Friday, February 29, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch — what make you go beyond the norm." - Cicely Tyson


Katoucha Niane - 1960–2008

A corpse pulled from the Siene river yesterday has been positively indentified as the body of French Supermodel and activist, Kayoucha Niane. She had been declared missing since February 4th, 2008. Police believe that Niane, last seen after a dinner party, may have been intoxicated and fell into the water near her riverboat home and drowned.

Niane used her status as a top model and media-described muse for world famous designer Yves Saint Laurent, to become an out-spoken activist against the practice of female circumcision, having been circumcised herself at age nine. She was the mother of three children.


Must See Movie - City Of Men

If you never saw the film, City of God or the extended cable television series City of Men, you have missed a great study of street life in the hard slums of Brazil. Both are available to rent on Netflix. The sequel to the acclaimed series and film, City of Men will be released today in select theaters. Check it out!!!! The film also features a particularly tasty bit of Brazilian eye candy, actor and model Jonathan Haagensen, featured in the photo below. Hot...Hot...Hot!!!!!


Coach Vivian Stringer Joins Select 800 Victories Club

Rutgers University Basketball Coach Vivian Stringer won her 8ooth career victory the other night. This puts her in very elite company in the history of collegiate basketball. Stringer is considered one of the best coaches in college basketball and I consider her one of the best teachers and role models in collegiate sport. Last year, she led Rutgers to the NCAA championship game and through the bitter aftermath of the Imus scandal. Stringer is a classy and courageous woman. Congratulations, Coach Stringer!!!!!!!


Are Feminists Being Let Down?

Are old school feminists being let down by the fact that so many young women of all races, education and social class levels are supporting and voting for Barack Obama? Or did Hillary Clinton just fail to connect with young women? Or have young women become so liberated that casting a vote for Hillary just because she is a woman is not even a consideration? Or is lending support or casting a vote for Barack Obama a new kind of feminism? What do you think?


American Citizens Are Being Incarcerated In Record-Breaking Numbers!

The Pew Center has released a new report making a shocking assessment of the escalating trend of incarceration in the United States. Apparently, the United States is locking up record numbers of its own citizens and spending billions of dollars to maintain jailed Americans in that prison system. The statistics are downright shocking, particuarly when one observes the statistics by racial groups. For example, one in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars, for black males in that age group the figure is one in nine and one of every 355 white women aged 35 to 39 is behind bars, compared with one of every 100 black women in that age group. This is very scary and depressing!!!!!!


Hillary's Worst Nightmare - The Second Night


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Words For Warfare

"No one can dub you with dignity. That's yours to claim." - Odetta


Hillary's Worst Nightmare - The First Night


Diddy Can't Act Worth A Diddley!

I love the original version of A Raisin in the Sun. I am a huge fan of Diana Sands and her role in that film is my favorite. I watched the latest version of the Ms Hansberry's play on Monday night with a very open heart and I was pleasantly surprised. All the women were outstanding, Ms. Rashad, Ms. McDonald, and Ms. Lathan put their own little spin on the characters and made their parts seem fresh.

The men were a completely different issue. I thought the young man that played the little boy was adequate, that part has always been underwritten. John Stamos was too young for his part, therefore completely miscast. Bill Nunn, who I love, seemed tired and uninvolved. I don't think this was his fault, more how his part was restaged for the film version.

Now, I want to thank Sean "Diddy" Combs for executive producing the film because if he hadn't, its probably likely that it would not have been made otherwise. Considering that the film attracted nearly 13 million viewers and helped ABC win the rating race for the evening, he should be very proud. Yet, the truth of the matter is that Mr. Combs just can't act a lick! He was beyond limited, he was completely one-note. He missed his mark everytime he was expected to deliver the emotional punch in the film. Combs was just too lightweight of an actor to carry such a large role and he got blown away every single time when paired on the screen with his fellow actors. Diddy, baby, please get some more acting lessons before you take on any more parts, particularly roles made famous by black acting legends....take that...take that!!!!


Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Refuses To Resign

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has openly affirmed that he will not resign his position. That's a shame, because if he had an morals, dignity, ethics, or pride, he would have resigned already. When you have violated the public trust as an elected official, not to mention getting caught lying under oath, you should have the guts to face the music and lose your position. This guy is a real piece of work and I really hate the fact that his name is connected to hip hop music and culture in any fashion. Mr. Kilpatrick and the mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom should bought be sent to "unfaithful island" for ex-mayors immediately.


Bobby Cutts Jr. Gets Life Sentence

Bobby Cutts, Jr. was shown much more mercy that he ever showed his victims yesterday. The jury that convicted him of murdering his girlfriend and their unborn child recommended that he receive life in prison with the possibility of parole in 57 years. The judge agreed. Cutts should really consider himself blessed considering how many lives he changed forever with his monstrous acts.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I have reached a point in my life where I understand the pain and the challenges; and my attitude is one of standing up with open arms to meet them all." - Myrlie Evers

"We can say 'Peace on Earth,' we can sing about it, preach about it or pray about it, but if we have not internalized the mythology to make it happen inside us, then it will not be." - Betty Shabazz

"I'm fulfilled in what I do... I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes -- the finer things of life -- would make you happy. My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense." - Coretta Scott King


Is This Comedian's Characterization Uplifting For Black Women?

Comedian Chuck Knipp aka Shirley Q. Liquor believes his parody of black women "was created in celebration of, not to downgrade, black women." I am stunned that this joker thinks black women would find this character as an uplifting tribute to them. I find it interesting that the same gay community that protested until Grey's Anatomy actor Isiah Washington was fired, can strongly support this guy's racist and sexist "Songs of the South" portrayal of a black woman. Adding insult to injury, Rupaul (a black man) who also likes to pretend to be a black woman is supporting Knipp! Enough is a enough!!!!!

To make matters worse, this person feels that he cannot be criticized for this horrific characterization by of all people, black women! Activist Jasmyne Cannick has been extremely critical of Mr. Knipp on her website and has successfully protested against his performance. Knipp has retaliated against Ms. Cannick by posting her personal phone number on his website and just recently he superimposed a photo of Ms. Cannick's face over another photo of an extremely obese and nude body of another unknown and unnamed African American woman. This attack on Ms. Cannick is typical of Knipp and the other racist and sexist images posted on his website. Please read this article about his low blow attacks on Ms. Cannick, Barack Obama, and Cynthia McKinney. Enough is enough!!!!!

Please get involved in ending this extremely negative and highly offensive characterization of African American women by this man. Support Ms. Cannick's campaign. Enough is enough.


McCain's Minons - Bill Cunningham - The Great American Racist

If the race for the next President of the United States comes down to John McCain and Barack Obama, black people need to get ready for a bloody and nasty civil war of words. Clearly, the Republicans do not feel their candidate can win on his own merits and their plan of attack is going to be "who me?" type racist attacks on Obama's name, ethnicity, and personal character. Yesterday, radio talk show host warmed up a crowd for John McCain by repeatedly stating Obama's full name and tossing out insults. McCain repudiated the remarks, but still took the stage anyway and his rumored running mate Rob Portman reversed any of McCain's statements against the remarks by thanking Cunningham for his performance.

This is McCain's second instance of allowing someone affiliated with his campaign to make extremely nasty remarks and then he apologized after the fact and only when the incident reflected badly on himself. A few months back, he was chuckling about a supporter referring to Hillary Clinton as a bitch and now it's Obama's turn. What happens when there is no negative feedback on McCain, will he allow racist and sexist remarks to stand? If McCain thinks that having folks like Bill Cunningham throw rocks at his opponents while he raises his hands in the air and says "it wasn't me, it was them" is going to fly, McCain has another thing coming.


Star Jones Rips Bill O'Reilly A New One!

I told ya'll, black women are not going to put up with folks going after the first potential African American first lady. Star Jones dropped the bomb on Bill O'Reilly for his "lynching party" remarks. You go girl! Your show might have gotten the boot, but you still have a powerful voice! How in the hell does Bill "I wanna be your Loofah" O'Reilly get to keep his job anyway?


