Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is "Chocolate News" On The Same Creative and Cutting Edge Levels As "The Daily Show" And "The Colbert Report"?

The show doesn't do it for me. Too many black stereotypes and not enough cutting edge ideas to make black folk think about the cultural and social beliefs our community clings too. A black politically based comedy show should challenges the images and people of the black community, not allow us to embrace the same tired things we make fun of.

The show seems like retreads of "In Living Color" and "Mad TV", nothing truly memorable or groundbreaking. What do you think? Any fans of this show out there? Is this show anywhere as interesting or intellectual are "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" can sometimes be? Is that too much to expect?


Navy Seal David Goggins Is One Interesting And Hardcore Brother!

Damn! This brotha is tough as hell!


Plaxico Burress Proves Once Again That Black Athletes And Guns Don't Mix

I'm sorry, but this dude is too dumb for any more words from me! Read it for yourself.


Professor Tracey Is Looking Forward To The Return Of Damages On FX

I loved the first season of this show. I hope it can keep it up the suspense and drama in Season 2.


Designer Of The Sydney Opera House Landmark In Australia Dies

My first trip abroad was to Australia. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of traveling there. No reason, I just wanted to go there. For many years I kept a magazine picture of the Sydney Opera House and the landmark stayed on my top ten list of things to see. It is an absolutely awesome structure - beautiful inside and out. Kudos and R.I.P. to it's designer.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

President George W. Bush Is In Complete Denial About His Presidential Legacy

"I've been in the Bible every day since I've been the president" - George W. Bush

WTH? What bible has this man been reading for the last eight years! Chris Rock is right, "W" is not the worst American president of all-time, he's the worst President ever, anywhere. His knack for being completely clueless to this clear fact is a remarkable attribute in the exiting President's favor. Ignorance is truly bliss in his case. For more unbelievable, eye-rolling, mind-boggling quotables from our President on his legacy, read this article.


Stephan Marbury Is Unprofessional...So Is His Coach And His Owner

When the Knicks decided not to play Marbury, they should have immediately gotten rid of him. This mess they are pulling now makes everyone look bad. Marbury should not have to be ASKED or ORDERED to play, he makes 22 million this year to play. Equally at fault is his coach and the team owner. You don't clown a star player like Marbury, then ask him to play when you get short-handed.


Charles Barkley Is Right...Lebron James Needs To Shut The Hell Up And Just Play!

It is tacky and unprofessional to be CONSTANTLY talking about your FUTURE free agent status and almost sounding gleeful about leaving the team you are currently playing on. Particularly, when that city, fans, the team owners, and your teammates are busting their asses to make you look good.

How about talking about winning the MVP or a championship ring THIS SEASON? King James! And Lebron can go running to the New York Knicks if he wants to, but he should pay close attention to what Stephan Marbury is going through. It's not fun to be the star player on a crappy team in a huge market like New York City.


Why Folks Should Keep Their Yaps Shut About Oprah Winfrey

Per Forbes magazine, Oprah Winfrey donated 50 million dollars last year. That's nearly 20% of the 275 million she earned in 2007. Oprah supported projects ranging from her girls school in South Africa to rebuilding efforts in the cities damaged by Hurricane Katrina and Rita. Oprah might get on your damn nerves from time to time, but people need to shut the hell up and deal with it. There's no better philanthropist in Hollywood!


What In The Hell Is Going On In The Comic Book World? Batman Dies?

Superman died, Captain America was assassinated, now Batman dies?


Friday, November 28, 2008

Ain't Nothing In Walmart Worth Trampling Someone To Death For!

This is a real blurb from a Black Friday a few years back, too bad they did not have enough security and some pepper spray today. Sounds like these folks needs a strong blast or two right in the face. Folks really need to check themselves, there is absolutely nothing in Walmart worth getting that crazy about.


A Few Important Things To Remember If You Dare To Venture Out Into The Insane Fray Known As Black Friday


Rosie Live Tanks! Why Are Folks Surprised?

I would have never watched this mess. And when are people going to figure out Rosie is so over-rated?


Olympic Champion Swimmer Michael Phelps Is Not Cute At All!

