Friday, October 31, 2008

New Voters And Young Voters Get Off Your Procrastinating Asses And Vote For Obama!




Thursday, October 30, 2008

Only In America! - Ashley Todd - Gets Probation Plea Deal After Attempting To Tear The Entire Country Apart With Racist Hoax!

This is complete and total bullshit - She should be doing some time and paying a fine!


The Crabs In The Barrel Syndrome Continues With African Americans

"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." - Harriet Tubman


What In The Hell Is Wrong With White College Students In College Station, Texas?

First Ashley Todd from Blinn College and now these assholes down at Texas A&M? Black students clearly ain't what they used to be, because back in the day, black students would have been on the news for making this kid lick up broken eggs from the sidewalk, yolks, shells, and all!




The McCain/Palin GOP Campaign Pundits That I Can't Wait To See Disappear From The Airwaves On November 5th!

Nicholle Wallace - I got to be honest, I can't stand this woman. Every time I hear her talk I am convinced that she has not one black friend, does not know a black person, and quite frankly doesn't give a damn about black people period. This is the chick that back in the day would have had massa whip yo' ass for being "sassy." It's no surprise that she was directly assigned to work with brain-dead Sarah "I Don't Like Colored Folks, Either Girl!" Palin.
Ben Porritt - This dude is just a lying sack of shit, period. He will say anything as long as he is getting a check from the McCain/Palin campaign. He doesn't even use the talking points, he just starts lying from the minute he opens his mouth, doesn't matter how racist or lunatic fringe he may sound, this dude has smeared Obama like he's spreading peanut butter on a Ritz.
Tucker Bounds - Another bald-faced liar, who truly gets on my last nerve because he is also an absolute numbskull. He's a real nasty talker when he is allowed to stick to the GOP talking points, but if you knock him off the script, this dude's kibble-sized brain shuts down completely. He has been bitch-slapped around on every single news channel from CNN to MSNBC since the election started.

What scares me the most about these folks is that they are all under 40. They had to have gone to school at some point with people of color and people of different beliefs and interests. Yet, they seem to be completely ignorant or completely uninterested in anything except the interests of conservative white folks.

You never hear them discussion issues of diversity or cultural inclusion and when they say the "American people" you get the clear and distinct feeling that they ain't talking about you if you are a person of color. Their level of contempt and hatred for Barack Obama is frightening in it's level of rage, it's like Obama fucked their mothers or something.


John McCain Should Have Seen This Coming!

Run Sarah Run! The Democrats will be guaranteed to be in power for the next 20 years if you do. We thank you in advance!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Proof That Sarah Palin Is A Dangerous Ice-Cold Backstabbing Diva

"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone, She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else." - Anonymous McCain Campaign Advisor

Professor Tracey's proof this is a true fact -

What woman throws her husband under the the bus by telling the entire fuckin' world that he was too fuckin' broke to buy her a wedding ring and that she had to buy it herself? And that after double-digit years of marriage, same said cheap mutha has not even bothered to upgrade the original self-purchased $35 wedding ring?

That's a cold ass woman that puts her man's business out in the street like that in order to make herself look good. I felt embarrassed for the first dude of Alaska. It was a completely unnecessary revelation.


It Time For Joe Da' Plumber To Go Back To Snaking Shit Out Of People's Pipes - His Fifteen Minutes Are Up!

Professor Tracey done had enough of bald-headed dumb ass Joe "I Don't Need No Stinking License" Plumber guy! Will somebody give him a contract to be the next Mr. Clean so he will go the fuck away! Today! When you scare the people at Fox News, it's really time for you to get the hook. Will someone call the Sandman, please!


A Final Ode To Da' Former Hip Hop Mayor Kwame "Booty Call Texter" Kilpatrick

Kilpatrick got 4 months. The judge said he has to do every day of his sentence - no early release. Here's a little ditty to send deposed "King" Kwame Kilpatrick on his way to the big house.....


Michelle Obama Killing Them Softly With A Little J. Crew - Where's The First Dude With His "Borrowed" RNC Duds From Saks?

Michelle Obama is the woman! She was awesome on Leno! She is going to be a wonderful first lady. And speaking of firsts, why do I get the feeling that Todd "First Dude" Palin that in terms of brains, his porch light is on, but it's dimming and flickering? I don't mind a man that is kinda pretty, but I do mind a dumb ass pretty man. There must be some really dumb conversations going on in the Palin household. I can see major arguments over Cheese Whiz and Velvetta. And damn dude, your wife is Governor and you don't own one decent suit?!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Reason To Vote Early For Obama - GOP Folks Say Vote For Obama - Go To Hell!

