Tuesday, June 30, 2009

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Still Lying His Ass Off...But Of Course He Won't Resign...Funny That

If Jenny Sanford stays married to this dude, she deserves whatever she gets in the future. He's a monster.


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Gets Hammered In Vanity Fair Profile

Damn! You know she is going to have something to say about this one.


Hell Has Frozen Over - Ron Christie Finally Calls Out Someone For Being Racist And Calls On Gov. Sanford To Resign


Monday, June 29, 2009

Professor Tracey Is Digging Burn Notice

Catching up on old television through netflix and I am currently enjoying the first season of Burn Notice. Second season coming up this weekend. I'm a big Bruce Campbell fan, so it's nice to see him getting a regular paycheck.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

KABOOM! - Product Pitchman Billy Mays Dead At Fifty

Unlike that creepy "slap chop" dude, Billy Mays was a classy pitchman. He made you watch his commercials and actually think about buying that stuff. Mays almost got me to buy those hooks you jam in the wall to hang stuff on....almost. LOL! I got some Orange Glo and KABOOM cleaners in the crib right now! My condolences to his family. Rest in peace, Mr. Mays.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That

I'm tripping on white folks acting like Michael Jackson was any stranger or weirder than Elvis Presley. And the saddest thing about Michael Jackson's death is to discover that he was so fucked up about his blackness that he was willing to pay white folks to give birth to white children that are not biologically related to him at all. Not to mention the fucked up names he saddled those children with.

There is no doubt that South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is a selfish, lying-ass bastard who needs to resign immediately. And the fact that he had the nerve to compare his situation to that of King David in the bible, only proved what a delusional narcissist he really is.

Minnesota State Representative Michele Bachmann keeps defying the odds and proving that she can be crazy, then crazier, all in the same week.

Nevada Senator John Ensign proves that he is just like Governor Mark Sanford and is also a selfish, lying-ass bastard who needs to resign immediately. He also proved that the religious organization for men, Promise Keepers still doesn't work.

The city of Detroit gets another black eye from the antics of another greedy politician. Damn, sista, did you really need that cash bad enough to risk going to the pen?

Joe the Plumber is still talking and I'm wondering why anyone is still listening.

Arizona Senator John McCain is going senile apparently because he clearly does not know what an autocracy is.


A Few Notes And Questions About The 2009 NBA Draft And Off Season Summer Trades

If I was a New York Knicks fan, I would have also been sick that Golden State drafted Stephen Curry before the Knicks had the chance.

Somebody needs to tell Minnesota that Ricky Rubio ain't coming to their squad EVER.

How long before Shaq starts trashing his former Suns' teammates?

And how long before Vince Carter starts trashing his former Nets' teammates?

Where is Carlos Boozer gonna end up, cause it ain't gonna be Utah?

Michael Jordan was arguably the greatest NBA player of all time, but he is truly one of the worst general managers and I can't imagine he would be a good NBA team owner either.

And I still can't believe that the Boston Celtics tried to shop Rajon Rondo. I find it interesting that after he saved their bacon with the playoff series with Chicago that he's to blame for them getting beat by Orlando. The all-stars, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce played like shit, but it's Rondo's fault they lost. Celtics GM Danny Ainge is full of Boston baked beans.


Friday, June 26, 2009

To Hell With Feeling Sorry For Governor Mark Sanford - Feel Sorry For His Family

Governor Mark Sanford should resign period! No discussion, no debate, no crying, no whining. If he's really sorry for ABANDONING his job as governor of the state of South Carolina to go have sex with his mistress in another country and ABANDONING his children on father's day weekend for goodness sakes, he should resign. Governor Sanford LIED to EVERYONE in this mess, EVERYONE. We all know that politicians lie, but damn! This dude is a Dummy LaMont, Lying Ass Scumbag of the First Order.

The South Carolina GOP has had an awful few weeks with racist jokes, e-mails, and now this freak. And it is time that somebody in the National GOP stand and say that their party needs to get the hell out of people's personal business. Stop preaching to the American people about who should have the right to marriage, the right to have an abortion, the right to worship, just shut the hell up about family values period. Right now the GOP is riddled with racism, infidelity, dishonesty, damn near everything including the kitchen sink.

