Monday, August 2, 2010
The Disappointed Soul Sista's Solution To The Slow Sad Death Of Essence Magazine
I stopped subscribing to Essence magazine when long-time editor-in-chief, Susan L. Taylor left in 2000. I stopped buying Essence from the newsstand on a occasional basis when Time Inc. purchased the magazine and began filling issues with more advertisements than stories, particularly advertisements that had little to due with improving, enhancing, or enriching the lives of African American women. The slow death of Essence Magazine had begun then, the essential magazine for African American women from 18 to 80 was beginning it's transformation into a high gloss version of Vogue magazine in blackface.

African American Male Athletes Still Living Up To Same Old Stereotypes.....Sigh.....
It's been a bad few weeks for black male athletes, from the horrible news of the murder of former NBA player Lorenzen Wright, to the undeserved second chances of Jeremiah Masoli and Maurice Clarett, the reckless stupidity of Tyreke Evans, and the great flame-out of Delonte West.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What If You Threw A Diversity Tea Party And Nobody Came? Some Tea Party Folks In Philadelphia Found Out Real Quick
You plan a "Uni-Tea" diversity function for the Tea Party Movement which has a little bitty problem with racist signs and slurs at it's previous events and you invite confirmed racist Andrew "I Ain't Never Apologizing To Shirley Sherrod" Breitbart to speak. How does that event turn out?
When You Look Like The Daily Caller's Mark "Who Let The Dogs Out" Judge You Really Shouldn't Be Calling Other Folks Ugly
The dude above with the uber-thin lips, squirrelly eyes, receding hairline, and road map wrinkled face wrote some pointless piece of junk calling some of his fellow journalists ugly. This dude must not have any mirrors in his crib.
The Stupidest Woman In America Hands Down Is Sarah Palin - Hair Weaves, Hand Notes, And Random Half-Baked Thoughts
Could you see this dumb bunny meeting with various Heads of State with random stuff written on her hand? Their names or their countries? Folks are serious about this idiot being the next President of the United States. Our country would become a laughingstock.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Angelina Jolie's New Flick - SALT
Highly recommended, mindless entertainment. Worth every penny. Get your popcorn, your soda, and your milkduds and just sit back and enjoy the ass-kicking and gunplay. The story makes no damn sense and Angelina Jolie's skinny ass running around and punching folks is completely unbelievable, but who gives a damn. A good action thriller is a good action thriller.
Which Unthinking Jackass Dug Phyllis "Crazy Ole Biddy" Schlafly Out Of Her Crypt At The Cryogenics Lab?
The old saying is can't teach old dogs new tricks. GOP great grand momma Phyllis Schlafly on the run from the old folks home and spewing insane, deranged, and completely wrong ravings.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Between Alvin Greene And Leshuh Griffin Professor Tracey Is Not Sure Who Is The Nuttiest Black Person Running For Office
Who is craziest negro running for office here?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Late Last Word On LeBron "LeBum" James Dissing Cleveland And Becoming Dwayne Wade's Second Banana Sidekick
Cleveland should have known he was leaving. LeBron has always been about LeBron. Who proclaims themselves the "King" and the "Chosen One" when they hadn't played even one NBA game at the time? His pre-game rituals are stupid, his post game press comments even dumber, and his big announcement TV special with go down in sports history as one of most brainless moments in the history of free agency.

Monday, July 26, 2010
Real-Life Kobe Shouldn't Make Commercials - Puppets Only
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Is The "Old Spice" Guy Sexy? Professor Tracey Doesn't Think So......
Just A Simple Question? - Where Are All The Feminist/Women's Groups On Mel Gibson?
Mel Gibson's shit is all out on the street. He is a certified lunatic, caught on tape spewing racist and sexist slurs and threatening to kill folks. Yet, pro-women and feminist groups have been mighty quiet. Are they waiting until Mad Mel's next film premiere to pounce?
Professor Tracey Is Seriously Hooked On Watching FX's Sons Of Anarchy
This is a show I believed I would absolutely hate. Hillbilly, greasy, redneck bikers, killing folks and spewing borderline sexist and racist slurs every thirty seconds? Not for me dude, right? WRONG!!!! I love this show! A pure and complete guilty pleasure. White trash life on full parade. Katey Sagal of Married With Children infamy positively steals nearly every single scene she is in on this show. The twists and turns on this show keep you guessing and the acting is top notch.
This program also has a wicked sense of humor, the dialogue and antics of some of the characters has you giggling to yourself, just like when watching the folks on Madmen, True Blood, and Big Love. I love quirky, well-written, and character driven shows, it makes the time spent in front of the boob tube seem justified.
The Killer Inside Me - Read The Book And Go See The Movie
To me, it is rare to have a great book turned into a great movie. For example, To Kill A Mockingbird is great book as well as a great movie. I had the recent pleasure of reading Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me and then catching the 2010 film adaptation starting Casey Affleck. It was an awesome double-dip of literature and cinema.
