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YAY! Go lakers!
Sad to say they are getting a rep of blowing big leads. They are going to have to work on that.
Girl whachu say about them Lakers? They didn't know???? Laker man since 1980 win, lose, good, bad, whatever! With all the Laker Haters out there its nice to have a sister in arms!
anna.nowo - I know - I know. Thats that youth. Really we (I always include me like I am on the team or something) but WE are so good and so smooth with it with Kobe not having to put up 30 everynight, we have to keep from being bored every night. Its a loooong season. We just need to win the games we should, and get that home court advantage. Hopefully them soft Euro cats will man up more if they get some more of KG nem in June... cause that stunk that ass up last year. Especially in game 6! You could have bought me with a penny!
We are waiting for you in Boston...mwuah-hahahah
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