Why Did The GOP Send Cindy McCain To Georgia?....So She Could Have Something To Talk About At The GOP Convention
For all her education, wealth, and endless opportunities, Cindy McCain is such a vapid, shallow, and dishonest woman. As John McCain's campaign has stumbled along, her profile has diminished day by day. She's the ever smiling rich heiress with the frozen 1,000 yard stare, waving that sideways wave at the pheasants, the poor and the colored.
Her appearance and speech at the GOP convention will be a series of cleverly crafted combinations of smoke and mirrors and spit and glue, because Cindy McCain had absolutely nothing to talk about. That is she has nothing she wants real, everyday people to know. Cindy McCain is going to present a paper doll cut-out of a woman's life, a fundamentally dishonest portrait of herself and her life.She will talk about family and family values while disavowing her half sisters and hiding her adopted daughter of color from the public eye. She will talk about poor, unfortunate children of Vietnam and Georgia with a teary eye, while she ignores the children of Darfur. And does her humanitarian work in Vietnam deflect her husband's racism against the residents of that nation? I don't think so. What she won't talk about is racism, sexism, or the numerous serious issues that all women face.
Truth be told, what does Cindy McCain actually have to offer to the women of America and I mean all of them, not the tiny group of women who find her appealing. What does she have to offer to women of color? It is interesting that Michelle Obama has to reach across racial and gender lines and Cindy McCain doesn't have to appeal to anyone other than the same old segregated and stagnant bunch. Cindy McCain, not a woman of our time, but a woman of another time long past.
What adopted of color?? Is it true that McCan't left his disabled wife to be with the Ice Queen?
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