I mean this mess with Sanford takes the damn cake. And I am really laughing the folks trying their hardest to give Sanford credit for admitting the affair. Credit for what? Telling the truth, that everyone was going to find out anyway? No one should be giving anything to this asshole except a one-way ticket out of South Carolina. You want to give credit - give it to Governor Sanford's wife, who refused to stand by his side as he went down in flames and actually did the right thing and protected her children. Sometimes right is just right and anything else is just damn wrong. This dude needs to get stepping!


I'll Prefer To Remember Michael Jackson This Way For A Long While - Rest In Peace M.J.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Professor Tracey Is Finally Done With That God Damn, Long As Hell, Never Want To Look At It Again Dissertation - Ph.inishedD. Bitches!

I defended my dissertation on Monday. I passed. I'm tired as hell and I still need to get this bitch-ass document ready to format to turn into my graduate school on Monday. Then, I'm gonna sleep until the 4th of July, wake up, eat somebody's barbecue, drink somebody's booze, and then sleep some more.

And Pancho better be good as hell during my self-imposed convalescence or a "get a pitbull for free" post will be up on this blog with quickness. I intend to have a grand old time correcting Dummy LaMonts I don't like with - It's Dr. not Professor, thank you. LMAO!


One Flick I Really Want To See - Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland

I always loved Alice in Wonderland as a kid. The Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter were always my favorite characters. I will be very interested to see what Burton does with the Cheshire Cat. It's guaranteed to be a very weird movie, but I'm still intrigued.


The Suns May Giveaway Shaq To The Cavs For Little Of Nothing But LeBron James Better Beware Of Cheap Ass Gifts

This trade does nothing for me and I don't see what it does for Cleveland. Shaq is going to clog up the middle and do what exactly? He's not gonna block shots and sure in hell ain't gonna run the floor every time. And unless he gets fired up and shows up in shape, something he never did with the Lakers or the Heat, he will breakdown just like he did with the Suns. He will not be able to play in every game no matter what happens anyway.

Does Cleveland really need another dude that clanks free throws at crunch time? Is Shaq gonna be helpful against a hungry for redemption Dwight Howard? Does Shaq help Mo' "No Mo' Guarantees" Williams or good ole over-paid Wally S. make a jumper when it counts? And how exactly does trading for Shaq help Cleveland get a real offense? And does anyone believe that if Cleveland does not get off to the same quick start that Coach Mike Brown's head won't be on the chopping block with quickness?

This trade will bring a lot of news hype and speculation, it will sell tickets, but I'm not sure this trade brings a championship.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"The Watchmen" Sucked Truly Radioactive Gigantic Blue Mega-Balls

I was relaxing in my hotel room and decided to catch a film I did not see - The Watchmen. What a dog of a movie! Bloated, Boring, and Bullshit. It was pretty to look at, but hard to sit through. The acting was terrible, the characters and the story made no sense at all and the movie was just to damn long at nearly three hours. It was a damn waste of a great graphic novel.


The Reality Television Hustle - Jon And Kate Plus Eight Equals A Whole Lot Of Dumbass People Watching Their Show

I'm not a fan of reality television. I think it's stupid, degrading, and pointless. And I never get folks watching these shows relentlessly. What in the hell in any of these shows is actually "real" and why in the hell would any human being what to watch the public embarrassments, disagreements, and silliness of some of these people? It is really sad that average people have become so bored with their own lives that they get pleasure out of watching the train wrecks of other folks lives. We have enough people EVERYDAY making mistakes that are not on television.

TLC needs to cancel Jon and Kate Plus Eight because that family has disintegrated and they helped it happen. The people that have tuned in to regular watch that crap are guilty as well. We say we care about children in this country and then we allow people to turn their children into circus performers. This show was never about family, it was always about the deteriorating human condition and how far we are willing to degrade ourselves and our families for a dollar and a little bit of attention. It's disgusting and depressing!