What Is It With White Women And This Dude?

Why do white women in Hollywood keep messing with this dude? This completely unimpressive and over-privileged individual is Rick Salomon. He is famous for being married to actress Shannon Doherty for 10 minutes, filming a sex video of Paris Hilton and selling it, and being married to Pamela Anderson for 2 minutes. What is this mess? Are white women with money that damn needy, clueless, and stupid that they keep running after this dude that has no real job or purpose? Folks may not want to marry Black women, but maybe some white women should consider turning down some marriage invitations.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Words For Warfare

"You just try to do everything that comes up. Get up an hour earlier, stay up an hour later, make the time. Then you look back and say, "Well, that was a neat piece of juggling there -- school, marriage, babies, career." The enthusiasms took me through the action, not the measuring of it or the reasonableness. " - Ruby Dee


Bobby Cutts Jr. - Life or Death?

The jury is currently deliberating the final future of former policeman Bobby Cutts, Jr after his conviction for murder. He is facing the death penalty or life in prison.


Whoopi Get Snubbed By The Oscars

Whoopie Goldberg is justifiably upset at being left out of this Sunday's past Oscar Awards tribute to past Oscar ceremony hosts. This was major snub. She was the first African American to host the awards show and not mention a two-time nominee and one-time Oscar winner. How do you remember David Lettermen's terrible hosting job, but forget Whoopie hosting on four separate occasions?


Monday, February 25, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I have a huge and savage conscience that won't let me get away with things." - Octavia Butler


The Question Of Barack Obama's Safety And Black Folks Feelings Of Security

I'm really wondering about people who seem to be so sure that America is ready for change and particularly with that change being possibly the first African American President, then why are so many African Americans so uneasy about Barack Obama's safety? I am not questioning whether black people should feel the way they do because there is a long American history of violence against African Americans for black people to grapple with. Yet, is the uneasiness that black people feel about Obama's safety have anything to do with how unsafe African Americans feel in their own lives?


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!!!!

How much more money will be spent and how many more lives will be lost?


Minister Louis Farrakhan Supports Obama's Presidential Quest

Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan is supporting Barack Obama's race for the White House. I'm not sure that's the endorsement that Obama wants in his back pocket. Can't wait to hear the fallout.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Words For Warfare

"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think." - Lorraine Hansberry


The Rise Of The Twenty-First Century Hottentot Venus

I am damn sick and tired of black women freely signing up to be a modern day version of Saartjie "Sarah" Baartman aka the Hottentot Venus. If its not the video vixens of hip hop like Angel Lola Luv exploiting their ample backsides then its the brainless and soulless sistas that allowed Snoop Dogg to parade them down an MTV awards red carpet with leashes around their necks.

Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems has started a new campaign on her blog, Something Within, to put an end to another company using a black woman's backsides to sell financial services. How ironic is that by the way? Please visit Dr. Weems website and assist her in ending yet another exploitative image of African American women.


Police Officers Set To Go On Trial For Sean Bell Shooting

Rocawear has released these new posters featuring the fiancee and children of police shooting victim Sean Bell. The trial for the police officers is set begin in the next few weeks. This will be a very interesting case, I hope black folk are paying attention to case.


Special Tribute To Civil Rights Icon - Johnnie Carr - 1911-2008

Sometimes in celebrating civil rights movement icons, we forget the people who walked and worked side-by-side with them everyday. Ms. Johnnie Carr was one of those people. She dedicated her life to the black community. Please take the time to listen to these interviews and to read about her life. She was unique, powerful, and beautiful black woman.


Eddie Murphy Wins 3 Razzies!!!!!

Eddie Murphy won several well-deserved Razzie awards for his horrible film, Norbit. Let's hope he will not make any more films about being fake Black women or Asian men for that matter.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I refuse to be stereotyped. Look at me. Never mind my color. Please look at me!" - Diana Sands

Special dedication to one of my favorite actress (Sorry to Ms. Lathan, but Ms. Sands owns that part in A Raisin In The Sun)


Never Try To Rob A Sista In A Beauty Shop!