I really hate to be mean, but truth is truth. Michael Phelps is fugly. Every time I see him, I think of the movie Tootsie, when a director asks how far to pull back the camera from Dustin Hoffman's fake female character, the cameraman replies "how about Cleveland?" Advertisers just needs to stick to print ads that show off that beautiful swimmer's body and stop trying to use him in ads where he has to talk or act. It's hard to watch. And the mainstream media needs to stop working overtime to make him an hot eligible bachelor. Phelps is eligible, but he sho ain't hot!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

BET Founder Robert Johnson Wants Another Chance To The Dumb Down Generations Of Black Folks

The devil never really ever goes away. BET founder Robert Johnson wants back into the cable TV business. Lying through his fanged teeth, Johnson claims his new network is not intended to compete with BET or TV One. Yeah right Bob. We believe you because you were so honest and compassionate all those years you ran BET.




Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Does Michelle Obama Mean To And For Black Women In America And Abroad?

This is a great article about Michelle Obama that raises some wonderful questions about her value as a role model and representative for African American women. What impact will Michelle Obama have on the country? Will the perception of black women in America change? Will African American women stop being stereotypical characters that the rest of the nation knows little about and has shown little interest in? Will Michelle Obama set cultural and social trends that all women will follow?

The promise and possibilities of her impact on America seem limitless at this time, but I also reserve a bit of caution, that folks not place such great expectations on the shoulders of one black woman. She is after all, just like many black women in this country. A black woman who has worked hard for what she has and is working even harder to keep it. I wish her luck, much happiness, and many more blessings in the days to come.


What In The Hell Was He Drinking? - Drunk Driver Runs Over Himself With His Own Car

Damn! This dude needs to stop!


The New Reality Of Thanksgiving For Many Folks This Year And Blessed To Have That!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1990s Era Rapper MC Breed Dead At 37!

"Gotta Get Mine" was the joint! Condolences to his family. Thirty-seven is much too young. It's scary and sad how many dudes from the second wave of the hip hop generation (my generation) are dead and gone at such an early age.


Words For Warfare

"I cried because the Obama family will be the face of leadership of the most powerful country in the world. For too long, black families have been disparaged as being dysfunctional and the root of America's problems. But Obama and his wife, Michelle, have presented an image that speaks to the strengths, rather than the weaknesses, of black families." - Mary Mitchell


One Simple Question - Do Black Women Really Want To Get Married?

When I was posting on another blog, I wrote an extensive piece on black women and marriage. Despite the sad statistics on black marriage and the fact that I pointed out that many black women are not interested in marriage or that some black women have no business EVER being married, all kinds of black women came out of the woodwork, swearing up and down about their wedding day dreams.

Yet every time I look around black women are single. And I mean single, not alone. There is a difference. Plenty of black women have healthy and hearty dating lives. I just wonder why black women getting to the alter still seems to be an issue. Particularly for educated, financially sound, well-traveled, high-powered, and ambitious black women.

I unintentionally revitalized this discussion with my posting on the African American women being picked by President-Elect Barack Obama for positions in his cabinet. An awesome bunch of brilliant black women - currently without husbands (notice I didn't say black, it really should not matter in the multi-cultural 21st century)

Spare me all the stereotypical excuses, lack of good black men, black women are too picky, too educated, too mean, etc..... Something else is going on here. Tell me what do you as a black woman think about marriage and I mean what you really think! Other folks are more than welcome to join in, but I am not responsible if you say something out of turn that strikes a sista's nerves.


Somebody Please Stop This Madman! - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Has No Idea What He Is Doing With Our Money!

Now he wants the other half of the $700 billion that he said should be left to Obama to spend when he takes office. Can this dude make up his mind? It is truly frightening that this cat is in charge of spending tax payer money without any real oversight!

Watch out! This incompetent nitwit is going to give another press conference tomorrow. Remember everything he says and expect the opposite to occur. Like when he said the banking system was stable, then Citigroup lost more than half of it's value.

Obama gives a great press conference with his economic team and returns some confidence to the marketplace and this dingle-brain is going to send the market back crashing with another one of his nonsensical and pointless speeches. Is this how it's gonna be for the next two months?


Serena Williams Opens The Serena Williams Secondary School In Kenya

You go girl!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Can't Miss Personal Profiles On Two Women Just Doing Their Own Thing And Doing It Well - Rachel Maddow And Valerie Jarrett

From Newsweek.

