Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Bubble-Headed Ethics And Morals Of Miss California Carrie Prejean And Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Governor Sarah Palin is jumping to the defense of Miss California Carrie Prejean. It's not surprising, they are both not particularly bright women and both don't might flaunting their sexuality to get ahead. And they are both welcome to their bigoted views about same sex marriage. What cracks me up is that they both think they are standing on the high moral and ethical ground here.

One poses semi-nude in topless photos, then repeatedly lies about when she took the photos and how many she took, but that doesn't stop Ms. Prejean from lecturing others about how they should live. And we are already way too familiar with how much Sarah Palin loves to bend the truth. For example, today she announced she's writing a memoir, but by the end of day, the truth is somebody will be writing the book for her. That's our girl, Sarah.

Governor Palin and Miss California - two pea-brains in a pod!


ch555x May 14, 2009 at 9:03 AM  

"It's not surprising, they are both not particularly bright women and both don't might flaunting their sexuality to get ahead."

Quoted for truth!

I can't bare to even look at Palin's image on the tele anymore. That's stating the obvious along with Miss CA...

...and my conspiracy nutbrain screams "stagename" for Ms. Prejean. Sounds like something you'd find in low-budget!

achoiceofweapons May 15, 2009 at 12:42 PM  

Well, You said it for me. I don't think these Women believe what they are selling but they want to rule like that Chick in the Handmaidens tale.

wisdomteachesme May 17, 2009 at 12:45 PM  

i have to think that they really do beleive what they are saying.
they are only christian in name-but not in truth of living it.
they use it to hate not to love
and they will not bring anyone to Jesus living as they are!
His Truth will be revealed sooner than later about them.
very sad indeed how they pimp Jesus.

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