Words For Warfare
“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
"Never wound a snake; kill it."
“I would fight for my liberty so long as my strength lasted, and if the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me.”
---- Harriet Tubman
Major props to Hillary Clinton for reminding us all of the Woman Called Moses!
this woman really holds a strong place in my heart.
so many people have memorized her words-(she was not educated nor did she go to anybody's divinity school looking for God)--and not many at all share in her belief to Use their faith and be Bold for God in the work He gives to be done.
Repeating encouraging words will not work if you don't have faith in them.
Power to Faith! Faith to Power!
there needs to be more than just remembering what she did and said--adopting her passion, strength and dedication no matter how hard things are, is what the point of her faith and her words should mean to us.
i wonder if she were here today would so many accept her without any education. she spoke strong, bold words concerning her faith in Jesus and God.
she would be one person i would like a chance to meet if it were possible.
lol, guess i'll have to wait till i get to my Father House! :D
i know i'll see her there!
good choice prof.
hope all is well with school starting.
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