From the New York Times.


How Long Before Barack Obama Gets Flak For Appointing Too Many Black Folks And Too Many Women To Jobs In The White House?

Desiree Rogers - First African American Social Secretary. Check her out on Brightcove.

I am excited about the pick of Melody Barnes as Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Isn't it wonderful to think that domestic policy will be a primary focus in the White House for the first time in 8 years!

I'm still hoping that Susan Rice is named National Security Advisor.

Depressing thought to go with all the joy of a big group of soul sisters heading to the White House - What do Desiree Rogers, Melody Barnes, Valerie Jarrett, Mona Sutsphen all have in common? No husbands! What is it saying about black folks that high-powered, well-educated, well-connected black women remain single?

And eight years as the most high profile single black woman in the White House didn't help Condi Rice in the marriage department either. She went in single and will come out that way as well. Damn!


President-Elect Barack Obama To Hold Press Conference With Economic Team Tomorrow At 12 Noon

Try to catch the press conference if you can or read up on it afterwards. I will certainly be posting on it.


$306 Billion Dollar Bailout For Citigroup!

Why can't I shake the feeling that Treasury Secretary Paulson and his crew don't have a damn clue in terms of effectively dealing with the failing U.S. economy? It all seems like desperate guesswork. Is this deal really going to save Citigroup? It's seems shaky to me.

Remember when they were telling us that bad homeowners were responsible for this mess, but now the truth is coming out. Check out this investigative report on Citigroup, sounds like some people need to be investigated, like yesterday!

And other than exasperated bewilderment and a simmering anger, what exactly have the American people gained from this financial bailout business? And when is any of this going to trickle down to help the average everyday working American? And when exactly does Uncle Sam run out of money?


When The Sarah Palin 2012 Signs Start Going Up - Please Remind Folks That The American People Have Already Had A Complete Idiot In The White House!

"I think he’s impatient. I think, my summation: He doesn’t like homework. And homework means reading or getting briefed or having a debate. And part of the presidency, part of governing, particularly in this area, is homework, homework, homework." - Journalist Bob Woodward on President George W. Bush

Update -
Who in the hell is watching the hen house at the White House? Bush doesn't know that HIS people have been negotiating all weekend with broke-ass Citigroup for a mega-billion dollar bailout? Is this dude gonna work at all his last two months in office?

And why does this photo explain the state of our country and the Presidency?


Three Creepy White Dudes Emerging From Well-Deserved Purgatory Way Too Soon

Yuck! Disgraced pastor Ted Haggard is trying to re-emerge in the evangelical business again. He needs to find something else to do. He is the poster child of preachers who need to keep their lying eyes and forked tongues out of the lives of other people. I will never deny anyone's call to the ministry, but Haggard needs to avoid the socio-political platform preaching that got him into to trouble in the first place. Ted Haggard needs to find a small town with a tiny church in an even smaller community to sell insurance and serve as assistant pastor to somebody else.
If John Edwards wants to end poverty - great! Just do it from a distance dude. Nobody wants to see you! You don't need a public persona to do good work. In my book, this cat created a whole new standard of creepy, creepiest, decrepitude for creeping spouses in booty call history. And as long as that heavy boot, not shoe keeps dangling over the true paternity of his mistress' child, Edwards will always walk with a cloud of dirt trailing behind him like PigPen from the Peanuts Gang. John Edwards' career as a political animal is over.
Mark Foley needs to stay gone until he understands that a grown-ass man hitting on seventeen year old male pages is disgusting and against the law. He was not dealing with folks that were "almost 18" as he recently put it. He was interacting inappropriately with teenagers who were his subordinates at his place of employment. If he hasn't figured that out after being gone from the public eye for two years, he needs to remain gone. Mark Foley's career as a political animal is over as well.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let's Stop All The Madness About Tavis Smiley's State of The Black Union Black Bloggers "Golden Ticket" Contest

Apparently Tavis Smiley's State of the Black Union "be that special one" blogger contest has stirred up a little ruckus in the black blogosphere. There was a full-blown war about it over at What About Our Daughters and serious questions being raised at Jack & Jill Politics and at Black America Web 2.0. Once again, black folks are worrying about something that really doesn't matter one bit in the larger picture of things.