This cracked me up!!!!! What in the hell is this dude going to tell his cellmate!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!


Condi Rice Says No To Becoming Vice-Prez

Ms. Rice says she has no interest in being John McCain's running mate or anyone's running mate for that matter. Personally, I think she would be a terrible vice-president considering her track record as secretary of state under the Bush administration. She has not shown that she can be her own woman in terms of being a politico, she is definitely a follower. Condolezza Rice is a very intelligent woman that has some very weird political ideals. It's scary enough she's planning on going back to Stanford University were as provost, she had a horrific track record with faculty and students of color.


Read A Book...Or Two...Or Three


Friday, February 22, 2008

Words For Warfare

"My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions." - Eartha Kitt

"I've always said to my men friends, If you really care for me, darling, you will give me territory. Give me land, give me land." - Eartha Kitt

Special double quote smackdown from the best Catwoman ever! (Sorry Halle)


Candace Parker Turning Pro!

My favorite college basketball player will skip her senior year and enter the WNBA draft this summer. CP will be taken number one in the draft by my favorite WNBA team, The Los Angeles Sparks. Not only can the sister dunk, she's walking away from Tennesee with her college degree in her hand as well! She going to get quite a few endorsement deals and raise interest again in the WNBA. The only thing that can add to her bright future would be the Lady Vols winning back to back NCAA championships this spring. Go Candace and Lady Vols!!!!!!


Xerox This!!!!

Obama screwed up by not giving Deval Patrick credit for his words, but Hillary has got to be kidding accusing a fellow candidate of cribbing someone else's words. It's part of politics, they all do it. She needs for brotha Bill to start flipping through folks old speeches to find a way for her to get back in this race or looking for some brilliant phrases to concede to Barack!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Words For Warfare

"I sincerely believe that the one reason our ancestors survived the middle passage and slavery was to lead the fight for justice and equality in America. Ive learned over the years that this struggle can and should be redemptive, exhilarating and joyous." - Jill Nelson


Alexis Goggins Is On The Mend

Alex Goggins who helped rescue her mother by using her own tiny body as shield is doing quite well considering the circumstances. Read the update on here story here.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Words For Warfare

"We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond." - Gwendolyn Brooks

Special quote dedication to Citoya Greenwood and Symphony - (We appreciate your efforts in Dunbar Village, even if others do not!)


Special Announcement - Please Help!

Please make a stopover at Black Women Vote and read the post about helping Citoya Greenwood escape from Dunbar Village. Some Black folks there are tripping very hard on this young lady that did nothing, but try to help improve their living conditions. Several different people are trying to help her get relocated, into a new college, and start a new life. She is a hard-working and dedicated young lady that wants to improve her circumstances and deserves the chance to do so. Thanks for your interest!!!!!


Is White America TRULY And REALLY Ready For A Black President?

I am truly skeptical of all the polls and talk about America being ready for a black president. I'm not buying it at all. America is still a very racist nation. People of all races may be lining up behind Obama's campaign and singing his praises, but the racism directed toward Obama has slowly and steadily continued to rise to the top.

For example, yesterday on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, an employee "mistakenly" flashed a picture of Osama Bin Laden up on the screen when Matthews was discussing Barack Obama. How exactly does that happen? This is not the first time either. I want to see how many more times Obama's name is "mistakenly" stated as Osama or he is accused of being Muslim when he is clearly a devout Christian.

Rush Limbaugh's racist slur of "Halfrican American" should have been widely condemned, but it was not. If Barack Obama becomes president, will Limbaugh be allowed to refer to the President of the United States in such derogatory terms? How about the various news and magazine pundits referring to Barack Obama supporters as a "cult." Where in the hell is this coming from? If Obama's supporters are a cult, what do you call all those folks getting all misty-eyed over the Ronald Reagan years? Are they past members of a devil's coven, because I'm pretty sure that most black folks felt completely bewitched during his presidental years.

