Black History Month Hell - Two Giant Steps Back!
Please check out Seattle Slim's blog, Happy Nappy Head about this mess of a magazine cover. Why in the hell do they have a black history month issue in the first place? Why is it that we can always count on black folks to degrade out cultural and social history worse than anyone else! Damn!
I saw this magazine in the store and couldn't believe my eyes. How are u going to have a black historty sticker posted next to a half-naked black woman? What does that have to do with black history? Absolutely nothing.
Thanks so much for spreading the word sister. For a minute I thought I was going crazy for addressing it but I'm glad I'm not the only one outraged at this mess.
We've got to do better.
I guess I'm going to play devil's advocate here...
It's a lad mag and classy and cultural currency aren't exactly their strong suit. But I guess for their perspective Black History Month isn't only about the MLK's and Soujourner Truth's but the Hip Hoppers and Video Girls as well...
It's like the MLK party a local club was throwing. When I saw the sign for it I was like, "Huh?"
And the words "great black hope" right next to her behind...smh.
The "look back" booty shot for Black History Month...just, wow.
Great post Professor Tracey. I missed hearing your voice on WAOD podcast.You always make so much sense... you're the reason I listen. Will you please consider starting your own podcast.:-)
I think that's a stretch Seattle Slim. A big stretch.
@ JJ
It's a Hip Hop-based men's mag so what you mentioned is what's in every single issue. It's always about Hip Hop music and video vixens. They just gave it the stupid Black History stamp cuz it's February.
You make an EXCELLENT point. Black become so outraged when their debasement and degradation are at the hands of non-blacks, but turn a blind eye to our own foolishness.
Unless there's a very well written story about Sara Baartman in this magazine, there is no reason a black woman's ass should be plastered on the cover to commemorate black history.
Yeah..I recognize that. that was my point. They're thinking "Hey we're Black History too."
I can't take it anymore between BET and Flavor of Love 3 now this. What the hell? I swear black people dig our own grave sometimes, I am assuming this magazine is being run by college graduates, they should know better than this or are they channeling their inner 15 boy that sees nothing wrong with this.
I know people blacks complain there aren't enough of us represented in the media, but this is worse than no image.
Not to mention Trina hasn't had a hit in like 10 years and her lace front is busted. I wouldn't expect them to put a fully clothed woman, but at least do a tasteful shot for at least this month
That beautiful body is an impulse buy... . and it is also the product of capitalism. . . even black marketers consider "us" (consumers) stupid. You buy it because it looks sexy, you don't read it because there's not a lot of "pictures".... but MONEY hit their bottom line . . . that counts more than our history.
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