Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Uncle Tom Chronicles - Ken Blackwell Doesn't Mind Being Called A Magic Negro

White folks can always find a black Benedict Arnold. Ken Blackwell who happily and passionately disenfranchised thousands of black voters while serving as Secretary of State in Ohio, is now happily playing sambo and tap dancing for white folks by agreeing that it perfectly alright to refer black folks as "magic Negroes." I could understand this cat's willingness to kowtow for the GOP if they actually helped get his ass elected to a position or if they actually named him RNC chair, but we all know that isn't going to happen. So, I'm with Richard "Dimples" Fields on this dude - "what in the hell is he getting out of this...when the white folks are getting every little bit?"

His partner in "magic negro-ness" Larry Elder was defending this mess as well, funny how he hasn't been offered a gig by anyone in "fair and balanced" Fake News or GOP radio. Shouldn't this dude be pissed that former drug-head Glenn Beck got a monster contract and his Phi Beta Kappa Brother Esquire ass remains unemployed? I thought when you made deals with the Devil, you got something you wanted first, before he walked off with your soul?


Is This Art?

Is this art? If you dig this or it speaks to you, give a holla. I'm not sure about this one, those big ass feet scare me. For my blogging sista Wisdom Teaches Me, the artist's name is Wang Du. Somebody paid for this creation.


Former Professional Racing Official Settles Harrassment Lawsuit Against NASCAR

Apparently being black working for NASCAR is similar to being a black member of the RNC. You're supposed to endure racism, but keep grinning while you work. Good for her.


One Dude Besides President Bush That Really Needed To Get Fired - The Head Coach Of The Winless Detroit Lions

I am a big Barry Sanders fan. I have his jersey, one of the real deal jobs, not that screenprint mesh crap, a beautiful special edition powder blue polyester jersey with the sewn on white #20. I hate what has happened to the Detroit Lions. I'm glad their coach got fired, but they didn't even get that right. Why did they wait all season before firing his behind?


The You Go Girl Chronicles - Tamron Hall Ain't Feeling The Magic Negro Satire Excuse

Don't you love when white folks tell blacks folks how they should feel about clearly racist stuff?


Monday, December 29, 2008

Does The RNC Think That Black And Latino Republicans Are Magic Negroes Too?

I'm beyond tired of white folks doing racist shit and calling it satire. This ain't funny, not even close. So much for the RNC trying to attract folks of color. I'm sorry, but I would really like to hear Republicans of color explain this mess. Junk like this proves that Blacks and Latinos have no real political juice, if this song had been called "Bernie The Magic Thieving Jew" or "Joe-Bob The Magic Redneck Cracker" with a Black or Latino senator handing out copies to his colleagues for Kwanzaa, folks would have been calling for his resignation. And just to keep my boy JD of The Smak happy, I think this Song of the Bushmen crap is just as stupid and the cover is insulting to black folks, particularly African bushman!


Damn My Blog Sistas Symphony And Tami...Damn Them Straight To TV Hell...For Getting Professor Tracey Hooked On Mad Men!

I only allow myself to pick up one new show a season to watch, I'm busy and don't have the time to keep up with multiple series on television. I had been reading about Mad Men on my blogging sistas Symphony and Tami's blogs, but I resisted watching the show. For Christmas, I received the first season on DVD. Why did I stay up all night and the better part of the next day watching the entire season?

I got the Mad Men bug so bad, I promptly went to i-Tunes and downloaded the entire second season. I will not rest until I watch it all, dammit! It's truly an awesome show - the golden age of white folks in America. I'm glad this era is past otherwise it would have to be a horror TV series instead of a drama!

Christina Hendricks who plays Joan is one bad ass, thick ass white girl in a time period when it was completely fucked up to be a woman, even a white one! Damn, she steals the show every time she comes on screen, just as nasty as she wants to be. I start giggling the second she appears on screen. You go girl!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Blogoversary - Join Professor Tracey In Celebrating The First Year Of Aunt Jemima's Revenge

Today is the one year anniversary of Aunt Jemima's Revenge. I wanted to extend a special thank you to everyone. From my family, my friends, my colleagues, my regular readers, the lurkers, my fellow black bloggers, all the folks who commented freely with their own opinions and respected mine, my international readers, my blogging sistas and brothas, the post plagiarists, my tipsters, the Internet Ike Turners, my unpaid researchers, Blogger, weak-ass Technorati, to the Dummy Lamonts that provided regular inspiration, Che (RIP), and even the haters. Thank you one and all. It's been a blast!

