another team like Portland, since they still have money to throw around since Hedo Turkgolu thinks it's better to get paid playing for a loser like Toronto instead of a championship caliber team like Portland or Orlando.

I love Rasheed Wallace, but I'm not getting all the excitement. The Boston Celtics seem mighty old to me all of a sudden and 'Sheed is just as crackers as Ron Artest, but nobody is talking about Wallace jacking up the chemistry of the Celtics. And the rumors about losing Glen "Big Baby" Davis don't sound good at all.

Sounds like "Flash" is gonna be bouncing from Miami Heat next summer because they sure in hell ain't gonna be a contender for the NBA title next season. And I'm sorry, but I don't get how the Dallas Mavericks got any better at all, re-signing an aging Jason "I still can't shoot" Kidd and Marcin "I Drive A Really Fast Car" Gortat.


The Old Cliche Hold True - The Wife Is Always The Last To Know

I was a huge Steve "Air" McNair fan, but this is just fucked up, truly, truly fucked up.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Will The Young Republicans Elect A National Leader That Supports The Use Of Racial Slurs And Racial Threats?

Meet Audra Shay. This upcoming weekend Ms. Shay wants to become the next chairman of the national organization, the Young Republicans. Ms. Shay apparently was a leading candidate for the post until she got caught doing one of two things, one, either she was agreeing with racist comments posted on her Facebook page or two, she was agreeing with racist comments posted on her Facebook page and was too damn stupid to know that the word, "coon" is racist or that the very mention of "sundown towns" and "black ass" in the same sentence is a racist threat. Either way, she should be toast in terms of becoming the national figurehead for such an important political group.

For the record, here is Ms. Shay's response on the curiously named site, the "Hip Hop Republican." Considering that the FIRST thing Ms. Shay did in response to this mess was block the access of the folks that pointed out that the comments posted on her Facebook page were racist and unacceptable, I personally find her explanations to be complete and utter malarkey, horse manure, doo-doo, boo-boo, crapola, and unmitigated bullshit. As they say in hip hop, we don't believe you Ms. Shay, you need more people!

I don't have a problem with the Young Republicans as a group. Hell, I admire their organization and their agenda. It's working on college campuses. The Democrats could take a page or two out of their book, but I won't hold my breath. What I do have a problem with is an organization that has so few African Americans in it, running around thinking it's cute to laugh and hee hee about racial slurs and threats. Fine, you don't like President Obama and you don't agree with his policies, what in the high holy hell does that have to do with coons and sundown towns? Damn if I know.

If the Young Republicans want to be credible and really reach out to folks of color, then this Marcus Epstein type crap must cease to occur and exist. And if Black Republicans and Conservatives want credibility and acceptance they need to stand up and speak out against this kind of baloney immediately like Lenny McAllister did.

With all things being said, I am wondering why this particular incident inspired responses from the Young Republican crowd, black or white, considering their silence over the racist attacks on President Obama over the past couple of months, particularly from folks in the good ole sundown state with the freaky deaky governor - South Carolina. I'm personally sick of EVERYONE's lying, creepy, shady, and double-dealing asses in American politics, but I am really sick and tired of RACIST, lying, creepy, shady, double-dealing asses in American politics.

I think Ms. Shay does have a point, her rivals for the chairmanship will spin and milk this mess for all it's worth, but as someone who doesn't really give a damn who the next YR chairman is, I hope they succeed.


New York State Rep. Peter King Has No Intention Of Letting Michael Jackson Rest In Peace - Calls Him A "Lowlife" And "Pervert"

Peter King is a complete jackass. What in the hell does Michael Jackson's death have to due with him? If he doesn't like the coverage, turn it off. Where is the political benefit in bashing a dead man who lived a very sad and tragic life? Further, how stupid is King? Over 1.6 million average, everyday people apply to be one of 17,000 people allowed to attend Jackson's memorial tomorrow and you're bashing this dude?

Further more this is were white folks kill me, Michael Jackson was acquitted. Period. It doesn't matter what you believe, he was ACQUITTED. Calling him a pedophile and a child molester is SLANDER. All the same stuff Sarah Palin is whining about and claiming to be a victim of. Political correctness doesn't have a damn thing to do with it.

And it further burns me when I see how quick some white folks are to spit on the non-white icons of the entertainment and sporting industry. Could you imagine some elected official of color coming out when Frank Sinatra died and saying he was nothing but a wannabe mafia thug that sang a little bit? I don't think so.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

If Sarah Palin Was President She Would Sue Osama Bin Laden, China, And North Korea - Now She's Just Settling For Suing Half The American Media

I'm with Wonkette, you spend your fourth of July threatening to sue your fellow Americans? And what happened to the freedom of speech that good ole Sarah was so crazy about defending when campaigning?

One blogger claps back at crazy-ass Sarah "I Quit Everything I Do But I Wanna Be President" Palin.


The Steve McCair Crime Story - A Brand New Ghetto Fable With Moral - "Creepin' Can Kill You!" - Updated

The Steve McNair case is clearly taking a turn for the worse. Looks like the 36 year old "Air" McNair was creepin' on his wife and four kids with the 20 year old babe found dead along with him in the Nashville condo. Apparently they have been "dating" for months including vacationing.

The police have declared McNair's death a homicide, but they are being mighty quiet about the cause of death for the woman. McNair takes four shots - two to the head and two to the chest and the woman only has one shot to the head? No sign of a break-in to the crib. Sound like murder-suicide to me.

And it's also really looking like his wife didn't know, but a few of his homeboys clearly did. Ain't that a bitch?

If this really turns out to be some kind of fatal attraction bullshit, then I truly hope the Angel Gabriel waved a finger or two at Steve McNair when he walked through those pearly gates. All those years his family worked around his pro football career and the minute he retires the only thing he can find to do is have an affair and get bumped off by the crazy goony bird he picked out. What a steaming hot mess!


It's starting to sound like good ole Steve was lying to both his wife and girlfriend. This update reads like babygirl thought he was going to leave his wife, but no record of a divorce filing on the horizon. And the wife seems way too upset for somebody that knew they were getting ready to lose their husband to another woman. What is it always the oldest storyline in the book with stuff like this?


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