I got Mr. Smiley's e-mail about the contest and stopped reading at the first mention of "submit an essay." I take my blog seriously, it's not a game or a sweepstakes. Considering it's the 10 year anniversary of the State of the Black Union, you would think that Smiley would be inviting black bloggers to be on his program panels and to cover the event, not trying to clown us with a simplistic and condescending golden ticket popularity contest to pick one black blogger for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Further, considering Smiley's poor track record with the African American women who have appeared on these SOBU panels, I couldn't get excited about the idea that a black female blogger would have a real chance to get picked. With that said, Smiley's contest is just too corny and ludicrous to take seriously in the first damn place, much less getting all lathered up about. Quite frankly, as already addressed on this blog, I question the purpose and value of the State of the Black Union event, period.

In my opinion, black bloggers have other things to be concerned about, like the future of blogging while black. After a whirlwind couple of years for black bloggers, some serious issues and problems have arisen for black bloggers. I think we should be spending our time debating and discussing, reflecting and reviewing, plotting and planning the current and future state of the black blogosphere.


Black Republican Sophia Nelson Has A Major Epiphany About The Lack Of Diversity Within Her Political Party...About A Decade Too Late In My Book

Black Republicans really need to improve their talking points if they are really serious about attracting black folks to the GOP. I'm sick and tired of hearing them talk about the "principles" and "values" of conservatism while belonging to a party that ignores African Americans as leaders and staffers within that political party. I knew things were bad for Black Republicans, but I didn't know they were that bad.

Check out these GOP gems, Ms. Nelson recently dropped in an op-ed piece for The Washington Post -

"The GOP convention was embarrassingly devoid of people of color -- among more than 2,000 delegates, only 36 were black."

Damn, that's not an embarrassment, that's gross neglect! What in the hell ran through the minds of the 36 black folks present? And I find it very interesting that Black Republicans kept dead silent about that sad state of affairs within their own party's convention. Before any Black Republican dared open their mouth to criticize Barack Obama, they should have been throwing a few barbs in the direction of their own party.

Nelson argues that John McCain basically conceded the black vote to Obama, but she also reveals that McCain also failed to hire African Americans to work on his campaign, all but assuring that African Americans would never be a priority for McCain or the GOP during this past election. She states;

"I knew of only one high-level black adviser or spokesperson on his full-time paid campaign staff."

Who in the hell was that person? I would love to know because I don't recall seeing or hearing a black spokesperson for the McCain campaign. Cross-eyed Ron Christie must have gotten a kickback because he was drinking the hell out of the McCain/Palin kool-aid and never once made a mention about the lack of diversity with the GOP or McCain's campaign staff. And Tara Wall of The Washington Times, who loves to act like she's non-partisan on television, but was looking like somebody stole her purse on election night, was another Black Republican looking the other way in terms of the lack of GOP diversity.

Where were Black Republicans on the failures of President Bush during Hurricane Katrina and why didn't they challenge McCain to discuss how he would prevent such a disaster from happening again? And why were Black Republicans so silent on the obvious race-baiting of the McCain/Palin campaign. And Nelson should have a little chat with RNC Chairman hopeful and fellow Black Republican Michael Steele, that if he still thinks that McCain should have smeared Obama more with Reverend Wright, then expect to continue to lose the attention of black folks.

Further, Nelson could challenge her fellow Black Republicans to not sit around whistling "Dixie" while white Republicans toss Black Republicans like Colin Powell under the bus for making a well-thought out decision about who they will support for national office. If Joe Lieberman can decide to support a Republican, than Powell can decide to support a Democrat.

Read Nelson's post and then come weigh in on this subject back here. I am really interested in what Black Republicans are going to do next. It's important for black folks to keep all their options open.


Maybe The Popularity Of Twilight Will Trigger Interest In Tananarive Due's Black Vampire Trilogy For A Major Feature Film

Maybe it's time some black producer or filmmaker to bust out their library cards and check out a copy of My Soul To Keep and The Living Blood, the first two books in a trilogy on African immortals. Blair Underwood has been struggling for years to get a film version of My Soul To Keep off the ground. This would be an awesome project for Will Smith and Jada Pinkett or Sanaa Lathan or Paula Patton. Hell, excite the black acting world and start a major search for two talented and hot-looking unknowns. What do you think?