I have big plans for the blog in 2009 and I will looking for suggestions from all of you. Announcements coming soon!


Professor Tracey Is Completely Hooked On HBO's Old Cable Series - Carnivale

Why I love Netflix is because you can catch up on old cable series that you missed or could not afford the $12.95 a month to keep the channel that the series aired on as part of your cable package. An extra bonus is that you can plan a wonderful evening marathon with the entire season of a series with your own yummy snacks and favorite beverage and lie buck-ass naked curled under your best comforter watching it in its entirety until the crickets start cricketing with the dawn's early light. My latest choice for that kind of marathon would be Carnivale. Different, Dangerous, and Dazzling! Too bad it only lasted two seasons. I have made my way through the majority of season one and season two is on it's way. Highly recommended!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Professor Tracey Gets An Extra Christmas Gift - Her L.A. Lakers Snap The Boston Celtics Nineteen Game Winning Streak



Breaking News: International Entertainer Eartha "Catwoman" Kitt Dies Of Cancer - January 17, 1927 - December 25, 2008

The Best Catwoman Ever!


Professor Tracey Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas - Aunt Jemima's Revenge Style!

Professor Tracey's favorite Xmas film clip!

Merry "bleeping" Xmas - Chicago Style!

Jingle, Jangle, Can you believe that hip hop was ever this cheesy?

Well, how bout it? You been naughty or nice?

Alvin and the Boyz with a little twist


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have A Safe And Sane Christmas Eve!


Professor Tracey Ain't Ready For Another One Of TD Jakes "Black Woman Know Thy Place Behind The Black Man" Production

Where Eddie Murphy? He was the king of jacked up portrayals of black women with Spike Lee running a "he hate us" close second, but folks are after Eddie's crown. I don't know who is worse at portraying black women on film, TD Jakes or Tyler Perry. That's a lie, it's Tyler Perry hands down, but you get my point, I hope. It's feast or famine for black women in the movies. It's either hoes, harridans, holy rollers, hangers-on, heartless, hapless, hopeless or half-assed.

I'm scared this movie, Not Easily Broken is actually a conspiracy to brainwash any black woman that goes to see it. Full of subliminal cuts, inserts, and messages, tailor made for the modern black woman - "Stop being independent!" "Stop thinking for yourself!" "Don't be ambitious!" "It's your fault your marriage or relationship is failing!" "Follow your good black man, he'll take care of you!" And other assorted bullshit that TD Jakes loves to whip up in his Christian fiction books. I don't care that Bill Duke is directing or that my girl Taraji Henson is the lead. Morris Chestnut is washed up and owes my momma five bucks for the bootleg she bought of The Perfect Holiday. I'll wait on this one to get on Netflix.

Anybody out there looking forward to this one? I ain't gonna be mad at you if you are, but if you really want to throw your money away, I'm accepting donations for the Afterdark Horrorfest next month and the upcoming release of My Bloody Valentine in 3D. You know that Professor Tracey loves her horror movies!


Can You Hear Me Plaxico? You Are A Damn Idiot! An Over-Sized, Over-Paid Dummy LaMont Of The First Order Of Blackness

Is this dude in the running to out-do Michael Vick in terms of stupidity? Who in the hell drives a $140,000 whip without insurance? And why are black folks always hiding stacks of cash in suitcases, beds, or refrigerators? Some black folks just can't handle success.


Don't Miss Your Final Chance To Vote For The Best Xmas Cartoon Character

The Grinch who stole Christmas before Wall Street and that nitwit in the White House decided to do it in real life is enjoying a nice lead in the best Xmas character poll. The picture below explains why The Grinch shouldn't win. What will black folks think up next? Somebody should have told this dude to stop before he started.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Professor Tracey Is Officially Sick Of Hearing Anything More About President Lincoln From President-Elect Obama

Enough of the Lincoln crap! I don't want to hear about Lincoln anymore. The picture of Lincoln in your Senate office, fine! Announcing your presidential campaign in the land of Lincoln, fine! Reading and appointing a "Team of Rivals", fine! Following Lincoln's inauguration train route, fine! Getting sworn in on Lincoln's inauguration bible, fine! Give it a rest now, enough is enough! I have had it with the white man hero worship! There has got to be something else that inspires you, President-Elect Obama!


