Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I think all negotiations should take place at a round table and everybody should have to rotate counterclockwise once an hour so that even the perception of head of the table, or foot, are ritually obliterated." - Pearl Cleage


The 2008 State Of Black America On Black Women

I'm gonna have to disagree with my buddy and blogging sister SheCodes on this one. Before you get your hair and nails done on the 1st of the month, you need to go to The Urban League's website and pick-up both the 2007 and 2008 State of Black America reports. Black folks always need to be informed! These reports are compiled from the Urban League's think tank comprised of black folk. We need to support, read, and critique their work! Purchasing these reports also supports The Urban League, so if your lazy butt has not given any donation to a black organization in a hot minute, here is your chance. For cheap asses, at least read the free abstracts!

Black folks need to stop complaining about observed, watched, critiqued, and reviewed, WE ARE A VERY FASCINATING TRAIN WRECK STILL RUMBLING DOWN THE TRACKS! Yes, we need a game plan and we need to take action on it, but too many of us know absolutely nothing! I don't want to battle with ill-informed warriors. If you didn't like the MSNBC profile on black women and the soon to be another slanted profile on black men and women on CNN in June, then take the time to find out if our own people did any better by reading The Urban League report! In fact, buy all the reports for the last five years and read them!


Lakers Sweep The Nuggets!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I knew well that the only way that I could get that door open was to knock it down; because I knocked them all down." - Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander

The first African American woman to receive a Ph.D in economics and a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. First black woman to pass the Pennsylvania bar.


A Simple Question About The 2008 Democratic Primary

If the shoe was on the other foot and Barack Obama was exactly in Hillary Clinton's financial and political position over the past two months, do you really believe that he would have been encouraged to stay in the primary race?


Love Him Or Hate Him - I'm Down With Reverend Al On This One!

Reverend Al Sharpton is vowing to shut NYC down until they deal with the Sean Bell murder case to his satisfaction. I'm with the Reverend this time and he's doing what he does best here. I really hope that federal charges will be filed against the police officers. Remember that California got the Rodney King case wrong the first time out as well.


Jerk With Nooses At Jena 6 Rally Pleads Guilty!

The nitwit that drove around the Jena 6 rally with nooses hanging from his truck, plead guilty to lesser charges. I love these kind of guys. A real bad ass at a non-violent rally with nooses, but when his weak ass got arrested and charged with a crime, he didn't want any parts of jail. What a coward!


2008 NBA Playoffs Update

My Los Angeles Lakers have crushed the Denver Nuggets to take a commanding 3-0 lead. Looks like Carmello and A.I. are going to have a nice long summer to add more tattoos to their bodies.

The Houston Rockets despite winning one game over the weekend, just can't beat the Utah Jazz. I wanted Tracy McCrady to win his first playoff series, but it's all but certain that he will be helping Yao with his injury rehab early. The San Antonio Spurs have just kicked the backsides of the Phoenix Suns. Shaq Diesel and company need to win today to keep from being swept, but they are going to lose the series either way.

The Atlanta Hawks won a great game last night, finally looking like a professional team, but they are going to lose their series as well. The Boston Celtics are just too good and the Hawks were taunting folks at the end of the game. You don't piss off KG and the boys in green. The most boring series is the Orlando Magic and the Toronto Raptors. The Magic have a 3-1 lead and the Raptors lost even after a monster game from Chris Bosh. The Raptors will soon be extinct.The Dallas Mavericks got back into their series with the New Orleans Hornets but I believe that my boy Chris Paul and company will bounce back strong.

The other boring series is the Cleveland Cavaliers and The Washington Wizards. It's no fun watching LeBron James carrying his team all by himself and it's no fun watching the Wizards trying to smash James. It's just not pro basketball to me. I'll ride with the Wizards for my boy, Caron Butler, but I don't think they can beat King James. They just can't stop pissing him off. Don't they know that you don't tug on Superman's cape? I picked the Philadelphia 76ers to beat the Detroit Pistons, but I was having a fantasy. I didn't know the Piston would actually entertain my dreams. Go 76ers!!!!!


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Words For Warfare

"There is no life that does not contribute to history." - Dorothy West


Democratic Party Beginning To Worry About Racial Divide Within The Party...And They Should Be!

In typical Democratic party fashion, they are late on the upswing again. At the 11th hour, party officials are worrying about the effects of Hillary Clinton's racial rhetoric directed at Barack Obama on internal party politics. Further, it's just starting to dawn on them that if the super delegates give the nomination to Hillary there will be a monstrous black voter backlash against the party. I'm sorry, but hello, the writing on the wall with these facts happened over two months ago.

Hillary lost me when she and her supporters seemed to forget that black women have dueling perspectives in this difficult world. Also, her negatively going after Obama's former pastor while counting on Obama not to mention old Billy boy's past indiscretions, I find to be extremely problematic. She also seems to be pandering to white voters as if black folks don't matter. If she gets the nomination, will black folks continue not to matter then as well?