I Ain't No Fan Of Eddie Murphy, But Ain't Many Brothas In Shape At 48!

Eddie's been hitting the gym or the 'roids or both! Better the gym than those horrible movies he has been making lately and all women he has been messing over. It's good for a man to have another hobby. LOL!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

AG Eric Holder Lays The Smackdown On "Good Ole Boy" Senator Jeff Sessions


Michigan State Rep. Pete Hoekstra Is A Dumber Than A Crash Test Dummy After The Crash Test

When anyone that lives in Michigan begins to wonder why that state continues to struggle, they should only look at their elected officials. You can't elect people with no brains and expect to succeed.


Senator John ENSIGN Needs To Swap The "N" For An "R" And RESIGN!

Does anyone believe any of the bullshit Senator John Ensign is currently spreading around? I sure don't. This dude seems like a lying-ass rat bastard to me. He should resign.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Contact Tennessee State Rep. Diane Black And Ask Her Why Her Racist Staffer Still Has A Job In Her Office

If you're sick of elected officials standing around silent while their racist staffers send racially offensive e-mails attacking the President of the United States and his wife, let them know it. Let's start with Diane Black - Tell her that Sherri Goforth, her executive assistant should be fired, no excuses.


Something That Will Never Ever Change - The Republican Party Being Just Flat-Out Racist To It's Rotten GOP Core

The Republican racist dumb bunny that got caught red-handed sending out this racist photo by e-mail would only admit making the mistake of sending her e-mail to the "wrong" people. I guess what she meant by the wrong people were non-racist folks.

And this racist asshole proves that GOP folks need to stay the hell off of Twitter.

And this dude pictured below proves that racist-ass GOP folks need to stay the hell off of Facebook as well. And why is it that butt-ugly ass racist folks like this cat are always the first one's saying something nasty about black folks looks? And not only is dude hard on the eyes, but he clearly only has a teaspoon of brains. He compares the First Lady to an ape and then blames her in his bullshitting ass non-apology for causing him to make his racist ass comments in the first damn place. WTF?


Things That Make No Damn Sense - You Can't Be Openly Gay In The U.S. Military, But You Can Be Openly Racist And Serve

Wow! Only in America could bullshit like this happen. Since we have "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" for gay soliders, what do we call this crap for openly racist U.S. soldiers, Don't Ask, Don't Care?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

L.A. Lakers Win 15th NBA Championship!

Truly Awesome! It was a great game! Congrats to my Laker Boyz!


Kobe Bryant Named NBA Finals MVP!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joan Walsh Gets Buckwild With Bill O'Reilly And He Blows His Stack Sky High - LOL!

Bill O'Reilly is crazy as hell. Logical thinking makes him completely nutty and guests he can't bully make him practically homicidal. The minute he started yelling and pointing a the screen, she got him. And Ms. Joan knows it too. LMAO.


Doomed From The Start News - Usher Says "Peace Out" To His Marriage Of Less Than Two Years

I'm laying odds right now that this is going to court big time and then formally "Mrs. Usher" is going to get on reality television and embarrassed the hell out of Usher. You get what you pay for sometimes. It's bad karma to fire your mama over your woman and two quick babies with a woman that already has three kids is a sure-fire way to help her get around any pre-nup she may have signed.


It Couldn't Happen To A Nice Guy News - Actor Stephen Baldwin's NYC Home In Foreclosure - Hope He Has A New Crib In Canada

Remember when Stephen Baldwin said he would move to Canada if Barack Obama was elected? Well, he hasn't gone yet.....maybe losing his house, he'll finally get moving. That's right Stevie-baby, we ain't forgot what you said.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Derek Fisher Hits Two Big 3-Pointers - L.A. Lakers Take 3-1 Lead In NBA Finals

Kobe Bryant kept the Lakers in the game, but Trevor Ariza and Derek Fisher helped them win the game in overtime. Derek Fisher hit another set of huge three-pointers from his long career history of being a big shot maker. The Magic should have won this game, but the Lakers hung tough to grind out a tough, thrilling win. Let's hope the Lakers get their heads together and close out this series on Sunday. I'd rather have a win in Orlando on Sunday and a parade in Los Angeles on Monday.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Miss California Fired - LMAO!