Cassandra Q. Butts Named As President-Elect Obama's Deputy White House Counsel

The day after white women's groups were whining about Obama not picking enough women for his cabinet, another woman was appointed to a position. Meet Cassandra Q. Butts. Looks like another high-powered "single" sista is going to be helping make President Obama look good in Washington, DC.

Please spare me any comments about the "single" part, I'm just stating the facts. I love that she likes fast, expensive cars and Obama needs to return that Miles Davis/John Coltrane album with quickness.


A Perfect Example Of Why Novelty Items Of Elected Political Officials Should Not Be Created For Sale For The Public

$20 bucks in Spain. How long before these stupid things end up on eBay in the good ole USA?


Pastor Rick Warren Removes Anti-Gay Statements From Saddleback Church Website

Was this legal in the first damn place? I was pretty shocked to discover this kind of information listed on a church website. I was aware this type of discrimination existed, but I can't believe that someone would put it on a website. Why would you want to attend a church that told you that you were not acceptable as yourself? Whether you believe in or support homosexuality or not, this kind of exclusion is dangerous. And is it really Rick Warren's place to judge people?

Folks really need to think about these kind of positions. So, if you're gay, you can't be a member, but if you beat your wife and children, have been married multiple times to someone of the opposite sex, are a racist, or a serial killer, you can be a member of Saddleback Church as long as you are not gay. And what if Pastor Warren decides that being a free African American is a "lifestyle" or being an independent woman is a "lifestyle"? Folks keep forgetting how the bible was used to enslave blacks and subjugate women.

And what kills me is that there are plenty of black and white churches just like Saddleback Church that have all these negative views of homosexuality, but have a significant gay membership. Does Pastor Warren actually believe that his church does not have gay members? And just because an gay individual decides to deny their sexual orientation and not engage in sexual activity, does not make them suddenly straight. Even if they marry or have children to fit in, they are still gay. Just look at former Pastor Ted Haggard. Isn't interesting how the Christian right NEVER talks about this dude anymore?

I think it's time folks start minding their own business.


All The Reasons Why Professor Tracey Does Not Ride On Ferris Wheels

First, Professor Tracey doesn't care for heights. Second, I have a vivid paranoid vision of this thing spinning off it's axis and rolling down the road like a gigantic bicylce wheel, twirling and tossing around the riders in their cars before they are crushed to death! Third, because bullshit like ferris wheels or observation wheels are constructed by human beings and crap like this is bound to happen.
Fourth, Professor Tracey does not like the passenger rescue plan. So, if the ferris wheel ride doesn't kill me, I'm going to get dropped to my death from a height of several hundred feet on the local news! No thank you!


Crazy White People Chronicles - Woman Repaints Entire Car With Nail Polish!

I'm sorry, but this is nuts!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Does Barack Obama Need To Put A Shirt On Or Does The Media Need To Stop Printing These Presidential Cheesecake Shots?

I know it's been a minute since we had an in-shape president, but damn, give the man a break. What's next? A clean shot of the President-Elect's butt crack or family knickknacks? I'm with Obama, how many photos do you need?


Are Certain Novelty Items Made For White People Or Black People Or Just For Idiots Who Like To Spend Their Money On Dumb Ass Stuff?

A few weeks ago, my sister was engaged in a short debate with a white professor who was just flabbergasted at the idea of a gyrating to da' music Barack Obama doll. He was absolutely flummoxed when my sister replied that these things as pictured above are made for white folks. In typical professor fashion, he got all indigent about the very subject he brought up without the prompting of others and began asking my sister is she had an "irrefutable evidence" that such novelty items were made for white folks. She calmly replied back, did he have any evidence that these novelty items were not made for white folks. End of discussion.
This story did relate an interesting question in my mind. I personally find these kind of items horrifyingly scary and cannot imagine owning such an item. I remember wanting to take a flamethrower to a huge stacked collection of James Brown singing and dancing dolls in a CVS a few years back. I don't think these things are cute or a tribute to the individuals these are proposing to mimic. And I do find that white folks get a bit too excited over these things when they involve black folks.

As the comic Paul Mooney said and I paraphrase him here - "Ain't nothing cute about no California Raisins, it's white folks way of being sneakily racist with their singing "I heard through the grapevine" Nigger raisins, I say we get some marshmallows and let them sing a few Beach Boys tunes and then we'll see how cute white folks think it is then."
Quiet as it's kept, I didn't like the damn bobblehead dolls either!


