Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Katie Couric - Shut Up And Resign!

Miss Katie gets on my nerves! She was an over-rated and light-weight morning talk show host that took a job that she was woefully under-qualified for! And she knew it when she took the job! CBS News didn't go for this woman, because she was the best journalist available, but because they thought she was "cute" and "perky." They thought she would bring her female viewers with her and attract young men. CBS and Katie Couric have both fallen on their collective asses.

Ms. Couric has truly pissed me off because NOW, after the primary she wants to focus on sexism in the campaign. It's a little late baby! How about sexism at your own station? Remember CBS slimming her down in photos? And why just talk the sexism Hillary Clinton faced, Michelle Obama enjoyed a nice dose of sexism too. Better yet, how about addressing the sexism ALL women face? How about a special on that? And if you don't have the GUTS to call out your male colleagues by name (which they freely do to each other and you all the time) for their sexist and racist comments, what is the point of doing a special show on sexism on the first place?

You can't have your cake and eat it too!


Gloria June 12, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

Are you freakin kidding me? She wasn't saying that when they cut her that big azz check. I totally remember when they photo chopped her and she tried to play dumb.

What really pissed me off during that whole ordeal is that I always thought that Asian chick from the Today Show was much more talented than Katie.

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog June 12, 2008 at 4:30 PM  

Katie is also mad because she's getting slammed for being an Affirmative Action hire and she's gotten a lot of flack from CBS employees not toting the company line. Her speech about Clinton could easily be a projection of herself - and she's hoping for an audience with Clinton as well. Anything to keep her job.

Jill June 12, 2008 at 7:03 PM  

Professor Tracey - I have to tell you, I am here trying to catch up and I want to leave "yeahs!" on every single one of your posts!

I have never liked Katie Couric and used to get lambasted for it but I agree with you 100% here and still, she gets where she gets. UGH. "She was an over-rated and light-weight morning talk show host that took a job that she was woefully under-qualified for! And she knew it when she took the job! CBS News didn't go for this woman, because she was the best journalist available, but because they thought she was "cute" and "perky." They thought she would bring her female viewers with her and attract young men. CBS and Katie Couric have both fallen on their collective asses."

Thanks for your great writing, and keen mind.

LISA VAZQUEZ June 12, 2008 at 11:07 PM  

Professor Tracey,

Katie is soooo P.C.!!

She is so eager to maintain the status quo...she never wants to raise a ruckus...never wants to get anyone upset...never dreams of being confrontational and just smiles at everything... just like mommy taught her.

And this is why this underqualified white woman makes the BIG BUCKS....affirmative action is doing exactly what it was created to do....make room for the least-threatening and most ingratiating white women at the top rungs....

You didn't get the memo?

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

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