I have not seen this much drama over someone with such limited talents since Sarah Palin.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stupidest Woman Alive Sweepstakes - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Thinks It's A Good Thing That Alaska Has Less Revenue

I understand that dim-witted Sarah Palin actually believes that she has a chance to become President. What I don't understand is why the good folks in Alaska are not screaming down the rafters at the Governor's office to make clear to this dumb bunny that she may not get re-elected governor in 2010.

I mean, who in the hell is running Alaska right now? And this woman is saying some of the dumbest stuff I have ever heard come out of a politician's mouth. Could anyone actually imagine listening to this woman's speech patterns for four years?
And what in the hell is she doing with these truck stop hooker heels and sparkly red toe nails? She's wearing this mess to official events! And folks have the nerve to say anything negative about what First Lady Michelle Obama wears? Could you imagine if the First Lady forgot herself and wore something this tacky to a public event?


Who Needs Affirmative Action When You Have Nepotism To Rely Upon - Part II

As I said before, you don't need affirmative action when Daddy can get the job for you.


Want A Reason Why Citigroup Is Struggling? - It's Chairman Is Too Busy Creepin' With His Mistress

Damn, grandpa! He's too damn old to get caught out there like that.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And I Wonder What Rabbi Stanton's Response To This Video Would Be?


The First Black Woman Rabbi?

I respect the hard work for the achievement, but I still can't help thinking....why?


Is Any Watching Harper's Island Out There?

I caught up with the back episodes of Harper's Island on Netflix. I can't say I like this show, it's just too corny and the acting is subpar. It's a great idea though, just poor execution. Anyone else watching this?


Monday, June 8, 2009

The Candyman Can - Lamar Odom The X Factor In L.A. Lakers Overtime Victory In Game Two Of The NBA Finals

This was a monstrously flat game until the last few minutes of the fourth quarter and the overtime. Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol were awesome. Kobe was average for Kobe, but the Lakers showed toughness in the end. That's how championships are won. Nobody gives a damn how you won the games once you get the trophy. I got no problem with the Lakers winning it all in Orlando. I hope the Lakers are focused on a sweep. Give no quarter to your opponent.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can't Miss Telly From The BBC - "Strange" Reruns Start Playing On Chiller Tonight!

I loved this short-lived BBC series. Strange only ran for seven episodes back in 2002 and I caught it on re-runs on the BBC America Channel a few years back. Check it out if you have Chiller. It looks like Chiller is going to running the entire series through the entire month of June. Awesome!


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Who Needs Affirmative Action When You Have Nepotism? - The Hypocrisy Of The GOP And The Media Regarding Liz Cheney

Who in the hell is Liz Cheney? Absolutely nobody if one admits the truth. She has never had a job in government that her father didn't have a hand in her getting and she wasn't particularly good at those jobs when she had them. She's never been elected to a damn thing, but apparently she's an expert on what President Barack Obama should be doing and what the American people think and believe.

And is that the reasons why has she been on television TWENTY-TWO times in just one month spewing all the white lies, half-truths, distortions, and out-right lies her little heart can muster? Absolutely not, Liz Cheney has only been on television for one reason, because she's former Vice-President Dick "Dark Lord" Cheney's daughter.

White folks are right, affirmative action doesn't work, us colored folks need to do what they do and get us some that nepotism. It's too bad that Sasha and Malia Obama are too young to work, I'm sure a couple six figure salaries from the State department would really help out the Obama family.


White Journalists Are Back At Making Insanely Stupid Caricatures Of Minority Folks And Then Whining About Being Called Racist And Sexist.....Again

You know, sometimes, what in the hell? just no longer covers it.