I Like Sushi, But I Ain't Eating No Spam Sushi!

Yuck! If this is the only option, just give me a bottle of water! And why does the seaweed look like duct tape?


The Real Truth In Advertising - Folks Should Do This More Often

This cracked me up and pissed me off all at the same time.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Help Color Of Change Pressure Governor Bobby Jindal To Open A Major Investigation Into The Hurricane Katrina Vigilante Shootings Of Black Residents

We have a black president, but nothing has really changed. Black folks are still being victimized in secret, in silence. Black folks are still not paying attention and still unwilling to get off their asses to do anything useful. Our black organizations and leadership are still worrying about pointless and useless stuff like "Hollywood" and black folks are dying in the backwoods of New Orleans. Once again, for black folks, it's late in the day and we are a day late and a dollar short.

If it is true that a white vigilante gang was and is still running around New Orleans randomly shooting black folks, this is on us! If it is true that a white vigilante gang was and is shooting black folks without any investigation or arrests, this is on us! I am tired of getting angry and upset with the crazy-ass folks that victimized black people. I am tired of getting angry and upset with the law enforcement officials that fail to protect black people. I am mad at us. We are responsible and we need to take responsibility for ourselves.

Bobby Jindal shouldn't even be considering running for President if this story is true and he has failed to take action. Blacks folks should be turning on him and speaking directly to his political future. Investigate this mess or don't get re-elected. It's that simple. And that new cat Cao that got elected in "I Got Ya Money" Jefferson's seat, he wants into the Congressional Black Caucus. Let's see how bad he wants in, black folks should be challenging him to challenge the Governor about this case. And Senator "Freak Nasty" David Vitter, black folks need to be jumping into his ass as well. It's time for black folks to get with the program and learn how to play the game. These are elected officials, make them get to work or vote them out!

Get informed about this terrible story. Read the original breaking story in The Nation. Start asking where in the hell is the NAACP, The Urban League, and good ole Reverend Al Sharpton on this situation? The old guard of black leadership and organizations are failing again. This case is just another Dunbar Village in terms of black folks doing nothing, saying nothing, and standing for nothing. Want to help? Go to the Color of Change website for details. At least these folks are trying!

On a sidebar note - This story should be the last straw in New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's career. He's a brainless and dangerous person. He ran around saying irresponsible things during the Hurricane Katrina disaster and he is partially responsible for creating this anti-black sentiment. He should be shouting from the rafters about this case and where in the hell is he? He should be talking about this case until people run from him because they don't want to hear about it.


Meet Elizabeth Alexander - President-Elect Barack Obama's Inauguration Poet

Never heard of her, but that doesn't mean she isn't great. Anyone out there familiar with her work? If you a Elizabeth Alexander novice like me, check out her website. She's clearly very accomplished and successful. I wish her luck, she has a tough job ahead of her.


Friday, December 19, 2008

President-Elect Obama's Pick Of Pastor Rick Warren To Give The Invocation At The Inauguration Stinks To High Heaven!

First of all, Warren is homophobic. Second of all, he is adamantly anti-abortion. It is absolutely the wrong message for the first black President to give a major platform to a mega-church conservative evangelical who holds beliefs and ideals completely contradictory to the majority of the millions of people who elected you. The President's inaugural invocation should be a message of inclusion for all of the American people and how exactly is Warren going to accomplish that since he has a clear record of excluding others?

Third of all, his inclusion STINKS of political pandering on Obama's part and it makes me sick that Obama would use religion to score political points on his inauguration day. And since Obama threw Reverend Wright under the bus during his Presidential political campaign, how about picking a religious figure from his personal religious denomination of over twenty years to celebrate his inauguration? Could you imagine the power and symbolism of an African American woman pastor delivering the invocation?

Quite frankly, overall Obama's entire inauguration program SUCKS big time. It doesn't even begin to reflect the body of people that supported and voted for his presidency. Where in the hell is Will.I.Am on this program? It could not possibly upset anyone to have the dude that created the you-tube political video of the year on stage at the inauguration. This inauguration program is nowhere as interesting, ambitious, or entertaining as President Bill Clinton's 1992 inauguration.

Check what my blogging sister Tami at What Tami Says has to say on this issue. Please feel free to let me know what you think.


New Pew Poll - Incompetent Is The Word Most Folks Associate With President Bush

Does dumb ass equal incompetent? Because that's my word for good ole "W".


