"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" - Audre Lorde
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I think entertaining the thought of HIllary as Sec of State is a good way to please her supporters. And I think it's admirable that he's inspired by the idea of a "team of rivals" like Lincoln. Obama wants powerful, tested, and vetted names with him. But, I wonder about the egos (especially Hillary).
I think he is doing like past presidents, once elected, change the plan. He stated that he would get rid of the old washington politicians, bring new faces to washington. CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE. Everyone on his list is from washington and has been running some part of the political machine for over a decade. Were going to get the same BS like we always do.
I really hoped he would pick Bill Richardson for this.
It's a moot point. She'd never make it past the confirmation stage. The Clinton Global Initiative, the foreign donors to the Clinton library, the campaign finance fraud case, all of that would have to be public and transparent. It'll never happen.
some are of the mindset to keep your enemies close. africanamericanpoliticalpundit.com has a good commentary on this
Hope Barack has a food taster when she's around.
Sorry, but I still hate Billary. I think her people are bored, and are trying to force her presence upon Prez-elect Obama. But he doesn't owe her ish.
I'd like her to be an ambassador to Mars. They could send her and her husband there to see if life really exists on that planet.
Frankly, his administration needs new blood, fresh faces, and a majority of people under 55.
So far, Obama's cabinet pick have not been inspiring at all. Rahm Emanuel? Why?
Hillary Clinton? Shoot, it can't hurt.
Where is the change? *looks in her pockets*
Nope, none is in there either...
Everyone -
I am in complete agreement here. I am feeling extremely disappointed in Obama's cabinet at this point. They are competent folks, but nothing innovative or different. He also seems to be screwing some of his own people.
If the only high profile black woman is going to be Valerie Jarrett, I'm going to be pissed. And if she ends up being the only woman of color, I'm going to be royally pissed!!!! Obama's campaign staff was not that diverse and women were not in the high level positions.
I know that folks of color may not have the so-called Washington Experience, but Clinton took chances on some people and Obama needs to the same. Safe picks doesn't mean they are going to a good job.
And I will not be happy to discover that Michelle Obama staffers are not diverse, she worked as a diversity officer.
the photo you've chosen doesn't help her candidacy, but I would like to see HC get a cabinet position if she wants one. I hope she doesn't want one. She would be wise to steer clear of Obama's administration lest she (and hubby) are blamed for ANY thing that goes wrong in the adminstration. But that's my opinion.
and as for what the folks around Obama's table look like so far, I'm surprised you and others are surprised. But let's hope it will look more diverse as the appointments keep coming in.
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