Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who Needs Affirmative Action When You Have Nepotism To Rely Upon - Part II

As I said before, you don't need affirmative action when Daddy can get the job for you.


Rj June 10, 2009 at 9:57 AM  

Thank you. I know that's right.

Gatas Negras June 10, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

Yeah...It cracks me up when so many people say thay affirmative action should be eliminated but then there is so much nepotism and hidden benefits for people. There are so many hidden bonus points that people get on college entrance exams because their father or grandfather contributed to this, was a member of that or they live in some community. Most of these extra bonuses we don't even know about. But affirmative action, as apllied to minorities, EVERYBODY knows about!

Unknown June 14, 2009 at 6:44 PM  

Lets not forget the Late Tim Russert's son on MSNBC.

The subject of affirmative action always ticks me off.

I was a high school student in the seventies and there was nothing more bizarre than hearing eighteen year old middleclass white students (males) moan on and on about affirmative action just ten years after the assassination of Dr. King and fourteen years after the Civil Rights act.

I had never heard of AA, but white students had already learned it was good for me and bad for them.

My observation after thirty years in corporate America is if any has benefited from AA it is white women.

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