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The Democratic party would've given Obama opportunities to bow out gracefully if he were in Hillary's position. Then, the Clintons would suggest he become their 'running mate.'
Why would Obama have to be given the "opportunity" to bow out gracefully? Clinton didn't and no one has made it so she couldn't. She has steadfastly and headstrongly stayed in the race. What is Obama did the same?
I strongly believe that Obama would have been pressured to withdrawal from the primary race for the "good" of the Democratic Party. I am sure the political media pundits would have been more than glad to assist in pressuring him to withdrawal.
My idea is that if that many people are willing to vote for you you shouldn't be asked to go anywhere. Which is why if the shoe was on the other food I wouldn't mind. Millions of people have taken up for both sides and that is why both parties feel the need to see it through. I don't think it's a matter of having one unfairly bowing out regardless. It would be silly to come so far and to mean so much to so many and have a serious shot and to not see it through because someone felt you shouldn't.
Except now Dean is saying the nomination should be based on 'electability' not on who has the most pledged delegates or popular vote. He has not defined what the electability criteria is either. Obama isn't just campaigning against Hillary but it's Bill, McCain, the corporate media and apparently a large portion of his own party officials. If the situation was reversed he would have been told to leave in Feb.
I was thinking about this the other day cuz I've got a "Concede, Hillary" widget on my blog.
They'd pressure Barack to concede if he were in her shoes.
I read this piece last week that suggested that Obama concede. Satire perhaps?
Rainy what are u talking about?
Name me another candidate who can lose 12 victories in a row, have no chance of gaining the pledged delegate lead, is essential broke and still be a "viable" candidate.
But the events of the last few days have shown me that Obama will NOT be the Democratic nominee. They will be giving this to Clinton. And they will rue the day that that happens.
Nope! No doubt whatsoever, just like I have no doubt that if Michelle was involved in a drug-theft scandal like Cindy McCain or had an affair like Bill Clinton, Obama would have never been allow even consider running for President, no doubt.
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