Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Why White Political Folks Don't Get It And Why They May Not Ever Get It

If you watched the majority of the media coverage yesterday, you would have been hard pressed to learn that Barack Obama was ELECTED the Democratic presidential nominee. The first time in American History a black man wins the nomination and has a more than excellent chance of becoming President of the United States and the major news story of the day was how his LOSING opponent has decided by herself to be "open" to being his vice-president.

And white folks can't figure out why black people stay pissed and frustrated in and about America?

Not one media story on the history of black presidential candidates in American History, no discussion with important black figures about the impact of his historical achievement, no man on the street responses about the historic moment! Nothing! Do you actually believe that if Hillary Clinton had been the nominee that we would not have been subjected to every ancient suffragette from Geraldine Ferraro to Gloria Steinem?

And white folks can't figure out why black people stay pissed and frustrated in and about America?

And when the white pundits talked about Obama, it was just about all negative. His uplifting and empowering speech was fantasy and unbelievable. The killer one to me was folks bringing up the fact that he should have wrapped up the nomination weeks ago. WTH? Did these same folks forget that Hillary Clinton just would not leave and that Obama was advised not to push her out? And I love this "the race was over" rhetoric. As long as she keep running, the race was NEVER over! And the huge number of Clinton apologists that would not critique her failure to acknowledge the simple fact that Obama is the elected nominee. If the shoe was on the other foot, none of this behavior would have been acceptable from Barack Obama.

And white folks can't figure out why black people stay pissed and frustrated in and about America?

And not one white political pundit pointed out how racist it was that John McCain acted as if nearly 18 million people did not ELECT a black man to the Democratic presidential nomination. The very fact that he failed to acknowledge Barack Obama's historic moment does not bode well for John McCain and black people. It was more important to him to play politics than to appeal to black voters and celebrate this historic moment for black Americans.

And white folks can't figure out why black people stay pissed and frustrated in and about America?


Anonymiss June 4, 2008 at 2:42 PM  

The killer one to me was folks bringing up the fact that he should have wrapped up the nomination weeks ago.

Someone actually said that? How does that even make sense with all of the commentary made about how she should've conceded months ago?

I found a good piece that actually critiques Billary and brings up excellent points.

Shurl June 4, 2008 at 5:42 PM  

I saw a panel of pundits who were talking about Hillary's failures. Someone changed the subject to Obama and one pundit said, "oh, so can we talk about the winner now instead of the loser's husband and what he's done right or wrong?"

Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews were talking about the historical significance and they seemed genuinely moved to be a part of this moment. Also they spoke of his record-breaking fund raising and his ability to motivate. They even talked about Desmond Tutu's reaction to Obama's success. And CNN this morning had world-wide reaction to Obama's nom.

John McCain isn't supposed to acknowledge that Obama (as well as Clinton) had record voter turn-out and fund raising. He supposed to diminish their achievements and say that the liberal media crowed Obama--that he didn't earn it. (Bill Clinton thinks the same thing.)

Shurl June 4, 2008 at 5:49 PM  

It's 4:47pm Central Time and CNN is speaking with civil rights leaders and they are talking about how America has played the race card in past political races as well as the civil rights movement. The reports/reflections on "what this means" are showing up.

LISA VAZQUEZ June 4, 2008 at 8:21 PM  

Professor Tracey,

I hear you.... but tell me....where were the black anchors...what was on B.E.T.?

You know I don't own a telly so I have no clue...


focusedpurpose June 4, 2008 at 11:56 PM  

Professor Tracey-

i think that white folks "get it".

it is the refusal on the part of black folks to acknowledge the deliberate, strategic, well planned, and executed nature of white supremacy/racism in all aspects of american life that is the greater issue as far as i can see.

white folks get it. they just choose to feign ignorance, and deny deny deny when confronted. the women cry, deny, cry, deny.

one would have thought hrc was the winner yesterday. of course, america takes great care to not offend the senses of their pure, virtuous, upstanding, epitome of femininity daughters. always have always will.

thanks for letting me share.


Faith at Acts of Faith Blog June 5, 2008 at 12:41 AM  

Yes the evil tormentor tried to steal the show. She's being given all the time....and hang herself with. Friday is D-Day before they lower the boom on her. I want her to keep going at it so she can taste a little humiliation. The Hill and Billy Jeff show has ended. But hey McCain tried to steal some thunder too [coordinated effort perhaps?] and his speech SUCKED!!! And at least they broke away when the Obamas took the stage. McCain wants 10 townhall meetings so he can get free press and large crowds - for all his 'support' - his campaign has practically no money. People speak with their wallets. And they're just not that into either one of them. Actually Nightline had an excellent show about the Obama win and the historic significance of it, interviewing Brazile, Jackson, Angelou and Clyburn.

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