Poor white folks - the closer the day comes to electing the first black President, the more desperate they are becoming. The mental wards are going to be full before the end of election night! I know the Lord is watching and just shaking his or her head at this madness.




Sarah Palin - Pallin' Around With Convicted Felon Senator Ted Stevens! You Betcha!


Monday, October 27, 2008

ATF Foils Neo-Nazi Skinhead Plot To Kill Dozens Of African Americans And To Assassinate Barack Obama

First Ashley Todd, now this bullshit. The asshole in this picture is Daniel Cowart of Bells, Tennessee. He's one of two meatheads with a completely insane plot to kill dozens of black students at a school and then try to assassinate Barack Obama. WTF?

I am just put out with this crap. Who are these white folks? The McCain/Palin campaign has given life to these psychos from Ashley Todd to Daniel Cowart - they have to take responsibility for their exclusive, race-baiting, nasty, othering language. Ugliness breeds nothing but more ugliness.

And I am getting damn tired of the idea that black folks are always going to turn the other cheek on this kind of racism. Have you noticed how the Ashley Todd story disappeared from the airwaves? Nothing, nada!!!!! White folks turned the page on that story as quick as they could and they will be turning the page on these two crackpots as well.

We may just have our first African American President next Tuesday evening, but race and racism will still be one of the BIGGEST problems in America.


Tavis Smiley Points Out Exactly Why No Person Of Color In Their Right Mind Should Be Voting For John McCain And Sarah Palin


Tragic Ending - Body Found This Morning Positively Identified As Jennifer Hudson's Nephew

Update - Oscar winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson positively identified the body of her nephew. I hope that they catch who ever is responsible for the wholesale slaughter of her family quickly. This is a disgusting and despicable crime against humanity.

It has not been confirmed yet, but the possibility of finding Jennifer Hudson's missing nephew alive has diminished. Chicago police have recovered the missing white SUV with the body of a male child inside. This is just terrible news.




What Barack Obama Can Expect From John McCain And Sarah Palin During The Last Week Of The Presidential Campaign

Since they have already tried all this's time for the...


Elizabeth Hassleback Is An Ignorant Jackass

While stumping on the campaign trail with her new BFF Sarah Palin, "Half-A-Brain" Hassleback shrieked about the criticism being leveled at "Poison Pufferfish" Palin as "deliberately sexist." You have see it, to believe it! Her righteous indignation is hilarious in it's earnestness. Hassleback is completely serious and that's what is so sad about her and her pal Palin.

Since Hassleback is clearly a regular traveler to Planet Stupid Bitch, somebody should still gently point out to her that her homegirl, Sarah "I'm Wearing My Own Push-Up Bra Now" Palin has been eagerly and willingly using her physical attractiveness and sex appeal since the minute she joined the ticket.

You can't willingly shake your titties and ass for votes, then cry sexism when people criticize you for indulging in excesses like $150,000 in clothes and $40,000 in hair and make-up to help draw EXTRA ATTENTION to what you are trying to sell!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jonathan "The Other White Meat" Martin Gets It Wrong On Ashley Todd - Then Forgets To Admit He Was Wrong

Jonathan Martin, Republican hack reporter for actually LAMENTED the fact that Ashley Todd's fairytale of robbery and assault by a black man turned out to be a complete hoax. He actually related the exposure of the truth as some kind of bad luck break for John McCain's presidential campaign.

Martin stated "Seems like McCain just can't catch a break. Pittsburgh station KDKA reports that Ashley Todd, the 20-year-old McCain volunteer who claims to have been mugged by a black man and had a "B" carved in her face, today admitted to fabricating the attack."

Not one word about how awful her actions were or the affect of her deed on the lives of African Americans or the attempts to smear Barack Obama with this made-up crime, just CONCERN for John McCain (who's campaign should have never mentioned the crime until all the facts were known) and Martin's generic recitation of the real facts of the case (after he had already reported the false story the day before). No apology, no reflection, no nothing!

He wasn't alone in rushing to report, but forgetting to correct and apologize, but he was one of the first to rush to judgment. Therefore, Jonathan Martin was asshole #1 to drink from Matt Drudge's poison pen cocktail. Hope you're choking on it now, Johnny boy!


Princess Palin Goes Back To Wearing Her Own Duds And Her $35 Wedding Ring!

Sarah Palin is going rogue on her McCain campaign handlers trying to positively spin her nearly $200,000 Eliza Doolittle political make-over. It ain't gonna work. She can pull out and wear as many of her old Alaska rags as she wishes and she can talk about being "frugal" all day and all night long. She can talk about her cheap ass wedding ring and pretend that she is not wearing $750 designer eyeglasses.

