If Right Wing Bloggers Are Afraid of Rich White Women In Scarves, Shouldn't The Rest Of Rest Of Us Be Afraid Of Anyone That Looks Like This?......
Isn't this person, Timothy McVeigh, the only American to commit a terrorist act in the United States? Since this incident, does America racially profile men that look like him? Should men that look like him be barred from television? Should crew cut hairstyles on young white men be banned because it reminds folks of the Oklahoma City Bombing?
Tell it, Prof. Tracey.
Should crew cut hairstyles on young white men be banned because it reminds folks of the Oklahoma City Bombing?
No, crew cut hairstyles on young white men should be banned because it's just plain UGLY on them.
I agree that we really don't include the domestic terrorist nutjobs in the public discourse. I think that people get overwhelmed at the very thought that they could be living next to cold blooded killers like McVeigh.
Sounds like the truth to me :-)
White America's got a selective memory when it comes to McVeigh and other domestic terrorists.
White America has selective memory about anything that dosn't deodorize or celebrate their sociopath past.
You would think that after this incident Americans would be demanding that White men with military backgrounds should be hel at Guantanomo as enemy combatants until they've been evaluated.
I wrote a post about a white woman who clinched her fake Gucci purse in response to me, a black homosexual, being a threat to her precious white womanhood. I'd like for you to read it and express your thoughts if you're inclined to do so.
He's not the only one. He just went through with it.
Wonderfully and truthfully stated...poignant, succinct, profound.
I will have to disagree with all you intelligent 'white hating' racist bloggers. We have had one major case of domestic terrorism committed by a bunch of neo-Nazis versus numerous attempts by Muslims.
So, the threat level is not nearly as high. That being said I am not against cracking down on any type of militia within America that is arming itself with more weapons than needed for self defense.
It's also pretty likely that Muslims assisted with the OKC Bomging but that kind of talk is taboo. Read Jayna Davis's 'The Third Terrorist' to be enlightened.
Very well stated. The hypocrisy of the so-called "right" knows no bounds.
Hey Folks,
Please feel free to ignore The Tusla Atlas.
I just checked out his blog and he's a just a simple-minded blogger looking to justify his hatred of anything that is not white, straight, male, republian, and christian.
I have a special place in my heart for white folks that try their hardest to blame folks of color for racism.
Poor thing, he's searching for the answers to life. Check out his blog, it's good for a laugh or two!
First off, I agree that racial profiling happens too much. I will never understand what non-white people have to go through.
I also think McVeigh is a total bastard that was the main culprit. He just had help is all. It's almost a fact that the BATF knew all about McVeigh so they were aware of his actions. Again, the main culprits were neo-Nazis who should all burn in hell. If you would read my blog on the OKC Bombing and read the attached links, you would see that.
I just think that reverse racism is more prevalent these days and that is my opinion. I just mentioned it in my blog which was in part inspired by this blog. If you don't like my opinion, counter argue it with facts instead of insulting me which is all you got.. I could cut and paste many of your comments that are racist in thsi blog as proof.
@ The Tulsa Atlas,
You need to read your own comments! You were the first one tossing out insults on a blog you clearly have not read!
And for someone that finds this blog so racist, you can't stay away. You don't have to read or comment here!
And if I was a real racist, I would delete your dumb ass comments, but I let you have your voice just the same.
I don't have time for conspiracy theories and that wasn't the point of my post and you know it. And what difference does it make if Tim Mcveigh was involved with neo nazis (you said muslims before)? It's still homegrown white terrorists that committed the worse act of American homocide in this beautiful nation!
How about that fact!
I assume the point of your post is against racial profiling. I agree with that. I just think the tone of many of your blogs seems like reverse racism to me.
I also think there are some false assupmtions such as this:
I always found it interesting how quickly and readily white folks agreed for Tim McVeigh to be executed.
McVeigh died quickly because the trials were a circus not because white people were ashamed of what he represented. It's unfortunate he died so quickly because there's a lot of truth not told about OKC.
To clarify, my belief is that the main culprits were a group of white neoNazis. However, Terry Nichols flew to the Phillipines numerous times likely meeting with Ramzi Yousef. My belief is that Muslims provided some experties on making the bomb. They did not carry it out.
I suppose I got somewhat emotional because my brother was supposed to be in that building that day. Fortunately, he was not.
@Tulsa Atlas
Having a different opinion does not make one racist. Further, you need to understand and have more respect of black people's view of the world before you start labeling folks racist.
White people have never been subjected to racial profiling, but are always the first to label someone terrorist or unamerican. When someone points out the obvious, like Tim McVeigh, all of a sudden, I'm the racist. I find that a laughable.
No one on this blog has said that white folks should be denied the right to be a citizen, to vote, to equal rights, but these things have been denied to us.
Now that we have a free voice to speak as white people have for centuries, now we're racist because you don't like what is being said? That's troubling to me.
I would suggest instead of looking for "reverse racism" you look a little harder at the possible contradictions that black people see everyday.
All muslims are not terrorists and they are not bad people because they are muslim. It's brutally racist that so many Americans are acting this way. Particularly, when the average American can't even properly identify a Muslim.
It's funny how white people turn on everyone, it's the Blacks, the illegal Latino immigrants, its the Asians, its the Jews, but it's never you, no matter what you do. There is always an excuse.
Tim McViegh was guilty as hell and white folks wanted him gone off the face of this earth, that's a fact. If they could have blamed that crime on someone else they would have!
And considering that white men run the this government, if they knew someone else was involved, why hide it? Because most likely they were up to their necks in it! This is a lose-lose situation period!
I'm sorry if it's hard for you to hear, but white America does have a very selective memory of its racist history and its on-going white priviledge.
That's how you can lie to get into a war and lie to stay in it. That's the American way.
@Tulsa -
Reading is fundamental. Go back and read your own posts. Your first comment labeled folks racists. Sounds like you have a problem with black folks.
You also keep changing your argument. Yeah, white folks got lied to about the war, but who labeled folks unamerican if they protested against the war? I never saw or heard a person of color do that.
As I said before and for the last time, if you don't like the blog don't read it and don't comment. This circular and pointless debate has gotten tired.
Thanks for stopping by.
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