Black folks are already non-believers about the criminal justice system, I believe this primary campaign has the potential to turn black folks into non-believers about American politics.


"They Killed Sean All Over Again,"

"the justice system let me down" - Nicole Bell. The impact and meaning of this verdict in a nutshell for me!


Friday, April 25, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Be black, shine, aim high." - Leontyne Price


No Justice For Sean Bell

The police officers that murdered Sean Bell were found not guilty today. I can't say I'm surprised, but it doesn't change the anger and disappointment I feel. How can police shooting at someone, anyone, 50 times not be a problem? If it is not a breakdown for the criminal justice system, it is surely a breakdown in NYPD police training. One officer alone squeezed off 31 shots, is that NYPD procedure? If it is, black men should leave NYC immediately.

I find it very interesting that the defendants went with a judge only instead of a jury trial. I think it speaks volumes that the defendants and their attorneys didn't feel comfortable with a "jury of their peers."

The saddest part of this case is how passively black folks seem to be taking it. The uproar about this verdict has been mild. Black folks will really be in trouble when we start being completely resigned to being victimized. I hope his family files a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the city.


Wesley Snipes Gets 3 Years

Won't be too many movies in Wesley Snipes future for a minute. The judge threw the book at him and gave him the maximum sentence. Folks should pay their taxes.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Sometimes you've got to let everything go—purge yourself . . . If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out." - Tina Turner


Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton Battle Comes To The State Of Indiana

On May 6, 2008, Professor Tracey will get to vote in the first Indiana primary to have major significance in many, many, many, many, many years. The buzz is hot as the Obama-Clinton battle is very close in the state of Indiana.

As exciting as it is to be a part of a presidential primary that has some much riding on it, I'm being to wonder how much longer can this battle go on before it begins to seriously damage the chances of the Democrats taking over the White House. I believe that Obama will win my adopted home state of North Carolina, but Indiana could go either way.

I'm not saying that Obama needs to get dirty, but he could be a bit tougher on Clinton. What do you think?


Kobe - Killa!

Kobe Bryant killed the Denver Nuggets with 49 points and 10 assists. Love him or hate him, he is the best player in the NBA right now.


Atlanta Hawks Are Looking Like A High School Team

Hawks fans don't get mad at me. Mike Bibby is my man, always has been since he came into the league, but the Hawks are getting embarrassed by the Celtics. You just don't get blown out in the playoffs back-to-back like that. My man Bibby has spent more time on the floor than putting the ball in the basket. It's painful to watch.


Pacman Jones Traded To The Dallas Cowboys

Let's hope he can stay out of trouble in the Lone Star state. Two divas for Dallas. I wonder how long it will be before Terrell Owens starts showing out?


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Words For Warfare

"If you don't understand yourself you don't understand anybody else.” - Nikki Giovanni


Star Dumps Al!

This one never seemed a good match in the first place. Too bad it cost her so much! I'm sure she got tired of paying all the bills as well!


Clinton Keeps On Hanging On By Her Fingertips

I said it before and I'll say it again. Hillary needs to step down. She is making it difficult for the Democratic to win back the white house, plain and simple. She can't win.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I learned that I can maintain compassion for others who make choices I would not even as I stay true to my own values and beliefs" - Sofia Quintero aka Black Artemis


2008 NBA Playoffs Game #1 Recaps

It was an awesome weekend of NBA basketball. Even though I picked the Suns to win the series, the Spurs double overtime victory was the best game of the weekend. Chris Paul was amazing in helping the Hornets kick the butts of the Mavericks. As was Pau Gasol helping my Lakers smash the Nuggets.

The Celtics demolished the Hawks, the Jazz killed the Rockets and the Raptors got ran over by the Magic, all three games were boring as hell. The Wizards talked trash and roughed up King James, but forgot to win the game as the Cavaliers prevailed. And dreams do come true because the 76ers upset the Pistons.

Can't wait until the next round of games.


The Sad State Of Black Film-Making

What is up with black films? Where are black movies of the caliber of There Will Be Blood or No Country For Old Men? Love them or hate them, these films were great movies with great characters. Where are the risk-taking and innovative black filmmakers? We have great stories to tell and great heroes to tell stories about. The Great Debaters was good, but not great. American Gangster was over-rated. A Raisin in the Sun was disappointing and a remake. I can't name one black film that I am looking forward to seeing in the near future. It not that we don't have black stars or the money. That's just not true anymore. Our black filmmakers need to step up their game.


Special Pope's Visit Edition - A Picture Truly Worth A Million Words


The HBCU Blues

HBCU's are asking their alumni for more monetary donations and it's seems to be working. That's a great start, but if HBCU's really want to help themselves they are going to have to come up with more than a plan that squeezes their alums financially.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them." - Mahalia Jackson


Danica Patrick Wins First Race!