NAACP And It's President Ben Jealous Still Wasting Time Talking About The Obvious Instead Of Doing Anything Practical To Help Black America

Every time they issue this "Hollywood" report, I have the same response, a really big Homer Simpson - DOH? A black man ran for the highest office in the land for nearly two years and actually damn won and mainstream television failed to have one person of color as a lead news journalist. And the NAACP is wasting time issuing a report on what anyone could figure out with a few clicks of the remote.

Further, aren't they paying damn attention? Hollywood is the middle of an economic mess. Other than more cheap reality shows, talks shows, and "So Can You Make A Damn Fool Out Of Yourself" type programming, Hollywood ain't about to create any new shows that anyone wants to see. WE have ENOUGH black folks embarrassing us on reality television and I am hope that CNN will give me a early Xmas gift and cancel the hell out of DL Hughley's dumb ass show.

The NAACP needs to stop wasting time with pointless reports like this. Watching Will Smith promoting 7 pounds on Oprah yesterday, (he was quite delightful by the way), I was struck once again that Mr. Smith is in another movie where he is the only black lead. Will Smith is Mr. Box Office, but he either has no interest or no power to increase the number of black faces working in front or behind the camera in his films.

And if black folks want change in Hollywood we have to support black projects. How many black people saw Spike Lee's last film, The Miracle at St. Anna? How many people saw The Secret Life of Bees, which starred four African American women and a black woman director? How many black folks are still buying DVD bootlegs from BoBo on da' corner? Even though I can understand why, fewer black folks went to see Tyler Perry's latest, The Family That Prays. Good thing he doesn't like to pay his folks the union wage, so his films always turn a profit. And where in the hell as the independent black filmmaker gone?


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Conservative African American Radio Talk Show Host Larry Elder Quits Long-Term Slot At KABC

Conservative radio talk Larry Elder either quit or got fired from his long-term gig at KABC. Elder was apparently searching for a bigger paycheck in a faltering public radio market. Clearly KABC told him to get stuffed, so Elder abruptly ended his show on December 12, 2008. He had been on the station for over 15 years. Let's see if Mr. Elder's white conservative colleagues will make room for him on private-owned radio.


How Should Americans Be Reacting To President Bush's Attempts To Rewrite The History Of His Horrible Presidency?

President Bush is having a good time on his final World and U.S. tour, lying his ass off about his years as President and deflecting any responsibility from himself. I don't know what is worse, his actual presidency or his bald-faced, self-serving lies about his presidential legacy. I am sick of hearing about his crying, being "in the bible" and not "selling his soul." I wish this dude would completely check out from the scene. The only true thing he said in the last few days was he was not Herbert Hoover, he's right, he's worse. At least in Iraq somebody had a reaction, Americans aren't even paying attention.


Do You Really Want A Husband That Bad To Marry This Dude?

I'm a woman and I really do wonder sometimes what in the hell goes through some women's minds. What woman agrees to marry a man that has already been married four times? Particularly when wife #3 died under suspicious circumstances and wife #4 is missing. Does "love" really have that much power to make a woman that delusional?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The HBCU Blues - Is The End Nearing For The Historically Black College?

Check out this proposal that is brewing down in Georgia. I'm not sure I'm feeling this plan at all, especially the ideology behind it. Yet, the reality is that the economy is going to be pinching the hell out of the entire higher education system and the hardest to be hit will be small, liberal arts, historically black colleges. Is this the best option for the survival of HBCUs? Doesn't the history of HBCUs have value? And will such a drastic merger of races, cultures, and campuses work? And if states are facing education budget shortfalls, why don't they target predominantly white institutions for cutbacks and leave the HBCUs alone?

Black folks need to keep an eye on this situation, this proposal could trigger a chain reaction with several HBCUs across the country. Other than the well-known handful of HBCUs that are holding their own academically and financially, this severe economic downturn could really signal the end of an era for many historically black colleges.


Chris "Tweety Bird" Matthews Claps Back Hard On Iraq War Apologist Neo-Con

Chris Matthews can get on your damn nerves with quickness, but you have to admit he has had some classic moments taking right-wing nuts apart like they were gigantic Lego sculptures. This segment is another one of those pure classic Chris Matthews' spittle-flying smackdowns of a right wing nitwit trying their damn hardest to explain away the unexplainable. This dude Matthews hammers, doesn't deserve one lick of sympathy, he's a scumbag!


