Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate #1 - Advantage Obama

Overall, I thought the debate was a draw without a clear winner. I believe that Barack Obama accomplished what he needed to do, he looked in control, sounded knowledgeable, and never lost his cool. He could have been less agreeable with McCain, but he proved that he can handle foreign policy without being flustered or caught flat-footed. Obama is a gentleman and it is just not his style to be nasty. I think the folks that claim that Obama doesn't have the knowledge and the experience to lead need to shut up about that now, he has clearly proved them wrong on that point.
John McCain's debate performance was combative, condescending, and confusing. He never once looked at Barack Obama and never engaged him as an equal. He always seemed to lead with a distortion of Obama's views or a flat-out lie. It was a very dishonest, disconcerting, disturbing, and extremely non-presidential performance.

The United States of America is currently reeling from the weight of its numerous issues and problems, we need our next president to be able to engage others with grace and respect, to work collaboratively and be willing to compromise. If elected, will John McCain talk to his cabinet, the Congress, and leaders of other nations in such a dismissive and nasty fashion? We need diplomacy in this country, not destruction of one's opponents.

McCain scared me tonight. His main message seems to be that he is going to fire everybody who doesn't do what he wants and he is going to fight with everyone who doesn't agree with him. I don't want people running my government who are in fear of being fired and I don't want to go to war with every nation in the world.

McCain's political views and leadership style is very dangerous. It's nice to be able to fight well, but it is equally important to be able to negotiate. John McCain has made clear he is only interested in doing the former and completely unwilling or unable to do the latter.


Let's Get Ready To Bumble And Stumble! Biden/Palin VP Debate On October 2nd!

I am really looking forward to this debate. It's going to be historical political theater for the ages. Palin is a complete and total Dummy Lamont and Joe Biden suffers from a serious case of foot in mouth disease. There is extremely high probability that these two are going to deliver some classic political humdingers of a lifetime. This is most definitely going to be entertaining. Find me on Twitter and let's have a good time clowning both sides!!!!!


Friday, September 26, 2008

This Cracked Me Up!


My Boy Raw Dawg Buffalo Is Damn Right, "W" Ain't No FDR - Hell! He Ain't Even His Damn Daddy! Straight Up - "W" Is The Worst President Ever!




John McCain And The Republician Congressmen Plays Politics With The U.S. Economy While WaMu Goes Belly Up

Instead of worrying about getting re-elected, the Republican congressmen that turned a blind eye to Wall Street wasting billions of dollars of taxpayer funds should be busting their asses to get all of us out of this mess. John McCain made a big play to drag the economic crisis into the Presidential election and he had absolutely NO ideas, he just wanted to play politics. McCain offered absolutely no leadership, in fact he didn't even bother to take a position for or against the proposed bailout bills on the table. So, why in the hell was he there? The press and the Democrats should be slamming his ass for doing that. McCain should lose the election for this dumb-ass stunt!
Why just a couple of months ago was WaMu trying to get my mother to re-finance her nearly paid for home in a completely ridiculous rip-off deal? Fuck'em, glad they went under!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

President Bush Is Not Just A Lame Duck, But A Dead Duck - His GOP Boys Say No Economic Bill On Capitol Hill Today

"If money isn't loosened, this sucker could go down" - President Bush 9/25/08

This is a truly scary circumstance in American history, President George W. Bush still has three and a half months left in office and NOBODY gives a damn what he thinks, what he says or what he does! America is in the middle of a historic economic crisis, two wars in two different countries (have folks forgotten this?) and recovery from another natural disaster in his own home state this time! Not to mention we are less than 40 days from the next Presidential election!
And this idiot actually has the nerve to be playing partisan Presidential politics when the nation is sinking like the Titanic. That so-called economic meeting today with John McCain was a complete and total waste of time. It stopped the entire Congress from doing good work on the economic problem facing the country. Who in the hell do we have running our country?