She will NEVER change the fact that this ridiculous amount of money was spent trying to upgrade her political image and she was a ready and willing participant in the whole scheme. She could have said NO to the new wardrobe, but she didn't.

The American people will never know the final tally of the Sarah Palin make-over project, but we do know this, the RNC will never recover anywhere near the money they have spent. And you can't give back over $40,000 spent on hair and make-up over the last 6 weeks. A true "maverick" would have kept doing her own hair and make-up.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Racist Republican Scumbags Continue To Belittle Obama For Visiting Grandma - One Implies That Obama Would Kill Her For Votes!

"I'm not doubting she is ill. But believe me, if you think this guy would leave the campaign trail for an hour if he felt he were running from behind, he wouldn't do it. Not unless he thought it helped him to do so...Man. I hope his numbers don't start to drop. He might have to hold a pillow against her face and maybe later break into tears the way Hillary did. Only I suspect hers were genuine," - Dan Riehl

Rush "Pig-Faced Racist" Limbaugh, Jerome "Everything I Say Gets Debunked" Corsi, Michael "This Is Not My Real Name or Hair" Savage, all implied that Obama went to Hawaii, not to visit his sick grandmother, but used her a cover story to "deal" with birth certificate issues. All these racist jerks are pushing the internet myth that Obama was not born in America, something that has been debunked over and over and over and over and over as a complete falsehood.

Will someone invent a time machine so these assholes can be sent back to the stone age where they belong!


Friday, October 24, 2008

One New Show That Professor Tracey WILL NOT Be Watching - CNN's D.L. Hughley Breaks The News

I will always remember that bullshit this Dummy Lamont said during the Imus scandal. Fuck him and fuck his new show. Boycott that bitch!


Breaking News - Mother And Brother Of Oscar Winning Actress Jennifer Hudson Found Murdered - Amber Alert Currently In Effect For Her Young Nephew

Prayers and condolences to Jennifer Hudson. Let's hope they find her nephew and bring him home safe and sound.


I Voted Today! Did You?


It's Official! Ashley Todd Is A Liar! Obama Mugger Story A Complete HOAX!

Matt Drudge who first made a big deal out of this liar is a complete and total ASSHOLE! Go to his website and see how quickly he cleans it up! If he has any integrity at all that is!


Amy The Make-Up Stylist Gets $22,800 For 2 Weeks Work? Does Joe The Plumber Know?

You Betcha! Are they scraping all that bullshit off Palin's face each night and putting in a jar for charity?

Update: Angela The Hair Stylist Got $10,000 for 2 weeks work! Told ya'll the hair bill was coming!


Campaign Insanity Reaching New Heights - Obama Mugger/McCain Supporter Victim Story Shaping Up To Be Elaborate Hoax!!!

This woman is Ashley Todd and she better be telling the damn truth! If she lied about this mess, she should be arrested and prosecuted! Anyone reading the Drudge Report would think that Freddy Kruger, Jason, Michael Myers, and the dude from Saw kicked this woman's ass! Looks like to me her mascara ran and that scratch on her face looks like she was attacked with a paper clip! This story sounds and smells like bullshit to me!

If you got mugged - punched in the face and someone tried to carve something in your face with a knife - would you REFUSE medical attention? If you claim you were sexually assaulted as well - would you REFUSE medical attention?

I don't know many muggers that are spending time looking at campaign bumper stickers either. And bumper stickers are mighty hard to read at night, especially when you are focused on trying to rob somebody STANDING at an ATM.

And what woman in her right fucking mind goes HUNTING for an ATM at 9pm at night in a strange city she is unfamiliar with? NOBODY! And who in the hell TWITTERS while driving their damn car hunting for an ATM at 9pm at night in strange city they are unfamiliar with? NOBODY!

Even crazy-ass Michelle Malkin doesn't believe her! Sounds like the police don't believe her either!


One Teeny Tiny Question - Why In The Hell Ain't Piper Palin's Little Ass In School?

How come ain't nobody asking why this child ain't in school? Instead of rocking a Louis Vuitton bag, she needs to be rocking a BOOK BAG! Getting an education is a rocky proposition in the Palin family as it is!


Republican Racist Asshole Of The Year - Brad Blakeman - Criticizes Barack Obama For Visiting Sick Grandmother!

There is no doubt that GOP pundit Brad Blakeman is one of the most racist, ignorant, sleazy, and sexist political talking points toadie on television, but today he topped himself. This has to be seen to be believed. What an idiot! What a jerk! There is a special place in HELL for assholes like this!


Just When I Thought I Was Done With Kwame "Used To Be Da' Hip Hop Mayor" Kilpatrick...He Pulled Me Back In Again!