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Are Black Folks Excited Or Interested In The Twilight Movie Or Books?

Now I tread into perilous waters again here. A few months ago, I questioned black women's interest in the Sex And The City film and television series. Boy, sistas came out of the woodwork to jump in my ass over their love of the movie and the series, including my own mama. They didn't change my mind about SATC, but I learned that they have a loyal black female audience.

So, here we go again. I have never read any of Stephenie Meyers' books and I have no plans to see the Twilight movie, but I was wondering if black folks were fans. Once again, there seems to be no black characters, hell no characters of color period, but that doesn't stop all black folks cold like it does me.

So, what's up? Are you a rabid reader of the book series? Did you see the movie or planning to go see it? Just thought I would ask.


The 2009 Version Of Star Trek's Lt. Uhura

Can't be a hater here. Zoe Saldana is killing this poster! Nichelle Nichols will always be my Uhura, but Ms. Saldana might just fit the bill for the next generation of Star Trek lovers.


A Mind-Boggling Tale Of Warped Thinking By A Black Conservative - Shelby Steele Gets It Wrong On Obama But He Can't Admit It

After making a nice bit of change on the lecture and book tour circuit proclaiming that Barack Obama could not win the presidency because he was too black-identified, Steele has reversed course now that Obama has won. Dismissing his own words and book tag line, now Obama is some kind of masterful Uncle Tom who "bargained" with white folks to get elected. Further, Obama gets no credit for running an inspired campaign or winning the election, it's the socio-cultural growth of white folks and their unwillingness to be labeled as racist that inspired them to vote for a black man. In Steele's view, its white citizens that really deserves the credit for Obama's victory.

Mr. Steele's argument is so circular that he could bite himself on his own ass. Barack Obama won a landslide victory, over 90% of the Black vote, over 60% of the Hispanic vote and nearly 50% of the White vote, but in Steele's view the only thing that matters is the white vote. If Obama was "bargaining" with white folks, why didn't Blacks and Latinos recognize his so-called double-dealings and reject his candidacy? Even if you agree with Steele's "bargaining" argument, Obama would not be the first person of color to try to gain acceptance with whites on their terms in order to get something they desired. And what exactly makes that an idea unique to people of color, sound like plain old politics to me.

What I find interesting and unbelievable is that this dude isn't being completely clowned by everyone for his completely off-base, incorrect, and unfounded analysis. The fact that he is still getting paid too spew this baloney slays me. No one should be listening to another thing Shelby Steele has to say until he fesses up and admits that he was wrong as hell.


From Troopergate To Turkeygate - There Is No Dispute - Sarah Palin Is A Damn Liar

Now Palin is denying that she knew that turkeys were being slaughtered in the backdrop during her interview. Uh, huh, we believe you, Governor.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Should The American People Be On The Hook To Bail Out Citigroup?

Citigroup is going to fire a bunch of people, but it's looking like their executives will soon be up on Capitol Hill with their tin cups in hand, begging for some of the 700 billion bailout money that Hank Paulson has to play with. I say before they get a dime someone needs to ask how many struggling mortgage holders, credit card holders, and student loan customers they have ever given a break?

I doubt they have any that they have not destroyed their credit or harassed with collection calls first. I say too bad! Let them sell off pieces of their business, let them re-structure their business, or let them go under. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Marking It's Ten Year Anniversary - Does Tavis Smiley's State Of The Black Union Meeting Have Any Purpose or Value?

Other than resulting in more videos and books for Tavis Smiley to hawk on the Internet, what purpose has ten years of State Of The Black Union meetings served? Can anyone name one program or piece of legislation that resulted from these meetings? Other than the usual gang of predominantly black male panelists, Farrakhan, Joyner, West, Dyson, Jackson, etc.....has any African American gained anything from appearing on this program?

What has come out of the so-called Covenant With Black America? Has the State of the Black Union helped elect one African American to public office? African Americans are notorious for marches and meetings, but in the 1960s and 1970s we produced results, in the 1990s and 2000s, we have produced what exactly? I think it's time that we start asking ourselves that question.