Crazy White People Chronicles - Family Has One Child Named Adolf Hitler And Another Named Aryan Nation And They Are Not Neo-Nazis - Just Regular Folk

Now being black, I ain't trying to say nothing about what folks name their children, but damn, Adolf Hitler? That's a lot of baggage to put on a little baby boy. The supermarket was wrong as hell and should have done his birthday cake. They are in the business of making cakes not judgments. If they weren't asked to write something nasty or racist, it was none of their damn business. I am a little worried that this story is getting national attention, what's next, folks naming their kids, Ted Bundy, Idi Amin Dada, or Freddy Kruger?


Professor Tracey's Beloved L.A. Lakers Are The Worst Looking 21-3 Team In NBA History!

Anybody that reads this blog regularly knows I love my Lakers, but damn, can anyone on this damn team play a little defense? I don't care if they are 21-3, they look nothing like a championship squad. The Celtics or the Cavaliers would kick their butts right now. And why is Kobe Bryant looking mortal so far this season?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Black Coach Bites The Dust In The NBA In This Early 2008-2009 Season

The Sacramento Kings fired Reggie Theus. Eddie Jordan, Mo' Cheeks, and Sam Mitchell, all down for the count. You can get hired baby, but you can get fired too. LOL! They need to start firing some of the ugly NBA coaches, you can't fired all the sideline eye candy. The Minnesota Timberwolves Kevin "Frankenstein Monsta" McHale would be a good choice and so would be Larry "I didn't really want that job anyway" Brown of the Charlotte Bobcats would be another.


Was SNL's Parody Of NY Governor Paterson Even Funny?

I'm not sure what the big deal is about this skit, other than the fact it wasn't really very funny at all. I'm not that big on this dude's parody of Barack Obama and this skit on Paterson just made me wonder why in the hell is SNL after all these damn years on the air are still so resistance to hiring multiple African American cast members, so a white man doesn't have to play black people. What happens when Maya Rudolph decides not to return to play Michelle Obama, are they gonna put one of the white girls in an afro wig and blackface?

Black folk better fine their sense of humor quick, with so many black folk in elected and appointed office now, there is going to be all kinds of strange attempts at humor, satire, and parody....and a whole hell of a lot of this humor is going to fall very, very, flat.


More...Is That Art?

Is this art? This "piece" was especially created for underwater viewing. I kinda like this. It's eerie, but somewhat beautiful. I'm still not sure it's "ART" though.


Obama Picks Arne Duncan For Secretary of Education

Not the choice I was hoping for, but he seems to be an interesting pick. Read up on Mr. Duncan, here, here, and here.


Sorry JD - I Still Think This Is Funny As Hell!

I know I should be upset because this man is the symbol of our country's leadership, but I just can't garner the sympathy. This just cracks me up!


Monday, December 15, 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama - Now That The Brotha Got Elected - He Ain't Black...Again!

Somebody here ain't quite like the others!

Folks can waste their time debating President-Elect Obama's racial identity if they want to, but I find the discussion completely pointless. Barack Obama has been called EVERY racial slur and endured EVERY racial stereotype attributed to African Americans and unlike many of us, he has suffered these indignities in the most public fashion. I believe that he has felt the pain, shame, and rage of every insult, every jeer, every nastiness.

Being called "Nigger" reminds EVERY black person whether they are all black, half-black, quarter-black, what in the hell ever black - folks want to measure blackness by, that they AIN'T WHITE! End of discussion.


This Is Funny As Hell! - Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoe At President "Can't Leave Office Quick Enough" Bush

This was a double your pleasure event - White House Press Secretary Dana Perino got smacked in the grill with a microphone during the ensuing post-shoe throwing dust-up, getting a small black eye. So much for being happy with Americans in Iraq, but in a democracy, shoe-throwing will not result in the lost of your hands, so I guess life in Iraq has improved.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

David "Ain't Nothing Like Pimpin' Chelsea Clinton" Shuster To Be The New Host Of “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue”

Same stupid title, same stupid show, now just a different white man at the helm to say stupid stuff. Who says that life never changes?


Senator David Vitter Gets Dissed By Auto Workers Union Local President

"He'd rather pay a prostitute than pay auto workers." - Morgan Johnson, president of the United Auto Workers local, Shreveport, LA

Vitter voted against the auto bailout, the same dude who used the same salary paid to him by the taxpayers of Louisiana to have prostitutes burp him like a baby in a man-sized diaper. Yuck!


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