Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rick Santorum Tells The Black President How To Date His Black Wife And Thinks He Knows Something About Black Folks And Marriage

What in the hell makes Rick Santorum think that Barack and Michelle Obama want to drink a damn "beer and a shot" and who in the high holy hell is he to tell them where they should go out together? I'll say it again, post-racial America, my ass. So, black people can't go out to an expensive restaurant and a Broadway play because it's self-indulgent, but when white folks do the same thing, it's just an evening out. Wow!

And adding insult to injury, this dude has the nerve to use one of the best examples of black marriage in America to smear other African Americans -

"And you have an African-American community, particularly in the poor inner city areas, we’re looking at out of wedlock birthrates in three quarters to 75 percent (sic) of children being born out of wedlock. Marriage is an institution that’s a bridge too far for too many African-American woman and is not desirable among African-American males."

Really? Where in the hell did he get this information? And who the hell says that every African American desires marriage? You know just once, I would love to hear a black politician talk about white folks the way they so freely talk about us, particularly when they clearly don't know what in the hell they are talking about and really don't give a damn about improving African American lives.


page June 3, 2009 at 9:36 AM  

Did they ask George Bush to pay for his VACATIONS on air force one to the Crawford (fake arse) ranch....which he stayed at 1/3 of his presidency... then I will consider it.

the preze take a shuttle to NYC. Could you imagine the logistical nightmare of security. I am sure the secret service was already having "Abe Lincold" fear with Obama at the theaterrrrrrrrrrr

LorMarie June 3, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

Agreed! I'm not sure why people assume that every black woman wants to be married. I certainly do not. Besides, the stats are blown way out of proportion.

As for Rick Santorum, he and other conservatives will look for any excuse to attack the first couple.

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