Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sarah Pac is Just Plain Scary!

She's never going away ya'll!


RainaHavock January 28, 2009 at 2:08 AM  

But of course my friend. I knew that after her whole RNC speech.

msladyDeborah January 28, 2009 at 5:17 AM  

I watched Palin address the Alaska House on C-Span.

When she talked about how capable President Obama is and how he exercising fiscal responsibility in the early days of his office, I wanted to fly there and slap her face! What a piece of work this woman really is.

Excuse me but I have to say Hell 2 the Naw! She is not going away. Sarah is preparing to do battle for the POTUS. That is obvious.
She is the byproduct of GOP desperation and bulls**t. They probably want her to go away too. But she's not!!

The lady from the upper 49 is going to be on the comeback trail with her political guns ablazing.

I say let her and the GOP fight it out. She really is closer to their base than they want to admit. She's working class, not wealthy, she's not afraid to toss race cards with the best of them. They gave her a taste of what life with power is like. She liked it and she wants to have it. That is obvious.

Team Palin is in development for sure. I expect them to have game on for 2012.

I will be keeping an eye on her progress. Because I am sure when she rolls back out-she'll be talking to her new found sistah friends of color. The desired new base of the party.

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