Monday, February 23, 2009

If Atlanta Is So Great - Why Are Folks Leaving Town In Droves?

Doesn't sound like Hotlanta to me. My adopted hometown in North Carolina - Greensboro, made the top five as well. I wish I had some extra cash, I would be buying something.


roslynholcomb February 23, 2009 at 7:37 AM  

I don't know who told you Atlanta was great. We just moved here (under duress, trust me) and it sucks on a whole new level of suckativity. Unfortunately it'll be awhile before we can escape, but escape we will. I didn't like it before we moved here, and I loathe it now.

Too many people, going too many places, causing too many problems, and definitely not enough love to go around.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo February 23, 2009 at 9:17 AM  

i live inj the coutry outside atl, u should stop by my shop its downtwon on edgewood

Kim February 23, 2009 at 9:54 AM  

I love Atlanta, of course I was born and raised here. Great folks are leaving and I hope they are taking their vehicles with them cuz traffic is a beast. But I never really understood why folks were flocking here in droves several years back talking like it was the "Black Mecca" and then really upset when some were not succeeding ,then it was Atlanta is not so great. I maintain if your looking for miracles you need to move to Fátima, Portugal. I hear the Virgin Mary makes regular appearances there, and sometimes she is cying.

BLKSeaGoat February 23, 2009 at 12:35 PM  

I lived downtown and then in Grant Park. I loved it there. I NEVER went anywhere in the suburbs because it was too dayum country and extremely ass-backwards.

Make no mistake about it; once you're outside of the perimeter the ATL metro area is a hot mess. That's why I stayed in the city. I miss ATL because all of my friends are there. As I was moving to DC, everyone started moving to ATL.

Gloria February 23, 2009 at 8:45 PM  

LOL Kim you're a mess. I took my family there for a mini vacation last year and believe me we have no intentions of going back. It was tad bit depressing. You couldn't pay me to live there for various reasons.

I'll stay right here in North-Click. I'm a proud transplanter by way of Detroit. I'm tired of that urban living!

Rj February 24, 2009 at 2:19 PM  

Damn, I've been trying to get to ATL for a couple of years--I guess I'll hold off. DC is waaaaaaay too damn expensive and the pay doesn't match, too hard to make it as a single parent. I lived in GSO and I thought it was too country for me. Now, it wouldn't seem to bad after all...

Unknown February 24, 2009 at 5:37 PM  

Some of y'all need to stop hating on Atlanta. There are still jobs here. You just have to work hard to find them just like any other city. I moved here 5 years ago, and even though traffic can be a real pain, I have no intentions of leaving, unless me an wifey find a ludcrative job not too far away

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