John "I Need A Timeout" McCain Lies His Ass Off About Suspending His Presidential Campaign And Still Running From The Debate With Obama Like A Coward

John McCain has not suspended his Presidential campaign, that is a flat-out damn lie! His campaign offices are still open, he is still running television and radio ads, his surrogates and campaign staffers are still making appearances, and he is still attacking Barack Obama. His running mate, Sarah "I'm Your Puppet" Palin has not suspended her campaign either.

John McCain is doing nothing but grandstanding for political purposes and it's a paper thin stunt that needs to be called out for what it is - complete bullshit!

Obama needs to slam McCain for needing a timeout and for lying about actually stopping campaigning. Obama also needs to stand strong and continue to insist on doing the debate with or without McCain. Obama needs to push back on McCain and not let him lie his way into dictating the terms of the campaign.

It is completely appalling and disgusting how John McCain has completely tossed away any standard or measure of fair play, integrity or honesty from his Presidential campaign . The man is willing to do or say anything to get elected.


Could Somebody Tell Me Exactly How Bill "Still Bitter" Clinton And Hillary "Pretending Not To Be Bitter" Clinton Are Actually "Campaigning" For Obama?

Bill Clinton is not succeeding in rehabilitating his image in the black community in my book. His campaigning for Barack Obama has been well short of tepid, in some cases non-existent. He only seems to say Obama's name if he absolutely must and that only comes after he has stated how much he "likes" John McCain. WTF?
And where in the hell is Hillary? Oh, she's campaigning, but you would not know it unless you were looking for her directly. She's not speaking with any passion for Obama either. And her big-time former supporters have defected to Obama without a peep from her. And she should be smashing Sarah Palin just on principle, but it's crickets on that front as well.

I think black folks need to have a long memory about the Clintons very lame and soft support of Obama's presidency.


Governor Sarah Palin Nothing But A Pretty Face And A Empty Victoria Secret Bra And Matching Panty Set In Terms Of Intellect And Political Experience

Folks need to stop waiting for the McCain campaign to free GOP VP pick Sarah Palin to speak her mind. It's a waste of time, she doesn't have anything more to say. The Sarah Palin that has been campaigning the last few weeks, is the real Sarah Palin. She has shown who she really is already and there is no more coming. This is not about Palin being a woman and it's not sexism. The truth is Sarah Palin is pure Playdoh being pushed into whatever mold her running mate, John McCain pushes and squeezes her in and out of. Watching her interview with Katie Couric was excruciatingly painful and completely exasperating. To watch her still desperately cling to being able to see Russia from Alaska as an example of her foreign policy experience is shocking in it's stubborn stupidity. Her interview with Katie Couric was a major step backwards from her first interview with Charlie Gibson. Watching her steadfastly repeat completely debunked statements about the Bridge to Nowhere, Troopergate, and Iraq is frightening in terms of her unblinking ability to lie with a straight face.Palin is an embarrassment for women as a political candidate. She has come across as lacking in terms of intelligence and her entire persona as a political outsider/reformer does not stand up under intense examination. She never should have been picked in the first damn place and John McCain's judgment is not only questionable, it's laughable. It is extremely interesting that one of Palin's biggest cheerleaders, conservative columnist Kathleen Parker is now ready to toss Palin under the bus. Funny how fickle conservative white women can be.


Obama Needs To Call John "Super Chicken" McCain's Bluff About Friday's Debate And Demand That They Meet As Scheduled

Barack Obama cannot allow John McCain to dictate things during this election. He cannot allow McCain to buck the debate schedule. If McCain refuses to debate on Friday, then Obama needs to insist on having a town hall meeting by himself. He needs to slam McCain about the 5.5 million dollar cost of the debate for the University of Mississippi and how McCain is playing politics about the economic crisis.
Obama also needs to keep slamming home that "real" Presidents are required to work on multiple projects, events, and problems all at the same time. Presidents don't get to call timeout, being President of the United States is not a children's game.


