Thursday, May 8, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it." - Oprah Winfrey

Oprah has been getting on my nerves royally lately, kiss-ass catering to Tom Cruise and Barbara Walters, but I am feeling this quote today!


wisdomteachesme May 8, 2008 at 12:38 PM  

see, lol- prof tracey-- i was trying to leave her alone after that video on AM's blog--(which reminds me of the movie
'the stand'-the part when the old man is in jail toward the end of the movie).
here you have gone and put all this foolishness on one day--LOLOLO--uncover it sister--pull the sheets back!
i have been in prayer and thanksgiving to God for His help-for the people that got hit with the destruction from the natural storms all around the world. all those crazy regimes...ok, back to these storms...

i have been through with the o for a long time-glad she built the school-glad she does what she does, as little as it is-her good works will not buy her way into heaven. people have made her their idol and she seems to be fully enjoying it.
see....*shaking my head*..

i know she has a good heart--i don't know about that quote as it applies to her life many others of us-yeah i can feel it--i don't know what she may mean--(and believe me,that is ok by me-i don't need to understand everything)-
since hse has denouced Jesus....
guurrll she knows it was no one but God and Jesus that helped her through all that mess when she was a child!! That is why she is where she is today....
my thoughts are, therapy is a good thing with the correct therapist! I think it would help her to keep going all the way Through therapy!! she needs a healing that Jesus can supply her with.

well, her ground has not allowing the rooting off His Word to flourish. (Mark 4)

ok, let me go on my porch and watch the birds, the rabbits, the turtles and the rain fall. and continue to pray for all the women and children that need some angels to come and rescue them.

loveu sister--keep pulling back those sheets!! :D

Let us remember that the Symbol of Freedom here in America is that of A Woman!
The Statue Of Liberty! That is No Mistake!

LISA VAZQUEZ May 8, 2008 at 6:31 PM  

Hi Professor Tracey!

I still love Oprah!

She has done a lot of charitable work and she has addressed a lot of important issues on her show. I think that the positive things she is doing and has done far outweigh any mistakes she's made along the way.


Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Kimmy May 9, 2008 at 1:24 AM  

Oprah is the best! I swear black women love to tear one another down.. I'ts shameful really. But It's May sweeps so The Oprah show is going to be full of guest and topis to draw attention for this Month.. Remember Hates the word BUSINESS in show business.
Go Oprah!

Dr. Tracey Salisbury May 9, 2008 at 1:38 AM  

It's isn't about tearing down Oprah or not loving Oprah. Tom Cruise treated Oprah like trash for three years after his famous couch jumping - like it was her fault. She doesn't need him on her show. It only helped him.

And when Barbara Walter admitted her affair with a married man, there was Oprah confessing to the same thing. It's gets very tired with Oprah sometimes.

The truth is the truth - sorry Oprah stans!

LaShelle May 9, 2008 at 9:17 AM  

Oprah has confessed her affair years ago. She even wrote about in what I know now, but she has never disclosed the gentleman's name. No that's classy. The different between her and Walters' revelations is that Oprah correlates her affair to her low self esteem issues. It only makes her look more human in my eyes.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo May 9, 2008 at 12:32 PM  

i have nothing to say bout barbra wa wa. have a gr8 weekend

Kimmy May 9, 2008 at 4:13 PM  

You nor I really don't know if Tom Cruise and Oprah conversed everynight for the past three years all w/ Tom weeping and apologetic so you speaking on what you know nothing of. Oprah does not need Tom and as powerful as Oprah is , she is not ABC network and May and November are big sweeps months in TV land so shows go all out tryiong to get those ratings up..once again in show business the word business reigns.

Kimmy May 9, 2008 at 4:27 PM  

I think Oprah mentioned the affair that she had again so Babs would not feel as if Oprah was judging her, because any type of host should always be gracious to their guest, even if they are grilling them.

Dr. Tracey Salisbury May 9, 2008 at 4:39 PM  


I really don't give a darn, she got on my nerves, business or no business and that's where it's at.
My blog, my feelings. And my little sidebar is not really the point of the post. It's all about Oprah's quote really. Thanks for your opinions. You make valid points>

LISA VAZQUEZ May 9, 2008 at 4:48 PM  

Hi again!

It's true that Oprah was being gracious to Tom by having that man BACK on her show...but she extended this same grace to the Wayans brothers after they had talked about her like a one-legged dooooog for years and years.

Even Chris Rock commented on that show, "Oprah you are a good woman to have their black a____ on your show after they talked about you!"

Kim offered an apology right on the air for all of the years she ridiculed Oprah in the name of comedy. I could tell Oprah had NOT expected it.

David Letterman bashed Oprah and she came to his show and she didn't HAVE TO do that. Forgiveness is part of who she is.

And she has shown it PUBLICLY to black and white people who dogged her.

Now Oprah has ownership of a television network and I hope she will focus on displaying positive images of black women, and black people in general.

And yes, I do loooove Oprah! Can't "ya'll" tell? *LOL* And I lived in Chicago when she was just getting famous too! So we go way back!! *LOL*

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Kimmy May 9, 2008 at 6:25 PM  

Thanks, I look forward to making more valid points on this blog in the future.

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