"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" - Audre Lorde
I am looking forward to the release of Heath Ledger's last film. The advance posters for his Joker character are amazing. I think the film is going to be a huge hit, it's a shame that he didn't live to enjoy the success.
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Can I just say that I love Batman? I watched The Animated Series, Justice League, own Batman Begins on DVD. I have no idea why I enjoy the franchise so much. I'm looking forward to this movie. When I first heard that Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, I didn't think he could pull it off. But then I started seeing small clips last year, and my mind was officially changed. It's a shame of his premature death, as this was the role that I think made me really appreciate his talent. RIP, Heath.
i agree and I love me some BATMAN!! i loved that last one--batman begins...got the toys, the modified bat mobile is awesome...now i juSt gotta figure out hoW to get a real one! hahahaa--when that body of that thing transformed i was out of my seat! (yes i am a huge car freak...)
got all the batman and superman movies...but my favorite one is with that crazy jack n. and the music score by prince!!!
Oh this town needs an enemia!!! lolololol
Stop the presses !! who is that ? vicky vail!! hahahah
and i guess it helps that i am a huge prince fan!! never missed a concert!!
prettyman!!...he is a mess...
yes i'll put in some earplugs and go see this when it comes out!
i collected superhero comic books when i was a child-through teenage yrs and through college. boxes and boxes of them...
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