I have been a big fan of this young lady for a long time and she finally won her first race. A historic first for women in professional motorsports. Go Danica!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I am old enough to know that victory is often a thing deferred, and rarely at the summit of courage... What is at the summit of courage, I think, is freedom. The freedom that comes with the knowledge that no earthly think can break you." - Paula Giddings


NBA All Day Today And Tomorrow - First Round

I hate the fact that I have to pick my favorite team over my favorite player, but A.I. is going fishing after the first round! My L.A. Lakers boys all the way over Denver Nuggets.

My other first round picks -

New Orleans over Dallas
Houston over Utah
Phoenix over San Antonio
Boston over Atlanta
Washington over CLeveland
Philadelphia over Detroit - (I can dream can't I?)
Orlando over Toronto

What are your picks for the playoffs?


Friday, April 18, 2008

Help Wanted: Head Coach For The NY Knicks

Isiah Thomas was fired today. Too bad it was one year overdue.


Watch Out! - Foxy Brown Just Got Released!

Alert all nail salon owners and workers, Ms. Foxy Brown is back on the hard streets of NYC!


Words For Warfare

"I don't think that anyone should be in control of a relationship. I think that if you have a woman that controls her man, he is a puppet and he is weak." - Mo'Nique


I Should Have Keep My Butt In Cali - Earthquake Hits Indiana

It's one thing to have to put up with snow, tornados, and flooding, but if the midwest is going to start getting earthquakes also, I'm going to have to jet. I'm kinda of use to earthquakes being from California, but my dog was like WTF? I never seen a dog's eyes open so wide!

Update! 11:15am - We just had a little aftershock. Lawd! I'm ready leave!


It's The Soul Train.....

No more Soul Train Awards, but don't despair, Soul Train - The Movie is coming to a theater near you. I could easily live without both. Maybe they will show the movie with Soul Plane as a double feature.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

L.A. Lakers #1 In The West!

NBA Playoffs begin this sunday! I can't wait!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Words For Warfare

“To be a real man or woman, you've got to know what you believe in. You've got to understand that your actions have consequences and that they are connected to everything that you are.” - Sister Souljah


The Boss Backs Barack For Prez!

I thought this endorsement was kind of cool! What do you think?


Former Newark Mayor Sharpe James Convicted Of Corruption Charges

Down goes Da' Mayor! Is Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick taking notes? This trend of black women putting up with their husbands running around with other women is disturbing. And the black women willing to be the woman on the side is just as disconcerting. Whatever happened to living honorably and with dignity?


The NY Knicks Must Fire Isiah Thomas!

Isiah Thomas should be fired. He has been nothing short of a complete disaster for the New York Knicks organization and the NBA.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Words For Warfare

"You have to imagine it possible before you can see something. You can have the evidence right in front of you, but if you can't imagine something that has never existed before, it's impossible." - Rita Dove


Dummy LaMont Award To Denver Nugget Carmelo Anthony

Carmelo Anthony wins our latest Dummy LaMont Award for getting busted for a suspected DUI on 4am this past Sunday morning. Not only is it stupid to drink and drive, but he is rich, anyone, anybody, would have gone to pick his dumb ass up. Not only could he have killed someone or himself, his team is in the middle of a serious playoff race, not to mention the fact that he has a infant son that he should have been with instead of drinking and driving. What a class A dummy!


Hip Hop Hater Bill Cosby To Release Hip Hop Album

For the man that continues to forget that he produced the heavily ebonics laced ghetto cartoon Fat Albert and the Gang, comes a brand new head turning announcement. Bill Cosby does hip hop. Mr. Cosby is not going to rap himself, but ask others to help out. Considering how he has blasted rap music and hip hop artists, I can't imagine who would help out.


Serial Subway Groper Facing Life Sentence

What in the hell is wrong with this brother? You have to read this story to believe it. Why did it take this long to finally get his behind? Women need to get into positions of power to change sexual assault laws. Men just don't get it. They are not the usual victims of sex crimes, so they are soft on sex offenders. Women pay the price. I won't cry if this fool gets life.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I have a great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking. I consider chaos a gift." - Septima Poinsette Clark


Kemba Smith's Life Story To Become A Feature Film

If you don't know who Kemba Smith is, you should. Read about her story here and her foundation here. Ms. Smith's story could be any woman's story, any woman's nightmare. Her life should make a great movie. Even if you don't feel sympathetic to her story, you must admit she has made extremely productive use of her second chance at real life.


The New Big Money Question - To Buy Or Not Buy A House?

I'm planning on moving soon and looking at what I would have to pay for rent, I am strongly considering buying a house. Yet, the economy is so bad and the housing market is worse. I'm just not sure what to do. There are tons of houses on the market where I live and I just can't measure if buying a home is a good investment at this time. I really hate renting and I really hate paying someone a bunch of money for a place I don't own. I am also tired of moving and I am ready to be settled for a while. I just don't know. What do you think?


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