Must See Movie - "W"


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Breaking News: John McCain Now Wants To Delay VP Debate As Well! - Also Sarah Palin Stumbles And Bumbles Through CBS Interview With Katie Couric

I am sick and tired of McCain hiding Sarah Palin, she needs to face the public! John McCain is not on any committees and will have no direct role in drafting the economic bailout legislation. He has no reason to be there other than playing politics, period.

No wonder McCain want to delay the VP debate, Sarah Palin is a complete numbskull!!!


John McCain Cares About The Economic Crisis So Much That As Of Yesterday He Hadn't Even Read The Bailout Plan Yet

John McCain is blowing smoke up the asses of the American people. Yesterday, he said his vote on the economic bailout bill didn't matter, then today he's willing to dump his campaign to suddenly run to Washington, DC to get in the middle of an economic crisis that he admits not to understand himself. What scares me is white people only see the antics and don't look at the substance, like the fact that McCain has not even bothered to read the bailout package in the first damn place.


Obama Stays Cool After McCain Attempts Undercut Him On The Economic Crisis!

Obama politely confirmed that John McCain double-dealt him in terms of issuing the joint statement on dealing with the economic crisis without partisan politics. There is no question that McCain is clearly a liar and dishonest on this issue. He clearly jumped the gun in an attempt to out-maneuver Obama, but Obama stood strong and did not blink. Further, Obama strongly stated that the debate should go on, throwing that loaded basketball back into McCain's court. More drama is surely going to come from these moves today.


Breaking News: Barack Obama Approached John McCain First About Working Together On The Economic Crisis - McCain Hijacked Obama's Idea!

I hope Barack Obama tells John McCain to go jump. The debate needs to stay as scheduled!!! He gave McCain the chance to play fair and McCain stabbed him in the back. This is a good lesson for Obama to never trust John McCain ever again!


Breaking News: John McCain Calls For Delay With First Presidental Debate - Claims He Wants To Focus On The Pending U.S. Economic Crisis

This is nothing but a political stunt on John McCain's part. If he really cared about the American people and the U.S. economy, he would have waited until Barack Obama made his decision about delaying his campaign and the debate or not before McCain made his public announcement. That would have been true teamwork and non-partisan. He has really left Obama no choice, he will look silly if he chooses another position.

And considering the bad couple of weeks, John McCain has been having it's no surprise that he wants to delay the debate. He's just trying to look Presidential and it's a scam. And quite frankly, the President of the United States will have to handle numerous events and emergencies at the same time, not delay one while they deal with problems one at a time.


Neil Cavuto Of Fox News Blames The Failing U.S. Economy On People Of Color And Other "Risky" Folks That Wanted Their Own Home

"Loaning to minorities and risky folks is a disaster." - Neil Cavuto, Fox News

From Professor Tracey on behalf of all minority home owners of the USA - "Fuck You! Neil Cavuto and your racist and sexist financial ideology!"

Mr. Cavuto, are you talking about the same minorities that had "sub prime" loans pushed upon them by bankers like Countrywide and Washington Mutual, even when they qualified for a traditional fixed home loan?

Are you talking about the same bankers that targeted and did hard selling of refinanced home mortgages to minority senior citizens, uneducated minorities, and entire minority neighborhoods? Not to mention those "risky folks" you were talking about meant WOMEN, another group that has been heavily discriminated against in home lending practices.

Mr. Cavuto, I find it very interesting that you would blame the lowest person on the totem pole in this financial crisis and still consider yourself a financial expert. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were SUPPOSED to help minorities and women get AFFORDABLE" home loans, they were NOT supposed to abandon them to unscrupulous and greedy lenders who intended to screw them financially from the very beginning.

Those lenders knew those loans were going to be difficult loans to repay for ANYONE, when they extended the offers in the first damn place. It's not surprising that people signed for loans they couldn't afford, the lenders (the so-called experts) convinced them they could re-pay the un-payable. And in my book, that was plain criminal!


