Friday, March 12, 2010

Professor Tracey Is Getting Seriously Hooked On Watching HBO's Big Love

Just watched the first season of Big Love on DVD. Interesting and funny. Chloe Sevigny and Harry Dean Stanton are seriously creepy and a delight to watch. Second season is on the way from Netflix as I write! As far as polygamy is concerned, that's some male fantasy bullshit in my book! Who in the hell wants to be wife #2, much less wife #3? Sure in the hell not me.


Tiffany March 14, 2010 at 6:12 PM  

I love this show. The first season was very funny. I haven't gotten to watch it lately but I plan on renting the season.


Camille March 15, 2010 at 12:19 PM  

I know that you may not agree with my opinion but here goes..
I think that more black people should embrace this sort of lifestyle because it will save the 40% of black women that have never been married. Plus, in this sort of situation, more wealth can be generated stoping our dependance on government aid. Just a thought.

page March 15, 2010 at 1:18 PM  

thought this was well written. Nice to see something new on TV. just wait for season #3.............for confirmation on your thoughts of male supremecy BILL @#$%^&*()*&^%$$^&*

Dr. Tracey Salisbury March 15, 2010 at 10:57 PM  


Thanks for sharing the view, but I doubt many black women would be happy sharing a husband. Despite the humor of this show, I think living in this fashion is a very tough life.

And I also doubt that such a situation would end folks being on government aid because upper class black men who can afford a wife in the first place wouldn't risk the heat such a lifestyle would cause and poor black men couldn't afford it.

It's an interesting thought though. I'd love to hear more sisters weigh in on it. Look for a future post.

Dr. Tracey Salisbury March 15, 2010 at 10:57 PM  


Thanks for sharing the view, but I doubt many black women would be happy sharing a husband. Despite the humor of this show, I think living in this fashion is a very tough life.

And I also doubt that such a situation would end folks being on government aid because upper class black men who can afford a wife in the first place wouldn't risk the heat such a lifestyle would cause and poor black men couldn't afford it.

It's an interesting thought though. I'd love to hear more sisters weigh in on it. Look for a future post.

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