10 Things I Intend To Do In 2009
1) Get in shape and start playing hoops again.2) Learn how to play the Djembe.
3) Create a reading list and read everything on the list.
4) Work on improving my golf game.
5) Learn how to surf.
6) Visit The Little Bighorn Battlefield National Park.
7) Start learning the martial art of Kendo.
8) Make a short film with I-Movie.
9) Take the Samuel Adams Brewery Tour.
10) Move from the completely backwards, hillbilly ass, ain't got nothing to offer, no black people-having, small-ass town called Hell I'm currently living in.
What's your plans for the year?
Hey Prof I borrowed your blog but could only come up with 9 things.
1)work closer to masters completion
2)actually finding a significant other
3)stay healthy/encourage others
4)refresh piano/other music skills
5)maybe not this year, but sort of your #10-LOL!!!
6)start back reading comic books
7)stay employed
8)stay debt-free
9)stay informed
10)plan for 2010!
Planning on moving, huh? Good. Very good. LOL
laugh louder.
make someone else laugh.
Partake in a chorus of laughters.
Read and learn.
redo from start.
Finishing up my Masters and deciding whether to accept the PhD program that will require more years and more debt.
Saving Money.
Co-opt your #10 about re-locating or staying put.
Re-evaluate my 5 and 10 year plan.
Plan for my Trip to Europe.
Sprinkle more fairy dust on my dreds for continued length.
A good website to help you keep up with your reading list is www.goodreads.com
1. Get healthy.
2. Meditate more
3. Learn Yoga
4. Develop my business and have it bring in income.
5. Get accepted into Grad school.
6. Work on paying off misc debt.
7. Have 6 months or more of consistent payment history.
8. Start learning Spanish
9. Go to Vegas.
10.Go. to Chicago.
Cosign learning Kendo.
Get my grades up.
Enter the PharmD program in the fall.
Also refresh myself in piano
Learn Violin
Everything Miriam said.
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