Is Sarah Palin Really A Working Mother Or A Stay-At-Home Mom With A Working Woman's Paycheck She Has Not Earned?

I want all the women falling all over Sarah Palin because they "identify" with her as a working mother "just like them" to explain how exactly Palin fits this "working mom" category. In Palin's 19 month tenure as Governor of Alaska, she has "worked" from home 312 of a possible 397 work days. That means Palin was only actually at the "office" 85 days in nearly two years in office! How many American working mothers have jobs were you can be absent from the office more than you are ever present and still have a job?

And it doesn't sound like she did much work during those 85 days. She was notorious for being missing in action for meetings with fellow legislators, not particularly well-versed in government policy, and seems to have spent more time delegating than actual governing. And not much proof has been offered that Palin accomplished much work when she was supposedly working from home. How many American working mothers have jobs were the actual work you are expected to be doing can unknown, unaccounted for, and still have a job?

And if one was paying attention, it doesn't really sound like "First Dude" Todd Palin was a full-time stay-a-home dad. And why isn't anyone asking who's looking after their new baby when good ole Todd is following his wive around on the campaign trail? Clearly Sarah Palin has hired a nanny and despite her lies to the contrary, Palin still has a personal cook that the state of Alaska still pays for. How many American working mothers can afford around-the-clock childcare and a private cook for their family?

Sounds like quite a few white women have some very faulty "gender identification" issues here with good ole Sarah Palin.


Breaking News: John "The Mudslinger" McCain's Campaign Manager Rick "Sleestak" Davis Is Still Lying About Lobbying For And Getting Paid By Freddie Mac

John "Grumpy Old Man" McCain and his campaign manager Rick "Sleazy Sleestak" Davis have been caught lying again and at the absolutely wrong time. In the middle of a historical financial crisis, Davis and McCain have told bald-faced lies about his connections to failing business giant, Freddie Mac. If McCain hires deep-pocketed, lapdog lobbyists to run his campaign, who in the hell would he hire or appoint if he gets elected President?

The lies get bigger and bigger with John McCain and his cronies!!!!


Hot Sports Rumor Of The Week - NY Knicks To Dump Stephon "Crybury" Marbury

I say don't let the door to Madison Square Garden hit him in the ass on the way out!!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Eventually you can get into the nuts and bolts of reality: nurturing, caring, and getting along." - Jody Watley


Mainstream Media Rejects Covering Sarah Palin's First Meetings With World Leaders

Sarah Palin still has yet to hold an open press conference since she was named John McCain's running mate. She has done two heavily scripted television interviews where she did her absolute best to repeat the GOP talking points that had been drummed into her little head at every opportunity.

Despite not talking to the media, she has been blessed with tons of coverage, most of it good, until the press remembered its job and began digging into her background. Lie after lie has been uncovered, but Palin still refuses to meet with the press directly and answer their questions, instead she whines about unfair treatment by the press.

Well, the stalemate between Palin and the mainstream media may have just come to a final inevitable conclusion. Today, several major news agencies are refusing to cover Palin during her first meetings with foreign heads of state due to restrictions on their coverage by the McCain/Palin campaign. Apparently, they only want photos, but no real reporting of the actual meetings.

Since every single other candidate has faced the media, I think Sarah Palin should be ignored by the mainstream press. If she can't be candid now, what makes people think she will be anymore open if elected?


Monday, September 22, 2008

Are The American People Really Going To Trust These Two Men With 700 Billion Dollars Of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars?

"Turn $700 Billion Over Virtually To One Individual"

"cash for trash."

"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."

The American People are about to get royally screwed for the next 100 years!!!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Treasury Secretary Paulson Reacts To Idea Of Including Something In The Wall Street Bailout Bill For Those Stuck Holding The Bag - The American People

"The biggest help we can give the American people right now is to stabilize the financial system," Henry "Da' Wizard" Paulson.