Barack Obama is clearly the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination and it would truly be a historic moment, but I wonder at what cost? If African Americans are expected to overlook racial slurs in order for Barack Obama to become president, I'm not sure it's worth it.


Michelle Obama Makes Newsweek Cover

Check out the Newsweek cover story on Michelle Obama online or pick up a copy of the magazine. I thought the article and interview was pretty good. I believe if she gets the opportunity Michelle Obama could truly be a ground-breaking first lady. I believe she will inspire a lot of black women to new heights just by her presence. What do you think?


Is America Ready For Black Women To Heavily Criticize The Wife Of A White Presidential Nominee?

Republician presidential nominee, John McCain's wife Cindy was trying to clap back at Michelle Obama in a very sneaky way. She made some very veiled swipes at some remarks Michelle Obama made about feeling proud of her country. Now, I feel that Mrs. Obama is going to have to get a little bit better at making sure her remarks cannot be so easily misconstrued, but I am wondering if "Grandma" Cindy McCain really wants to mix it up with Michelle Obama.

Black women have rarely had a reason to get involved in sniping between presidential candidate spouses, but I am wondering with all the chips on the table, will black women put up with a white woman openly attacking a sista, particularly if that sista is Michelle Obama. Black women are truly finding their voices in this campaign season and I could see black women flipping out if they feel that Cindy McCain is getting out of line. Is America really ready for that? I'm not so sure.

This is truly a unique situation. Do you really see Cindy McCain addressing questions about race and gender in a way that will interest and support the views of women of color? Do you see Cindy McCain in a black church or mixing with poor folks? I don't. Michelle Obama seems to have a free and easy way with different kinds of people, she is definitely a serious advantage for Obama if he wins the nomination. I just don't see black folks putting up with Michelle Obama being criticized in any fashion.


Do You Really Want To Look At This Mega-Old Man For Four To Eight Years?

Somebody....anybody.....please tell this old dude to stop doing the frozen arms thumbs up move. It truly creeps me out!!!! Not to mention the "it hurts to smile" grin. Could you see this ancient cat making this same gesture while telling us we're going to stay in Iraq and the economy is going down the tubes. Do you really see "this old man" discussing race relations in America with any contemporary connections? Hillary needs to sit down, because the Democrats need to focus on winning the national election. I do not want Grandpa Kettle as my next president!!!!!


The Dog Is Out Of The Doghouse

Duane "Dog" Chapman's show is going back into production. I only have one thing to say about that - ALWAYS and FOREVER remember his words about black people -

"I don't care if she's a Mexican, a whore or whatever. It's not because she's black, it's because we use the word nigger sometimes here. I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for for 30 years because some fucking nigger heard us say nigger and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine. Our career is over! I'm not taking that chance at all! Never in life! Never! Never! If Lyssa [Dog's daughter] was dating a nigger, we would all say 'fuck you!' And you know that. If Lyssa brought a black guy home, ya da da... it's not that they're black, it's none of that. It's that we use the word nigger. We don't mean you fucking scum nigger without a soul. We don't mean that shit. But America would think we mean that. And we're not taking a chance on losing everything we got over a racial slur because our son goes with a girl like that. I can't do that, Tucker. You can't expect Gary, Bonnie, Cecily, all them young kids to [garbled] because 'I'm in love for 7 months' - fuck that! So, I'll help you get another job but you cannot work here unless you break up with her and she's out of your life. I can't handle that shit. I got 'em in the parking lot trying to record us. I got that girl saying she's gonna wear a recorder... "


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Words For Warfare

“Surely the day will come when color means nothing more than the skin tone, when religion is seen uniquely as a way to speak one's soul; when birth places have the weight of a throw of the dice and all men are born free, when understanding breeds love and brotherhood.” - Josephine Baker


A Raisin In The Sun Debuts On ABC - February 25th

The third film production of Lorraine Hansberry's play A Raisin In The Sun will air during Black History Month.


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