Interesting Article On The Breakthroughs And Setbacks Of White Women During The 2008 Campaign Season - Women Of Color Once Again Excluded

I'm not sure of the point or value of this article. It's an interesting, but disturbing read. This article should have been entitled, the Bitch, the Ditz, and the Forgotten because women of color were not included. You can't have the "year of the women" if you are only talking about white women. As a woman of color neither one of these women represent me or appeal to me in any fashion. I find that very troubling.

It amazes me that 30 years after the modern women's movement began, the discussion is still just about white women, their issues, their whining and complaining, their unhappiness, their triumphs, and their failures. I for one, believe that this focus has become tired, stale, boring, and pointless. It's time for white women to realize they are not the only women in the world - that they are not the universal example for all women.

And I am not at all convinced that all the white women that supported Clinton or Palin would EVER support a woman of color running for office with the same passion. Women of color either need to get more aggressive about getting into politics or more insistent about having their views heard. Women of color should be disturbed at the defining of all women by the measurements of white women's perceptions, views, and wants, and needs.

I am highly irritated at how some white women have decided to define Michelle Obama and her decision to take a very low-key role in her first year as First Lady. If I read again that Michelle Obama is turning into a 1950s housewife one more time, I'll scream. She's the first black woman in the white house who is not a maid, cook, or infrequent guest - she needs to look out for her young children and for herself. That's not a 1950s housewife, that's a black woman protecting her family.

And I am quite sure that Michelle Obama has not forgotten what happened early in the campaign when she DARED to honestly express herself as a black woman and she better always remember to tread lightly because "the angry black woman" stereotype is never too far away.


Sarah "Simple Simon's Sister" Palin Spares The Life Of One Turkey Then Gives An Interview While Several Other Turkeys Are Slaughtered Behind Her

Somebody help this child! And the media - because they should not have been covering this dumb ass story in the first place. And the dude slaughtering the turkeys looks like something out of Deliverance. It weirded me out that he was watching Palin so intently and killing turkeys at the same time.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

My First Thought - The $100,000 Tool Bag Lost In Space By A NASA Astronaut

As I watched this video with sleepy-eyed fascination and then heard that it was a $100,000 miscue, my first thought was of a $100,000 check made out to my student loan company floating ever so slightly out of my reach into outer space. It took me a rather long time to get back to sleep after that thought.

Anyway, what did you think after viewing this footage?


Food Network Re-Hires Original Host Robert Irvine For Dinner Impossible

I loved the show Dinner Impossible. The Food Network abruptly fired the original host of the show, Robert Irvine for stretching the truth about his cooking resume. Despite the protests of fans loyal to the show that wanted Irvine to stay, he got the boot anyway.

I immediately stopped watching the show, never watching any of the new episodes with the new host. Well, the re-vamped show is tanking, so like all two-faced economically driven corporations, the Food Network is dumping the new host and bringing back Irvine in order to try to save a previously successful show.

So, to all the fans of the old version of Dinner Impossible, Chef Robert Irvine will be back taking cooking missions starting in March 2009. Welcome back Robert, we are glad you decided to accept this new mission.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

While I'm Glad We Have A President That Reads - I Wish Barack Obama Would Read Something That Did Not Have Black Folks As Slaves Or 2nd Class Citizens

I love the fact that Barack Obama is a book nerd. I hope he inspires many Americans, particularly Black Americans to read. With that said, I am beginning to get irritated at the public pronouncements of the books Obama has been reading in preparation for his first administration.

As an academic I understand reading books from past Presidents, but I sure wish Obama was reading about a Presidency where black folks were something more than abused slaves, President Lincoln's era and disenfranchised second-class citizens, President FDR's era.

I hope he has read or plans to read something from President Kennedy's and President Carter's administrations and learns something about disappointed and disgruntled African Americans that provided a lot of votes to a Democratic President, who delivered little in terms of diversity, equality, and opportunity for people of color.

And if Obama really wants to change the nation, let's hope he makes clear there is something to learn folks like Marcus Garvey, Marian Wright Edelman, W.E.B. DuBois, Barbara Jordan, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, Dorothy Height, Martin Luther King, Jr., Shirley Chisholm and many other Americans who worked for years as outsiders or lone voices for people who were under-represented or unheard for many, many, years.

Any other suggestions for President Obama's reading list?


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