Really Henry? You propose giving out billions of dollars to Wall Street banks and companies, even ones on foreign soil, but with no expectations of regulation, no plan for paying back the loans, no rules against these same incompetent CEO's getting million dollar bonuses or "golden parachute payouts for their years of shoddy mismanagement, but the average American individual should expect nothing, but a taxpayer bill for the bailout?

Makes sense to me, how about you?


Enjoy A Little Economic Disaster And Debacle Deja' Vu With President "Tweedle Dumb" Bush And Vice-President "Tweedle Dumber" Dick Cheney

We been here before folks! Remember that!


BET Company Man And World Class Ivy League "Dummy LaMont" Reginald Hudlin "Leaves" The Network!

Does anyone know the sound of one hand clapping? If you do, you're hearing that sound very faintly right now. Reginald Hudlin has exited his position as President of BET. Considering how little fanfare there was around his departure and after reading the BET press release e-mail, it sounds like Hudlin got FIRED in a very, very, very, nice way.

I take great pleasure in not having to look at Hudlin's smug and arrogant mug any longer, but his legacy of awful, stereotypical, racist, sexist, and downright stupid programming remains quite solid. I do have to wonder what could have possibly triggered his exit from BET, considering that vigorous protests from his public audience didn't matter one bit in terms of improving BET programming.

And I really have to wonder what in the hell his replacement has in store for BET. I think BET is like our current U.S. economy, it's going to get worst before it gets any better. May Reginald Hudlin, the Wicked Warlock of BET rest in peace somewhere else far, far, far, far away from anything having to do with the Black American public.


Friday, September 19, 2008

President Bush Take Extreme Actions With Taxpayer Money But Fails To Take Any Responsibility For His Adminstration's Failures With The U.S.Economy

President Bush's words did nothing to quell my fears. We're tossing a lot of taxpayer money at the same folks who screwed over the average American in the first damn place. All the American people got today was "trust us", a huge I.O.U., and a gigantic middle finger from the biggest Dummy Lamont in the world, our President.


AWOL President Bush To Come Out Of Hiding To Tell The American People That They Are On The Hook For A One Trillion Dollar Bailout Of The U.S. Economy

A ONE TRILLION DOLLAR bailout package!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!! And poor-ass white folks with no job, no home, no savings or retirement funds, still can't bring themselves to vote for a black man who is going to give them a much needed tax break? These idiots are really going to let RACE dictate whether or not America changes direction economically.

I can't believe that these broke-as-hell, working-class white folks are really going to support John McCain, who so far only wants to fire people he can't legally fire, create more red-tape creating oversight angenices and commissions, just proving that John McCain is nothing but a M.F.I. - "MUTHA-FUCKIN' IDIOT on the U.S. economy! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING!!!!!!


Don't Start That GOP Bus Quite Yet - Lady Lynn Forester De Rothschild Is Getting On Board After Only One Day Of Campaigning For McCain/Palin!

"Lady" Lynn "Elite Racist" Rothschild who doesn't like black men who desire to be President and also desire to make her mega-rich ass pay her fair share of income taxes, apparently doesn't care for poor white working class folks much either. In her first appearance as the Democratic turncoat shill, Rothschild in an attempt to smear Obama, ending up referring to ordinary gun-toting and bible carrying white folks as "Rednecks or Whatever." Can anyone say abracadabra, presto-chango, disappear Lady Rothschild with alakazam quickness?


McCain's Strong-Arm Tactics To Crush VP Pick Sarah "I'm A Damn Liar" Palin's Troopergate Scandal Is Working - "First Dude" Refuses To Testify!

The only "maverick" actions of the McCain/Palin ticket is their amazing talent to tell lies better than any politicians in American History. After talking about change and reform, the McCain/Palin ticket has stumbled on being open and honest about an incident that occurred during Palin's current reign as Governor. They have campaigned just as hard to end the Troopgate investigation as they have running for the White House.

