Is This Art?
The artist's name is Claes Oldenburg. It's interesting work to say the least. If I had a big enough space and someone to dust it, I would display it.
"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master's House" - Audre Lorde
The artist's name is Claes Oldenburg. It's interesting work to say the least. If I had a big enough space and someone to dust it, I would display it.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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for me it is.
i like the direction that he and his wife took their creations in. the whole premise of enlarging every day objects opened up a new way of 'seeing' our daily environment. things that we may take for granted.
i don't like all pop art--but a few of the artists that 'founded' this style of art had something different that caught on because there was nothing else like it around.
It was more about creating art for arts sake. which is a style unto itself.
taking everyday objects and making them into art is art for arts sake.
moving people's learned understanding and perceptions away from traditional art ie, portraits, landscapes, historical images- is what pop art is all about.
artists like oldenburg and his wife were more concerned with takeing the power away from the class system money holders and giving the right to call what is art to the regualr person.
its rebellion against the class system that tries to hold the power over artists and their creations.
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