I was even inspired to track down a copy of the 1976 film adaptation starting Stacy Keach of Mike Hammer fame. I have to say I enjoyed that version as well, even though it is heavily flawed, but Keach does a nice job as the seemingly mild mannered policeman with a deadly secret or two or three. Fair warning, both the book and the film are extremely violent, so be prepared. You won't be bored or disappointed.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Ugly And Nasty Truth Behind The Shirley Sherrod Fiasco
This Florida Evans damn, damn, damn of a cock-up speaks volumes about black women in America......volumes!!!!!!!
How many black men does it take to help toss a single, lone, black woman under the bus?
We Are The Champions, My Friend...Again!
I'm not gloating.....really....I'm not.....LMAO!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Read A Book - Pam Grier's Autobiography "Foxy" Is Coming To A Bookstore Near You
I'm looking forward to this one!
One, Two, Freddy's Coming Back For You........A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake Due In Theaters On April 30
I know, I know, Hollywood is recycling it's self, but I will be there just the same. Professor Tracey has been hooked on horror for a very, very, very, long time.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Freedom Of Speech But Watch What You Tweet - Ice T Lays The Smackdown On Aimee Mann
She said this and then he said that.....LOL!
Another Jackass Teenager Pulls The Same Racist Store Announcement Prank At Whole Foods This Time
Just wondering, but do black folks shop at Whole Foods in big numbers to pull this dumbass prank there? I've only been in one of their over-priced stores just once, I'm a Fresh Market type sista myself.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Guess Who's Back? - Tina Fey Slays Sarah "I Got No Brain To Hold Me Back" Palin Again!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tiger Woods Pimps His Dead Daddy's Voice To Hustle The Public For Nike
Tiger Woods has no shame! This commercial is an openly crass and classless attempt to curry favor with the public. Tiger Woods NEVER would have cut this ad in this manner if he had not so dramatically and quickly fell from grace within his sport and with the public.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Women Who Sell Their Bodies And Their Souls...Then Lie To Themselves And Everyone Else About It - The Rise Of The Female Pimp And The "Half Hooker"
What in the hell EXACTLY is a "half-hooker"?
Folks Need To Shut The Hell Up! Ain't Nothing Wrong With Jennifer Hudson's Weight Watcher Commercials
First, she looks absolutely fabulous, so stop hating. Second, she is promoting what is most likely the only reliable and realistic weight loss program in the country, so stop hating. Third, she is probably being paid a nice piece of change to be Weight Watchers spokesperson, which is a smart financial move, so stop hating.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Anyone Buy Apple's New I-Pad? Anyone Planning To Buy One?
This seems to be a pretty cool gizmo, but Professor Tracey is going to wait. I don't need sticker shock like folks that got smacked in the early days of the I-Phone. Anybody out there buy one? Anyone thinking of getting one? Let me know, I'm interested.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Why Are Folks Tripping On President Obama Checking "African American" On The 2010 U.S. Census? What Did You Chose?
I think folks need to fill out their own damn census forms and not worry about what the President checked on his own form. There are reports that Black and Latino folks are not getting the census forms in like they should. Get to WORK colored folks, turn in the damn census! The forms were due April 1, but you still have time!
Another Reason Not To Cry If Law And Order Gets Canceled - S. Epatha Merkerson Leaving The Show After 16 Years
I'm a huge fan of this sista. She is one of the most underrated actresses on television and underused on the big screen. She made Law and Order come alive every time she came on the screen. She was absolutely believable as the big city female cop, subjected to both racism and sexism. She could say a hell of a lot with just a look and was a great foil for the attorneys on the show as well. I wish her well and look forward to her next role.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Birthday To Me! Professor Tracey Rings Up Another One!
I soooooo love my birthday. A complete slacker day today, no work, no drama, and no crap. Straight chillin' and relaxing. A few drinks and some yummy tapas. Hanging with my dog and watching all the horror flicks I can stand. Complete and total pamper day for me. Will hang with friends and fam on the weekend. I really needed a "me day" this year and I'm taking it!
It's very cool to share a b-day with Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman and The Weasley Twins from Harry Potter. LMAO!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Does Erykah Badu Go To Way Too Far Out There With The Video For "Window Seat"?
I'm no longer surprised at the things Erykah Badu thinks up, but this is a little much for me. If you have to do that much voiceover to explain what you are doing in your video, I think you're in big trouble with your artistic ideas. And is this video supposed to be sexy, reflective, or just provocative? I can't tell, it just seems like a mess to me. What do you think? Read more...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
In Plain Sight Returns This Week!
I spent a glorious long weekend last year, watching the first two seasons of In Plain Sight on DVD. I became a huge fan overnight. The series returns on Wednesday night. I'll either be watching or DVRing for later.