What country are we currently in? How does a Presidential candidate from Arizona stonewall and quash an investigation in Alaska? How do ordinary citizens like Todd "First Dude" Palin avoid legal subpoenas? How can the American people accept not knowing the truth behind this scandal when this woman could end up in the White House? I'm stunned!


Say What? A GOP Minority Voter Outreach Rally With George "Macaca" Allen?

Are the Republicans serious? This can't be the best GOP representative they have to do minority voter outreach. Learn the history of the Macaca.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

President Bush "Cutting And Running" From The American People On The U.S. Economy As Fast As He Can!

It is beyond troubling how stupid and stubborn this sitting President is. The United States of America is facing a deadly economic crisis and he is still doing things without consulting Congress, without consulting multiple experts, and without consulting the American people. And he's not answering any questions from anyone. This is another Hurricane Katrina moment in his Presidential history.


Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Don't Let The Door Of The Democratic Party Hit You In Your Racist, Elitist, Benedict Arnold Ass On Your Way Out!

Can anyone explain to me why this woman failed to announce her resignation as a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, when she proudly announcing that she was turning her back on all the issues she was supposed to believe in, the party she claims to be a proud member of, to become a public turncoat shill for John McCain?

As an American she has the right to vote for whoever she chooses, but she should never have any position with the Democratic party again, never again. I don't care how much money this woman has, she should never be allowed to buy her way back into the Democratic party. She could have quietly voted for John McCain, if that was her prerogative, but she crossed the line when she made a public spectacle of turning on the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama.

The good ole "lady" needs to shuttled off with Joe Leiberman.....FOREVER!


It's Fundamentally True That McCain/Palin Are Out Of Touch On The Economy!

It's funny how McCain/Palin are promoting the "fundamentals" of the American worker, but Sarah Palin's running around wearing "made in Japan" Kazuo Kawasaki's 704 series designer eyeglass frames that start at a $375 retail price. Shouldn't they be promoting buying "made in America" products made by American workers?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McCain Spokeperson Carly Fiorina Is Learning That "The Wheels Of The Bus Go Round And Round...Round And Round" Right Over Her Backsides!

Chris Matthews said on Hardball last night, if Carly Fiorina had not cleaned up her absoultely stupid day yesterday by midnight, she would disappear. Well....POOF! She's gone and under the McCain bus. Not surprising, Fiorina took a trip to Planet Stupid yesterday and it was costly for McCain. Obama should keep riding her words like a dead horse!


Angler: The Cheney Vice-Presidency - The Must Read Political Book Of The Year!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Did Carly Fiorina Forget She Got Fired From Hewlett Packard And That Folks Don't Think She Can Run A Major Company Either?

Carly Fiorina is a horrible spokesperson for John McCain. She sounds like a complete idiot. Any criticism of Sarah Palin, even a Saturday Night Live parody is "disrespectful" and "sexist." Today, she admitted that Palin was not qualified to run a major company, then spent the rest of the day compounding that gaffe trying to explain the first dumb remark. McCain needs to have her step back from the spotlight.


Governor Sarah Palin Please Stop Lying About Everything And Reform Thyself First!

GOP VP pick and Alaska Governor is a damn liar, period! She gave her word that she would fully cooperate with the Troopergate investigation, she lied! She and John McCain have done everything they could to dodge, thwart, distort, stall, and undercut the investigation. Palin has ordered her staff not to cooperate and now, she herself is personally refusing to cooperate in the investigation. Sarah Palin is a damn liar, period!

Until Sarah Palin releases her personal tax returns, the hundreds of Alaska state business e-mails she is withholding, and stop lying about about the bridge to nowhere, planes being sold on eBay, banning books, travelling abroad, and pork belly earmarks, she needs to shut the hell up about being a reformer.


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