Sunday, July 13, 2008

Education Advocacy Group ED IN '08 To Run Advertisements To Challenge Presidential Candidates To Discuss The American Educational System

The issue of the quality of American education should become a primary talking point of the 2008 Presidential campaign with the advertising impact of the well-funded organization ED IN '08. This organization is planning to spend five million on various multimedia advertising challenging all levels of political leadership to begin discussion their plans and ideas for improving education in the United States.

Neither presidential candidates is particularly strong on this issue, but Barack Obama could definitely shine on this topic since John McCain supports the failed No Child Left Behind policy of current President Bush. Further, McCain shows so little interest and passion for domestic issues, he would just further expose how bad of a president he would be.

Obama could really hammer home the point about the importance and impact of education on the lives of himself and his wife. He could also strongly challenge folks to get more actively involved with their children's education.


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