"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" - Audre Lorde
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Gahhhhhhhhh...please, I beg of you ..DO NOT associate my favorite Christmas character with McCain. :-)
Sorry Miss Pinky! LOL! Let's say it reflects McCain in spirit not image! The face and the itty bitty arms are so McCain!
"John, it this really how you want to go out? Calling Obama a terrorist behind his back and a "one" to his face? You've come this far without snapping, but you're turning into Grandpa at Christmas dinner. You don't like how any of the grandkids turned out, your dentures hurt and you're two scotches away from calling Grandma a slut."
Hijacked from Huffington Post
Heat Miser! I'm in my late thirties and I thought no one younger knew about him!
McCain looked older the way he walked around the stage. And he fled the scene soon after the debate while the Obamas shook hands and posed with undecided voters.
According to Huffington Post, mcCain rallies are inspiring their crowds to shouting "traitor", "Off with his head" and "terrorist" when Obama's name comes up. This is a new kind of "dirty politics" that could really harm someone.
Hilarious he really is like the Heat Miser! Old, angry, and he's pitiful too.
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