Damn! I'm sorry there is no way I could stay married to an asshole that played me so openly and cavalierly like that! This Negro would get served with papers on the day he reported to the jail house! Will somebody please send Mrs. Kilpatrick a copy of Ann Nesby's I'm Still Wearing Your Name and Millie Jackson's monologue from She's Got Papers On Me.


Tweedle Dumb And Tweedle Dumber - Palin And Hassleback Campaigning Together - Two Dizzy GOP Dingbats On The Road

Oh goody, goody! The Alaskan Artic Airhead and the Vapid Vacant Viewmistress all weekend long on the stump. I can't wait!


A Quote Che Would Have Loved!

"What's the difference between a Pit Bull and a Hockey Mom? You can feed a pit-bull for 483 years with 150 grand." - Mike Murphy, former McCain Campaign Strategist and apparently former McCain friend


Project Palinway!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

The One Picture That Explains Sarah Palin's Popularity With White Republican Men


Put Your Shirts Back On A-S-S-H-O-L-E-S!


Nancy "Real Giraffe Neck" Pfotenhaur Gets Her Ass Handed To Her On Hardball

I have to admit I really enjoyed watching this. I hate Nancy Pfotenhauer! I hate her Sonic foot-long hotdog neck, her gigantic wind-up toy teeth, and her Andy Warhol hair do! Yet, most of all I hate her pompous, self-righteous, narrow-minded kind of thinking. She could give a damn about other people in the world, she only cares about her "kind" of people and that sure in the hell ain't people of color or poor folks! Watching this right-wing nut woman try to explain the unexplainable cracked me right up!

Between sinking Michelle Bachman like the Titanic and kicking Nancy Pfotenhauer in the can last night, Chris Matthews is going to get kicked off Team GOP real soon!


The McCain/Palin Campaign Steals From The Film Spartcus For Political Ad


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

That's A Whole Lotta MAC! GOP Spends $13,200 For One Month Of Sarah Palin's Make-Up! - Another $8,672.55 For John McCain's Busted Mug!

John "The Cryptkeeper" McCain needs himself some make-up baby! Dats da' truf! Now the only beef is that they are really over-paying. They could have got an undertaker to do his make-up at a lot cheaper rate! And Cindy Lou should have really sprung for some teeth whitening for her main man!Now ladies, Professor Tracey needs your assistance here. I'm an old school tomboy and baby-faced to boot. I had make-up on my face twice in my life, my cotillion and my prom, that was 100 years ago. I have never fucked up my eyebrows with all that wild-ass tweezing and shaving, ya'll girly girls do and I have natural long and full eyelashes. The only make-up I own is a tube of Chapstick, so explain to me how it can cost ANY woman a little over 13 grand for make-up in month! WTF?

And one little, itty, bitty question for everyone?
150,000 grand for clothes, another 13 grand for make-up, what's the bill for da' hair? If someone is buying clothes and someone is doing make-up, somebody sure as hell is doing that fake-ass, semi-beehivey, bobby, twisty thang with bangs do!


Earth To White Women - Sarah "Caribou Barbie" Palin Ain't Like You After All!

The white women who still support Sarah Palin boggle my mind. Particularly the ones that spew that "she's just like me" crap. I wish someone would ask these women how many of them get to charge their children's summer camp or annual summer family vacation to their employer like Sarah Palin is clearly extremely fond of doing in Alaska.

And good ole Sarah "just like youuuuu" Palin ain't shopping at Old Navy or Target for all those fabulous fashions white women think are so cool and white men think are so "hot." Not only does Failin' Palin' have a taste for designer duds and accessories from Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys, and Macy's, she really seems to enjoy them when someone else is paying - like the suckers that donate to the Republican Party!

So, to all the white women who are crazy for Sarah Palin, you should take great comfort that when you are wearing your Hanes Her Way panties and Mossimo stretch pants/moo-moo top combo from Target to work with your Dollar Store lunch bag carrying your baloney and cheese sandwich, snack bag of chips, and box of Sunmaid raisins purchased from Walmart, your girl Sarah is farting in silk drawers from Neiman Marcus and getting that fake weave bob twirled by a personal stylist while she's snacking on Caesar salad with real crab meet and sipping San Pellegrino mineral water....but remember she's just like you.....NOT!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Add Another Racist Conservative Talk Radio Asshole To The Fire!

“[T]he only people who don’t seem to vote based on race are whites of European origin.” - Michael Savage

Where in the hell do white folks come up with this stuff? This is a true gem when you consider how infrequently white folks have EVER had to chose between a white politician and a non-white politician. Truly remarkable!


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