Bay Buchanan Has No Damn Idea What A Lynching Exactly Is And Her Racist Employee Marcus Epstein Was Certainly NOT Lynched

Every black organization and historical organization should have jumped in Bay Buchanan's old ass with both feet over her ridiculous comparison of lynching to the long overdue public humiliation of her long-term employee, Marcus Epstein. This young man recently plead guilty to attacking a black woman and calling her nigger for absolutely no reason other than the fact that she had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with a racially confused, drunken, immigrant-hating neo-con wanna-be. I'm with this dude on old over-dyed hair Bay Buchanan!
This is "modern day lunching!" The year is 1998. And this is the road where James Byrd was dragged to death from the back of a pickup truck. The black circles mark wear they found parts of his body.
This is lynching! The year is 1911 and yes, this is a black woman! Black women were not spared from the cruelty and crudeness of this form of wholesale murder.


Friday, June 5, 2009

The Black Mamba Strikes - Kobe Drops 40 And The Lakers Crush The Orlando Magic

The Lakers played great, but Kobe was just nasty. It was good to get Game #1, but Orlando will play much better. The Lakers need to keep their eyes on the prize and their pedal to the metal.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

We Have NOT Come A Long Way Baby! - In Post-Racial 21st Century America It's Perfectly Okay To Depict A Latina Judge As A Pinata

Wow! Being a history professor it's damn shame that the old saying remains so true, that those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeated it. We've been here already this year with racist cartoons. Remember this? -


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Brother JD Of The Smak Is Correct - LeBron "King" James Tarnished His Crown After Losing To Orlando With Bad Sportsmanship

Yes, we were all witnesses, to the best and the worst of LeBron James. His behavior when his fantastic season ended was tacky, childish, and pure bad sportsmanship. You don't have to talk to the press, hell, you don't have to talk to your teammates, but you sure as hell have to congratulate your opponent when he defeats you and that's immediately after the game and not when you feel up to it later the next day.

And Adrian Wojnarowski is right, everyone in the NBA will be too chicken-shit to tell him about it.

Kobe Bryant might not be the most likable guy, but he's never pulled this mess and Michael Jordan sure in the hell would have never done it. I think the coronation of LeBron James as the greatest player in the league was a little premature, he clearly still has some growing up to do.


Eminem Should Get His Hip Hop Card Revoked Forever For That Dumbass Fake Bruno Stunt

A real rapper would have never agreed to do something so stupid. Could you see Jay-Z or Nas or Tupac or Biggie EVER agreeing to do this kind of mess? I used to think Eminem had talent, but that was two or three albums ago, he ran out of fresh ideas long ago.

And am I the only one that does not think Sacha Baron Cohen is completely and totally unfunny?


Post-Racial America My Ass - In The 21st Century We Are Still Holding Segregated Proms In This Country

Can't be a post-racial nation and still have segregated proms going on.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rick Santorum Tells The Black President How To Date His Black Wife And Thinks He Knows Something About Black Folks And Marriage

What in the hell makes Rick Santorum think that Barack and Michelle Obama want to drink a damn "beer and a shot" and who in the high holy hell is he to tell them where they should go out together? I'll say it again, post-racial America, my ass. So, black people can't go out to an expensive restaurant and a Broadway play because it's self-indulgent, but when white folks do the same thing, it's just an evening out. Wow!

And adding insult to injury, this dude has the nerve to use one of the best examples of black marriage in America to smear other African Americans -

"And you have an African-American community, particularly in the poor inner city areas, we’re looking at out of wedlock birthrates in three quarters to 75 percent (sic) of children being born out of wedlock. Marriage is an institution that’s a bridge too far for too many African-American woman and is not desirable among African-American males."

Really? Where in the hell did he get this information? And who the hell says that every African American desires marriage? You know just once, I would love to hear a black politician talk about white folks the way they so freely talk about us, particularly when they clearly don't know what in the hell they are talking about and really don't give a damn about improving African American lives.


Why TV Sucks - Jericho Was An Awesome Show And It Should Still Be On!

I just watched the two seasons of Jericho. What a great show. What a shame people were to damn stupid not to watch it when it was on the air. (That counts me too.) Second chances are available at Netflix and on DVD.


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